
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) poolreports.kinja.com/ publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 1/22/18
>VP Pence @Knesset in is-ra-hell 1/22/18
>VP Pence/bibi press conference 1/22/18
>2nd Lady in is-ra-hell 1/22/18
>VP Pence speaks to troops in Jordan 1/21/18
>VP Pence leaving Egypt 1/20/18
>WH Press Brief (Dir Short/OMBD Mulvaney) 1/20/18
>New Ad: Complicit 1/20/18
>VP Pence speaks to the Sisi 1/20/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence @March4Life 1/19/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady leaving for Is-ra-hell 1/19/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis on Natl Def Strategy 1/19/18
>HUDSec Sleepy Carson on eVision 1/19/18
>SoS T-Rex meets Jordanian FM Safadi 1/19/18
>StateDep DepSec Sullivan @UNSC 1/19/18
>WH Press Brief (Dir Legislative Aff Short, OMBD Mulvaney) 1/19/18
>This Week @State 1/19/18
>Pres Trump @H&K Equip Co 1/18/18
>Pres Trump tours H&K Equip Co 1/18/18
>VP Pence @March4Life 1/18/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



Checkmate Drumfshits

When did images come back up?

Then release it to see what the russians are doing.

>They are disturbing but they also make me laugh harder than they should as well.
I appreciate the bully culture against emasculated men that it inflames (which is drastically needed), I only get mad or sad at memes like that these days.
> Unless that was the imposter again?
nah that was me, I liked talking about fred that night. You really get a picture of Trump as a very reflective and insecure man that uses his work and persona to distract him from his emotions. I still think he regrets cheating on Ivana, and he certainly regrets the effect he had on Fred whilst growing up.
*ok sign*
it's a core right wing meme to shame and criticise nu-males, the soyboy meme will only evolve into a new form.

>Anyone who I don't like is a Russian

Cyka blyat

Images are back?

In some ways regular captcha is faster than legacy.

WATCH LIVE: CIA Director Mike Pompeo speaks on the future of intelligence.


"Stupidest damn thing"

>No fault divorce
>No fault employment termination
Maybe you guys need reforms when people can unjustly end things.

I CAN POST GRAPHS AGAIN. Too bad I don’t have any. Here is a mutt. La creatura satania


>soylent is soy milk
stop this brainletardation

What's the status of the government right now?

Last night

I still use a russian IP when shitposting on twitter.

>memory hole anything we don't like
It's actually scary.

I waiting to see when the Russian boogeyman would show up. Once again the dems don’t disappoint

>smokes ciggies AND dicks

>Attorney General Jeff Sessions was questioned for several hours last week by the special counsel’s office as part of the investigation into Russia’s meddling in the election and whether the president obstructed justice since taking office, according to a Justice Department spokeswoman.

What did he mean by this?

Anything to look forward to today? Any special events happening?

When I woke up before the sunrise I was already seeing pictures being posted, but I only came back close to midday.


After Trump signed the CR

>Sitting congressmen with access to top secret information regarding potentially biggest scandal in American history say memo is very important
>Americans are very interesting and want information public
>Must be the Russians

First customer at 10:04 am. So hot and fresh I can hardly eat it.
If you haven't had these tendies you have never truly been comfy.

>letting people talk to each other about politics on social media hurts democrazy

>Dems want to normalize bot campaign investigations on soc media
oh this will turn out good

I will retire. I will not fill 10 fading captchas nor will I buy pass to a shit service spreading malicious ads.

See you space cowbots.

This is my last news pasta

Hill Dems suggest House Intel 'FISA abuse' memo, #releasethememo calls, are part of Russian attack on US.


Brazil we might not always agree but you good eye on this one

>when "low approval ratings" work in your favor

At-will employment is generally a good thing though. It's what allows US firms to hire and fire as needed to stay competitive. No-fault divorce is an entirely different thing, since marriage's only value is its permanence.

>House Intel 'FISA Abuse' memo part of Russian attacks

>social media is banned
It's a delicate line, but people would be better off.

More like mobocracy, amirite?

What the fuck does that even mean?

>Drudge calling out Wolff.

where are those from

Yes, but at a price. To prevent spam, you have to use the shitty image clicky captcha they use to train their self driving cars.

I dont get it

Up and operational.

Who else is seeing peterson today?

Shut up Finn you are here forever
>la creatura eternia


We need to but the Jews are strong in the Law department so it's going to be a tough battle. But if we can reverse it state by state and even with Trump's picks on the Supreme court it's possible to overturn it. Also I find it funny no matter how Traditional these fake females are they will always do pro choice and Cuck on the issue.

Soylent is a meal replacement largely made from soy; your point?

>promise of DACA vote?

kek the fuck does that even mean? is there even a bill to vote on?

Culvers, the only place to get crinkle cut fries done right

I'm already garbage, might as well go all out

The Republicans had a zero batting average in past shutdown fights because they were always the ones shutting the government down. I really don't know how they thought they were going to be exempt from blame after filibustering.

Cant post traps anymore because electricity is live.

If you can read this message. I'm surprised I made it through. No longer have options for older captcha in settings either.

The people that say Trump is a mindless psycho have obviously never seen him talk about his family, especially his dad and brother.

>commies appealing to patriotism
fucking gas this vermin

Find an abbo and get AIDS then

I can force regular captcha on here but it's not working on other boards. What do?

Damn it. It was fun while it lasted.


I rarely go to Culver's but God damn they are good.

You realize by "harmful effects" they don't mean literal mob rule; they mean the people calling that out, right?


>is there even a bill to vote on?

They're trying to push the angle that firing Comey was somehow obstruction of justice.


Now THAT is some desperation. This gon' be gud.

I do not get it.

I'm not watching that fucking AI waifu movie no matter how hard you try


Post 2n best mech instead

Ate there yesterday but got a bacon deluxe

>tfw no locations in west coast best coast

This is more about elites admitting they have lost control.

Soy protein isolate my dude

She did break my heart, Cory. She broke my heart when you and yours gave her fucking cancer in 1965.


im getting pretty dang sick of this

Yeah but we got imageposting back.


Why are you using old captcha when you dont even need to solve anything on the new captcha

When Gov opened back up
>Gowdy and Nunes are Russians!!
They actually want Civil War don’t they?


True, though I am disappointed that I never got to post one of those ASCII things

it means McConnell promised a floor vote in the Senate on a DACA bill by Feb 8th, those are the only specifics.

>fading captchas
Hit the 2 arrows in a circle and it'll give you a regular one. Fuck the fading bullshit; takes 5 minutes.

its 20bux just buy aren't you rich?

>based midwest food emporium doesn't serve mexicans

they're ok. they're no publix tendies

Vice President Pence Address to the Israeli Knesset
>While in Jerusalem, Vice President Pence addressed lawmakers in Israel’s parliament, known as the Knesset. He talked about the longstanding relationship between the U.S. and Israel and reaffirmed President Trump’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. The vice president announced that the new embassy would be open before the end of 2019. At the start of his remarks, protestors briefly interrupted the session.


>best coast
Fake news

>I will retire.

I have no idea what the fuck you're on about but if you're referring to the new Blade Runner, it's actually pretty good. It stars The Goose.


>The people that say Trump is a mindless psycho have obviously never seen him talk about his family, especially his dad and brother.
you're right satan, it's all just MSM and soundbites. They don't get his humour, they don't get his heart, they don't understand the sacrifice he made for the Americans to become President. Watching the Citizen Kane interview, the opioid epidemic video and handful of interviews shows how much empathy he has, how generally lonely he's always felt, how much he regrets his life decisions.

The funny part is that was gonna be the case anyways since Democrats definitely won't shut the fuck up about it even after it's completely dead

I hope McConnell puts Goodlatte bill forth and makes these fuckers choke on it.

>was intended to manipulate and suppress democracy
>actually used to empower and inform the people by a bunch of Tibetan culture connoisseurs
>we so sorry!
loving this timeline

>They're trying to push the angle
The media pushes angles. Mueller investigates. Why would Sessions be interviewed by Mueller?

Exactly. Trump seems to like talking about Fred as a person (always talks him up over himself) but you can see/hear his sadness and regret as well. That interview you were quoting (something about Donald being asked if his success pushed Fred to depression and drinking and DT replied "I don't know, I don't know...") damn near choked me up

>don't have to click on signs/cars/bridges
>just click captcha and it confirms immediately
This is actually not that bad...