She's like 25% white anyway
she looks so fucking ugly tho, the dude can do waaaay better.
30% now that she's been #bleached by dat BWC. Cry about it bl*ck bois
his hands are tiny
You laugh but isn't Sup Forums the same as those twitter people, only the opposite?
>muh White heritage
>we should keep our gene pool pure
>no to race mixing
>we shouldn't lose our white european women to Muslim immigrants!
You and those twitter users are exactly the same. You get mad at this image too.
>She's with a clone of Tom Cruise
That's kind of racist of them, don't you think?
>You get mad at this image too.
no. who gives a shit about race mixing whores.
Not really. Those people on twitter are legitimately angry etc. On Sup Forums its just shitposting. The kind of white women that go for blacks in reality are broken anyway and generally will be unwanted goods.
Kek these niggers are salty
>being raised well and wanting a man like their daddies
Top fucking kek, i doubt that that nigger know his daddy
>thinks he's doing it for the ass
No, he's playing the game, Obama has connections.
>You laugh but isn't Sup Forums the same as those twitter people, only the opposite?
Yes. It's hilarious how much this board lacks self-awareness.
Yeah dude I think it's hilarious. There are way more dudes than chicks therefore we can lose a few white dudes to troll these monkeys
Don't be in denial. I see through your bullshit. Threads with white women with black boyfriends get 400 replies in 1 hour before it 404. That's how triggered you are when White women are with Black men.
>Obama is a white supremacist
Now this is some mental gymnastics
I don't approve of miscegenation, you're correct. But I always approve of butthurt niggers, whatever the reason
On a plantation?
Standing on top of a pile of trash, naming yourself king.
What makes Sup Forums more mad than seeing a white blonde girl with a black man? Seeing her with an Asian man. I think some guys are actually into the cucked and blocked meme now, but white girl plus Asian guy? Mad. Seething.
The difference is the white women are downgrading, but it also weeds out the trash in our race.
Tyrone will have them 6 feet under before we know it. And then he will be in jail. Weed out the trash.
kek Colonization process has just started
good good if the male niggers steal our women we will steal theirs !!
>Threads with white women with black boyfriends get 4 replies with 1 IP and 3 seconds before it 404.
Femanon here. My experiences are:
Black guys: larger dicks, fun to be around, interesting conversation anytime you want, nicely dressed and groomed, crack jokes all the time, will take you places, broad social spectrum, know interesting people you will be introduced to, behave like real men, smile on their faces most of the time, can dance and cook.
White guys: tiny dicks, socially awkward, quiet, inhibited socially, boring, prefer to stay home, hate to dance, sad faces, angsty, creepy, often have either anger or anxiety issues.
More black boys for me :3
There’s a rhetoric that black girls are raised well and want a man like their father? I guess that’s why they are always single
I just don't see a bunch of white guys or from any other ethnicity fighting for negresses user.
Gave you what you wanted.
Still king nibba
Interracialism is inherently morally wrong.
Don’t worry, your toll will be paid soon enough
Malia Onigger
cute fuccboi
White and weak.
dead souless eyes
Tell me about your KANGDOM, where exactly is it.
t. asian masculinity.
Ground up and in the freezer?
There's not a rich black girl in existence who dates black dudes. They always fuck white guys. Every nigger bitch would. If she could.
Whites are a higher class of male. Period.
>Whiter than you, Muhammed
He might just have a fetish for incredibly fucking huge foreheads.
its Barry "King of the Niggers" Obama's daughter
how retarded are you?
i also like my coffee like I like my women.
Niggers are so transparently insecure. All that loud, obnoxious bloviating they do? It's because even they recognize how inferior they are and must find some way of compensating. Even the most well-off nigger is still a nigger.
This is how you wind up with a slave race with delusions of grandeur about how they were once space kangz n sheit.
What?! Blacks are racist?!
Enjoy the hood coalburner. That is where black men live and is the result of black men.
>MUH NIGGER MALES HOT cuz of their Dick
Whore detected
>fun to be around
hmm you like going to prision ?
>interesting conversation anytime you want
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yes "we wuz kangz" is very interesting more than Plato or any other whitey philosopher
>crack jokes all the time
so? anyone can say a good joke
>know interesting people
(who have been to jail or will end up in one and people who will have a shitty job)
>behave like real men
so slapping you and calling you a whore is an act of chivalry ?
>can cook
WTF maybe you meant they can cook drugs well ?
THATS IT im giving up on you white sluts call me a race mixer or whatever but if this is the AIDS my race has to offer (on the female point of view) i rather get a good girl who respects me and is not a whore and is a good person in general no matter her race is
>Femanon here
Tits or gtfo
great bait, my dude
>Femanon here
Only trashy white women racemix.
It's a pasta you fucking retard.
How come we don't false flag these interracial relationships to rile up the blacks? Plenty of Niggers hate miscegenation and the Nigresses hate White Wymen stealing their man.
How are you different? You're a worthless NEET not only LARPing as the US but as every white dude that has achieved something
Stop gobbling up that bait you stupid cunt
Notice the bars on the windows and doors. Black neighborhoods are prisons for non niggers.
i fucking hope so because i see this shit also IRL and wouldnt surprise me at all
Shhh shh don't tell them. Let them vent over this
I guess it's riling them up because the blacks see Obama as their royalty.
They are a tribe of Kangz after all.
Please lurk more
She's so fucking ugly.
>larger dicks
>nicely dressed and groomed
Isnt there a sex tape leak of Malia?
Thanks for proving me right.
Lol big dick meme. Every girl I know hates niggers cause they have small peckers and smell like shit
>LARPing as a trigger wh*Te boi
you're obviously an illiterate nigger trying to pretend to be white but your shitskin seeps through cringe and your inability to grasp the English language
>anyone can say a good joke
it's "tell" you nigger
anyone can TELL a good joke
>A beautiful chocolate man to kiss
She's just like her granddad!
Dumb bitch doesn't know the difference between being social and a nigger who doesn't have self awareness.
trash self segregating.
I'm just waiting for the massive Unicorn horn to break through. Her skull looks like it's under intense pressure.
shush Amerimutt i will always be more racially pure than you , also not a shitskin
>implying that black children have a known father to discuss sheeiitt with
>Be Aristocrat Chad i.e. Bartholomew
>Go for ugly nog-alien hybrid chicks
stolen more girls than black boyfriends than I can count
I enjoy cumming on their faces and then never talking to them again. Even recorded about half of them, toying with the idea of sending a couple scenes to the nogs
You win this time white boy
She was raised by Harvard graduates, one of whom became the president. There's honestly not much she would have in common with the average black dude.
she part of the big headed scientist bloodline
You have a poor understanding of the makeup of this audience you borsch nigger. There are more than NEETs here
>stuffed in a burlap sack and carried through the andes on the back of a donkey
Nice try, roach. But your memeflag doesn't hide the stench of turk. You bad at the BWC?
Black guys: interesting conversation? LOL
Nicely dressed? LOL
Take you places? In what?
Real men? Food stamps
Cook? Umm, OK
Begone Kike
The Eternal Anglo coming for your females.
So you are a lazy nigger that isn't at work or even better yet at work but browsing Sup Forums? OK
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
>Mr bones hands
>Looks like a massive faggot
I love how this is still shilled as the ideal to young women lol
I’m actually going to start doing these even though I hate niggers, the person must be laughing their ass off
If anything, we need to wind them up more too. People talk shit about the US being diverse, but the stigma of racemixing is ever present since the Civil War.
Does anyone have more of these images
This is copypasta, seen it about 4 times in the last few months, first made by a Turk I believe.
>You laugh but isn't Sup Forums the same as those twitter people, only the opposite?
There's a big difference that's subtly and surely avoided by people pushing this angle
When a white girl dates a black guy, she's made fun of, she's paraded as an example and put under a light by her sane white friends, if any.
When a black girl dates a white guy, there's a strong push for her to stop dating, and to keep it black on black.
In the former, there's no push to change the white girl mind, she is at fault but it is her free choice to do so, there's no push and so catharsis is enjoyed in the form of toll payment threads by mostly white men.
In the latter, there is no catharsis to be had. It's niggers calling out niggers that date out of skin tone pool. It is also much more biased towards black girls, for what reason one could only speculate
No he can't, it's why he's a race traitor
Probably Anglo scum