What are some good Sup Forums alternatives?

what are some good Sup Forums alternatives?

nice try, google



Day of the rope when?

Fresh air is nice, you pathetic cunts.

we wouldnt be here if it was

having a life

Shitposting in the streets

9gag lol


A life?

This, and reddit.

meme flag

Reddit or shareblue

Are you the result of the Jewish propaganda or bad genetics or both?

9gag is cancer

8ch, Voat


Millchan, to access it you need to install zeronet and then go to the url.


What if we are just genuinely nice to each other?

I hear that place is full of pedophiles and doxxers.

if you have to ask, you'll never understand

Seems like a honeypot

Glowing brightly there!


r/indianpeoplefacebook is good though


Go be a slav somewhere else

9gag and ebaumsworld are my favourites!

Then it wouldn't be Sup Forums. Every other user base on every other site fakes being
courteous to each other. This is the last place online you can be a raging dick head if you feel like it. The constant hostility is part of the charm.

wow, shes hot

reddit imgur, youtube, suicide, a book, go outside, find a good discord

And Roblox

>fresh air
>literally breathes in Mohammed's farts all day

roblox is a great place to hit on children!!

What's up with these Ukraine flags/fags?

Consider killing yourself

Wow, you're a newfag.

Why do you think people on Sup Forums were the first to noticed the pizzagate innuendo in the podesta Emails?

Your mother's cunt.


Nah, just paranoid

keep using this honeypot then.

I hear you fucked a nigger

I rarely see Muslims. Quite a few Poles live here though, which explains why I smell kielbasa whenever I breathe in.

Zeronet is available on the Android store, so Jewgle is involved

I can put anything on the playstore too.
>Jewgle captcha
>Various mobile cuckchan browsing apps on the appstore
Don't use it if you don't want to.

>I can put anything on the playstore too
What is Gab?

Heard they censor.
It's still hosted by someone else. ?



THat's how it works.
Zeronet software uses the home address with a certain port.
You are pretty much downloading a website and content you want p2p, that's how you access it.

8ch but the interface is such a fucking pain omg

I was joking, but technically you could

why doesn't Sup Forums let us mention the other chans?


Overchan will be your guide.


Starting societies/structures with like minded people. Technology can only do so much when it comes to organization, since technology can be used against you.

>Make a post
>try again
>try fifty times to post
>Try one last time
>error flood detected
I wish Codemonkey was competent.

Zeronet sounds like a good way for feds to sneak cp onto your pc then discredit you since you have cp.

Why doesn't Burger King let you sit at their tables and eat McDonalds?

>i'm a whiny pussy so i need echo chamber safe spaces in real life just like i have on Sup Forums

no wonder you trumpfags are unemployable, effeminate cucks

Jfc Frank pops up.




Your mom.

It's an organic process it will arise when the need for it appear.

Nobody can stop this, not even Gulagle.

Shareblue and momentum

>a good discord




Starting to interact with people in real life, for example

Its not "fake courteousness", they just dont pay atention to bitter loser like you

thankyou for the novel information and puzzles.

rather die then go on 9faggot