> Invest in the system
> Work to change it from the inside
> Do not invest in the system
> Work to change it from the outside
What will it be, Sup Forums?
Invest in the system
If investing in the system means losing your identity and sacrificing your principles, there is no longer anything left to save.
>Destroy the system
>Kill Kikes
>Steal shekels
This. Why should we support a system that doesn't support us.
If they want what we have build they must take it by force; Let them try.
Option C: Hijack the system and change it into something fundamentally unrecognizable.
What a neet thing to say.
Shekel are worth shit if you destroyed the system that was built around them.
fucking newfags I swear
Shekels covers all the resources of the Jew, not just physical coins you nigger.
You have no creativity, this isn't a binary situation.
>Investing anything in the system is foolish, at higher tiers, individuals do everything they can to keep what they can for themselves. Only a fool pays his tax burden, or wastes time volunteering when that time could be spent on some other activity.
>All systems are interrelated, you cannot escape hierarchy or societal structures. Action or inaction ripples through society as a whole.
Even talking shit on Sup Forums or in your various social media sites has some effect.
>stuck with the system
>Even talking shit on Sup Forums or in your various social media sites has some effect.
It really doesn't though and if it does it's minor. Bitching really doesn't solve anything. It's a waste of time. Studying the system and trying to be successful in it is the most wise action someone can take. Everything else is destined for failure.
I remember when I was teen I too wanted be a revolutionary. Jesus Christ the amount of cringe I feel when I get flashbacks...
You dont understand the concept of transmitting convincing ideas on an open platform. Even by behaving like a toxic shit on a fucking online game you are playing a part in shifting global culture, normalizing certain behaviors amongst your peers, etc etc.
If you can't see how things have changed with online culture influencing real world interactions on a massive scale you have no sense of perspective.
The base ideologies that newer generations have today is driven by internet subcultures when parents decided to eschew the responsibility of teaching children.
You take the whole internet thing way too seriously. It's just a media and not a fucking petri dish to have it's own culture ffs
if some kids think that some shitposts made by some retards matter than they're retarded themselves and real world isn't really a such friendly place for retards fyi
But that's the thing, people take the internet seriously. How else would you explain people committing suicide over cyberbullying?
Fact is, people develop a pavlovian rewards system over their online interactions, and certain behaviors (for example, circle jerking), are rewarded in online communities. The same thing occurs offline. People carry over behaviors from online interactions into the real world. Even if you don't do consciously I'm sure if you really give it some thought you can think of a way the internet has had an effect on your behavior.
But to return to my main point, all behaviors have an effect on your immediate social circle, and that radiates outward shifting society as a whole towards specific ideological thoughts.
Phoenix. It's replete in mythology; similar to the flood story. Want to know why? It's easier to rebuild after burning everything down than it is to try and mutate something from within once cancer has infected it; or from the outside, for that matter.
This is true.
To add to that, adjusting it from the outside is like removing a gargantuan growth of cancer from your body. Once your done, you look at yourself and say "might as well have just said fuck it".
>But that's the thing, people take the internet seriously. How else would you explain people committing suicide over cyberbullying?
What percent of people that did that was in adolescence or past it? No matter how much kids these days think that their subjective opinion is important in reality it really holds no value to the system this thread is all about. I really doubt that you can change the nature of reality just by throwing a tantrums on youtube. System is objectively good and n op amount of shittalking will change that. Only thing that might change is the perception of it of retards.
That's a nice clock you got there, user.
i hate the system but what else should I do,I exploit it as much as I can without feeling completely horrible and thus lead a very pleasant life. Any time there's a real chance to burn everything down, though, count me and my blood shekels in
>but user, youtube consists mostly of people throwing tantrums and hundreds of millions of people view their content, then people replicate those ideas/behavior in order to garner social capital in real life
maybe they are watching them throwing tantrums just to laugh at their pathetic asses?
Stop paying taxes and start forming self sustaining communities
It's not my fault you don't understand interrelated systems and social theory Slovenia.
What about all the normies (excuse the term) who upload much of their lives to social media and whose social lives are experienced in large part through social media. Of COURSE the views and attitude that are absorbed and shaped through social media encounters will have an effect on real world actions.
>Do not invest in the system
>Do not work to change it
System doesn't care about me, I don't care about it.
What happens when the internet or electricity is out? How much do random tantrums matter then?
People's behavior will still be determined in part by the messages they were exposed to before the outage
but the spell will wear off sooner or later when they'll have to interact with the system and reality in 3D