Why is russia so poor?

Why is russia so poor?
Aren't they least degenerate white?

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It's full of Russians.

East Slavs are the worst type of white people, while West Slavs tend to be brilliant in comparison.

Shitty communist plan economy, that was fucked up even more by "shock therapy" reforms in 1990s


>Why is russia so poor?
pls no bully

Because russians are even more corrupt than the italians.

When was Russia ever rich? It's been a country of 90% literal peasants, 5% government servants (middle class) and 5% oligarchy since its inception.

Even with the large state with resources that Russia has, it's a shithole. Last major white country to industrialise, last major white country to abolish feudalism. Shit all round throughout history.


russians are chronically depressed, at least they're devout Orthodox

people are exploited by Oligarchs.

not really, they have Crimea, Konigsberg and other sheeit

>Aren't they least degenerate white?
>drug addiction
What the hell kind of utopian view do you have of Russia?

It’s a huge landmass with very limited usable shoreline. The US, comparatively, has immense access to the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, enabling international trade.

Communism fucked them economically speaking. Same for most Eastern European countries.
And they also have to deal with sanctions.

top kekek

>And they also have to deal with sanctions.
They didn't see them coming?

Uhhhhhmmmm...they are communist. Ya damn gook.

I thought you slopes were supposed to be smart?

the devil attacks only real christians, caths and prods wallow in satanic riches and satanic faggotry/travestism

I unironically want Russia to succeed and to keep on being Russian.

Kinda no, the whole Crimea thing was really sudden. I think it was a dision made in the last moment, without any precautions

>. Last major white country to industrialise, last major white country to abolish feudalism
That's because they intentionally wanted to resist Westernisation. And rightfully so, that's why Russia will exist in 100 - 200 years and America, EU, and NATO won't. Not degenerating your country by adopting Western values will mean sacrificing shekels. This is what most of you larpers here don't get. Do you want degeneracy but more shekels, or less shekels but less degeneracy? Pick your poison.

Russia has produced contributions to the sciences, mathematics, literature, arts, music to a level competing with the West. Please tell me how the contributions of Basov, Lomonosov, Lobachevsky, Perelman, Dostoevky, Shastokovich, and many others don't compare with Western greats.

Your views are simply childish. There are deep historical and geographical reasons for Russia's current economic backwardness, including mongol invasions, muslim invasions, and communism.

True, I'm not justifying their gov of anything...

>t. Russaboo
Russians are blockheads. Go there and you'll see this.

>no arguments
My god this board is utter shite.

>resist westernization

What in the absolute fuck are you talking about. Russians are the biggest Westaboos of all time. Their upper class literally spoke French for a hundred years because it was in vogue. And kek blaming the Mongol invasions, something 600 years ago, for their current backwardness. You're a fucking imbecile.

Degeneracy forms when people are rich and have nothing better to do with their lives.

then stop invading sovereign nations, asshole

Do more open source lmao.

Exactly the opposite is true. Especially Poles are the 56% of Slavs (and that's why mutts love them so much).

pick one and only one

stop being a idiot swede , they tried bring nato in ukraine, that's preposterous 100%

>sodomite nation that supported libyan invasion
die sw*deoid die die die

they're getting quite a bit better. the sanctions are only getting them to build more infrastructure so that's good. i have a lot of optimism for russia

Eat shit heretic, Catholicism is the true faith; however, the church has been compromised by Satan and his demons while the Jew makes our youth docile with marijuana and instagram.

>What in the absolute fuck are you talking about. Russians are the biggest Westaboos of all time. Their upper class literally spoke French for a hundred years because it was in vogue
T. doesn't know basic Russian history.
They went through periods of resistance, specifically during periods of great advancement in the West. The Russian revolution itself was caused by the Tsars reluctance to pass reforms for decades. What sort of country not resisting westernisation doesn't abolish serfdom until half way pas the 19th century?
>And kek blaming the Mongol invasions, something 600 years ago, for their current backwardness. You're a fucking imbecile.
I don't think your brainlet brain comprehends the geopolitical catastrophe that mongols caused in the east. It literally set the place back by centuries and led to countless more wars in the future, specifically against Poland-Lithuania and others that filled the power vacuum. Comparatively, the west was left in peace to develop during a key periods in history. Kieven Rus was one of the most advanced places outside of Rome at the time. Additionally, the west was the primary inheritor of roman culture and trade routes. All this compounds to create a massive advantage to the West, it's a more serious explanation than muh superior race memery.

>Catholicism is the true faith
nope, it's a big post-office with fags

>Catholicism is the true faith;
>however, the church has been compromised by Satan
the absolute state of catholicucks

At least it's not as cucked as orthofags

I want a russian waifu. Tell me user. how i get one.

They are basically the only European nation capable of surviving the decline of the West and coming out stronger, once it erupts into civil war and balkanization on racial, religious, and ethnic lines.

(1) They are constantly investing in their military, infrastructure, and industry.
(2) They are, unlike the West, allowed to celebrate all of their history. Even Communism has been spinned positively for the sake of Russian nationalism. These people have a strong collective identity going back thousands of years, meanwhile the West ignores the last 500 years of its history and teaches it's evil, and even actively rewrites it for the sake of foreign invaders.

>and teaches it's evil,

ask her to send bob and vegene

Sweden stop crying please.
People are supposed to dominate over the weaker groups of other people. That's how it works. If you sweden have become a sissy liberal cuck like the Jew wanted, it's your fault, don't pretend like everybody around have to be the same cucks as you are.

They act all tough when everything is good but when the real shit hits the fan they will cover in fear.

>the real shit hits the fan they will cover in fear.
What, like in Stalingrad?

Those who speak about abortion or homicide rate in Russia are using outdated data
Yep situation is far worse than in any other european nation(except for poorkrain) but situation has been steadily improving since based Putin came to power

pardon nigger?

>are basically the only European nation capable of surviving the decline of the West and coming out stronger, once it erupts into civil war and balkanization on racial, religious, and ethnic lines.
11-14th centuries it was mongols
>(1) They are constantly investing in their military, infrastructure, and industry.
(not slav priorities) LOL
>(2) They are, unlike the West, allowed to celebrate all of their history. Even Communism has been spinned positively for the sake of Russian nationalism.
good, innit?
>These people have a strong collective identity going back thousands of years,
BS, you only started to become a nation post 14't century take over by Novgorod Republic
> meanwhile the West ignores the last 500 years of its history and teaches it's evil, and even actively rewrites it for the sake of foreign invaders.
We talked about russia, no?

Ask one on Vkontakte for bobs and vegana. Works like a charm.

I did, she said someting like cyka blyt.

Yes, exactly. They were competing with the germans who can shit their pants more. They were absolutely terrified when they tried coming here.

>Aren't they least degenerate
heh heh heh heh


Fuck you. I hate that everyone thinks you are OK because of anime and the truth of ww2 was suppressed as "commie propaganda"


30% of the human experimentation was done on Soviets.

This wasn't some nazi style shit either, it was pure depravity. Pure hell.

It just shoes you what happens when you let these Asians have power.

cucked ?

neck yourself faggot

West Russia could be Europe teir but they spent a lot of money on military and keeping siberia from breaking away. Also corruption.

>and keeping siberia from breaking away.


>>drug addiction
What the fuck are you talking about mudhumud?
These all are delusional bullshit and are in normal values like in any other big countries.


"Let's just go and capture Crimea, guys! What could possibly go wrong?"
"Oh, no, the evil West forces are invoking sanctions against us! What should we do?! Oh, right - let's destroy our food supplies in return! That will show them!"
"Woops, the olympic committee caught us using doping, what should we do? It's simple - just continue to use them, genius!"
The russian government is so incompetent that it's laughable. Even more laughable than calling russians "least degenerate white" while half of it's population looks like terribly diseased chinese.
I'd say "fuck the russians", but they are already fucked beyond any measure.

>BS, you only started to become a nation post 14't century take over by Novgorod Republic
Mate, you don't even know basic Russian history.
All those other nations were founded by Kievan Rus.
Why are you even in this discussion when I have to explain Russian history to you because you're clueless? Everything you've said in this thread rests on ignorance.
Sort it out.

>meanwhile the West ignores the last 500 years of its history and teaches it's evil, and even actively rewrites it for the sake of foreign invaders.
I really hate this, it's incredible jewery imposed on us .

If their men and equipment was adapted to your conditions, you've wouldn't have won. Now they could drop two nukes on your major cities and you're basically done.

slavs are primitive, all they do is drink wodka all day and shoot up krokodil. But they are good at the killing Chechens

Vitun Iivana.

Russia is a degenerate shithole, not as bad as USSR tho.

Every country has done some horrible shit to other people

They had a modern army, huge amounts of artillery, huge amount of tanks that could traverse even the worst terrains, air superiority, all the ammunition they could ever want. Even with ten years of training they would be horrible soldiers because you know what, they had nothing to fight for. Their country was a shithole, starving, no electricity, nothing. Stalin was a maniac and everyone knew it. Thats why they lost.


Familiarise youself with a "sitting on a bottle" meme.

>Meanwhile Dixie still hasn't recovered from a "war" that'd count as a boring saloon fight in Eastern Europe

They don't have warm water ports and all the major rivers go the wrong way.

>30% of the human experimentation was done on Soviets
It gave the world some educational medical data about human bodies. Much more than any commie slave has ever gave to the world voluntarily.
Also, the japanese, at least, killed people from other countries. Communists killed their own people. And those people didn't even resist. Because all russians are fucking slaves and they like it.

>this blatant denial of the truth

That's how you pas sit off, really? No country has been as vicious as the Japs, along with the rape of Nanking. They try and deny it too.

I don't think Euro countries enacted live vivisection's on children.

Every slavic country is a shithole.

>Communists killed their own people.

Yeah, by what, a bullet? Rather that then the shit the Japs did. They were trying to recreate the fucking plague too which would have been dropped in California to kill millions. Yet you have American weebs...

Watch it before you open your mouth:


>muh gommunism!
Russians sound a lot like niggers who complain about slavery.

>70 years of communist policies had totally no impact on Russia
damn, amerimutts are getting dumber with each day

Lue lisää

For a nation that hasn't completely sold their soul to westernization/USD yet, Russia is doing great

Russians ruled innocent, by the tribunal of Sup Forums
>case closed


Don't really understand what you're trying to pull here. Should i, like, feel for all this commies that were tortured to death?
>They were trying to recreate the fucking plague too which would have been dropped in California
But in the end their country was maimed by bombs that US dropped. Should i feel sorry for the japs too now? I don't give a damn. At least they all were doing what people are supposed to do - working together with "their own" against "the enemy". Russians can't do even basic shit like this - they hate each other, they hate foreigners, they hate their neighbors. Maybe some day they will be able to create an actual human society, but not now.

You haven't been communist for over 25 years you low iq aids ridden monkey. There has been plenty of time to catch up.

I don't usually do this, but
You are a full century late with your wish.

>Why is russia so poor?

>There has been plenty of time to catch up.
Say this to your Southern states Pablo, you guys still can't recover from a fucking Civil War.

Russia is still very much Soviet in culture and mindset. You cant just undo decades of brainwashing at the flick of a switch.

Fanks mate.

How does pointing out Jap crime mean Russians are totally innocent? Sounds like a classical strawman.

Rape is common in all wars through history though. The Japs cut people up while still alive, removed organs. Cut out the stomach to sew the throat to the intestine. Chopped off limbs to watch them bleed out or connect to other sides of the body. Forced people to rape each other and infect each them. Murdered little babies.

The list goes on and on.. the soviets (mongols) raped yes but how the fuck you can even compare the 2 is madness.

The point is to understand the Japs have the ability to be more savage and vile than any other peoples.

You are not even Russian, you are a Jap or American weeb.

>Why is russia so poor?

I do shit on the southern states all of the time. The south is also 50% nigger, Russia is 90% white.

These images don't answer the question though.

>Russia is 90% white

>Why is russia so poor?

Cy-30 в Cиpии


No. How about you anwer the qestion?
Why is Russia poor?

Alcohol and an openly corrupt government.

>You are not even Russian
I've never said that i was russian, what does this have to do with anything? Maybe you just cannot form any coherent arguments because your society is primitive and weak, and everyone can see it, just like we all can see the delusional degeneracy of North Korea.

>Why is russia so poor?