Drop your heaviest red pills lads
Where Did The White Race Originate?
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Not from this planet.
Probably true desu.
Caucasus you retarded illeterate tool ...
We were mostly all whites, races formed from 1000s of years of inbreeding and selective mutations.
there is no single "white" race , thats an american concept. Even Nazis didnt think in terms of an umbrella term , they didnt see other europeans as equals.
the "white race" is actually a mix of 3 different races, Eurasians who spoke indeuropean, Near eastern farmers who brough farming, and hunter gatherer paelo europeans . Different european countries are just a mix of these with a different mixture in each country.
Greeks are more near eastern, swedes are more paleoithic.
so in short whites are just mutts from their inception
we all not from this planet how fucking stupid are you guyz are %$/&?% read a fucking book
Read "The Power Of The Coming Race"
the aryans for the caucasus and west eurasian steppe the rest for anatolia ,
I prefere to be a mutt then a fucking bascket weaving mongol (((weaponised degenerate pedofiend)))
No they’re not. They’re still subhumans like they were back then. The concept of a white race was created in Europe through thousands of years of warfare.
sardinians has 90% of anatolian dna
(((They))) know
>designated Alpha Tauri (α Tauri, abbreviated Alpha Tau, α Tau)
Note that the Tau, or T/t is basically a cross, or Irminsul. Taurus, the bull God. Also, think of the Tao, as in the Tao Te Ching.
Your Jewishness is showing.
The blonde whites, and redheads were the ruling elite of the Atlantic Empire before the flood. Redhead, and blonde giant mummies are found all over the globe. The nazi Vril society`s oracle Maria Orsic stated the german aryans came from the Pleiades, and were the Gods that started Sumer. Many pharaohs were redheads sacred to Set. All redheads have a common ancestor. The blondes are sacred to the sun-gods; that is why they must be protected. We have certain families for that. Jesus was a white God. Blondes were found in Phoenecia, and the Danes of Israel. They were a seafaring people. The redhead celts that lived in Norway came there 5000 years ago. The vikings colonized Scotland where there are 20% redheads today. The black death drove the remaining pure-redhead tribes extinct. They are scattered among the population to die out; like the phoenecian blondes; unless the Gods return.
Aldebaran, which is part of the Sumerian federation.
Believe it or not that is the truth, we and the Asians (Planet Mu) are colonialists.
We came here for Gold, and thats it!
From sons of Seth son of adam, and by extension Noah who was said to be fair skinned in the apocryphas
Whoa, thanks for the links desu.
Nords come from an entirely different root race
I'm preeeetttty sure you can't understand the mysteries of Aryan origins and gain esoteric knowledge by watching a youtube video
estonian girl 90% aryan and whg dna
Bodhi mantra thread comfy
finn sami girl 100% aryan and whg
It its you guys, thanks for all the amazing videos.
You are pleasing all father Wotan.
Greetings from Austria, here to wait for the 3rd Sargon to help him.
Heil Hitler
Can you explain how Sardinians are Anatolian when I completely refuted you?
>Rh Negative
Some days I think the same thing.
North America= Atlantis
>we wuz aliens
It's the other way around genius, white skin and blue eyes didn't even originate from Europe, those are recent mutations.
Sieg Heil brothers! 88
no it was an island in the ATLANTIC
we call them the Azores which is what remains
>came here for Gold
We are the Jews now
they were before anatolia were conquered so many times now sardinians are more anatolian than anatolian thenself
white is not a biological term. caucasian is. you are opening up for mis interpertation by saying white instead of caucasian, or native europe.
Further more it is not race you morron. it is taxon aka sub species.
the caucasian taxon has the most genetic diversity and is the most recesive because of this.
finnish people are not earthlings they are just aliens who are very similar to humans
Nah, I'm not him. Perhaps he will show up. Have you read Marduk's Spear from the Sajaha prophecies?
("Marduk's spear")
1 On the summit of the Gods mountain, Marduk rules the time. He sees bad things coming, can not prevent this coming for a long time. The spear of his spear is stuck in the glass ceiling of the mountain.
2. Dark draws, dominates the light. The midnight land is trapped in distress. The bodies of fallen heroes are decaying at the foot of the sacred mountain.
3. The darkness of the army is approaching from the west; The crowd of speechless people is wallowing wildly from the east. Babylon is beyond salvation, Assur is no longer there to help - paralyzed lies the north of the child.
4. Lonely, Marduk mourns on the world mountain summit. Lost is the home of the gods. They do not sing anymore, they do not celebrate festivals, nor do they prepare for a fight. Even her thoughts are in chains. And Ishtar weeps for her people.
5. Then Marduk raises his eyes to the limits of the highest light, where Ishtar stands weeping. And he hears Ishtar's voice sounding to himself: Mr. Marduk! Shaker of the Midnight Mountain! Fling your spear against the enemy! Save our people!
6. Then Marduk spoke and answered her: 0 Ishtar! How I would like to do what you say to me! But the people lie low, the kingdom is crushed, the violence of our enemies is countless - and the new Sargon, the liberator, the avenger, is not there yet.
7. Ishtar looked at him and said: O Marduk! Behold, what has come from below rules the earthly world and controls our people, who came from above. Do not tolerate that the bottom dominates the top any longer! Spin your spear! The one who picks it up from our own will be the new Sargon!
>t. Judah P. Benjamin
It's a start, and a condensed red pill.
White people are quite literally a recessive gene. Subhuman.
8. Then Marduk tore the spear out of the ground, lifted it up and threw it down with force on the earthly world. And while Marduk did so, Ishtar commanded the stars to radiate a new light, invisible.
9. On the Earth world, Marduk's spear had its effect: he gave the people new will, a new rage and weapon - a new Sargon was raised to the people; and he soon seized Marduk's spear.
10. And a mighty struggle began - until the bottom was conquered and the top was raised, and the new Babylon was built. All this is to be seen in the distant time, all this will be.
What does that have to do with anything?
That’s like saying we’re all African because neanderthals came from Africa a million years ago.
Do you understand how your reasoning does not compute?
Sardinians have no relation to Anatolia and never did.
sardinians 90% anatolian
Hey i know you from some where
Can you shoot yourself?
Looks mongol to me.
No they are not, you are listening to the misconception that this arrived in the south of europe vby migration 8k years ago.
not only are you listing to bullshit you are wrong about it.
even neaderthal already had the eye shade genetics europeans have
You don't know what a red pill is faggot. Getting out of the matrix isn't freedom and enlightenment, it's literally just the beginning. You are presenting the end as the beginning.
Shame YT eviscerated the march of the titans channel.
white race came from a superhuman race that came to Mesopotamia 37,000 years ago. Their descendants wandered north and west eventually ending up in Europe
"For microcephalin, the new variant class emerged about 37,000 years ago and now shows up in about 70 percent of present-day humans. For ASPM, the new variant class arose about 5,800 years ago and now shows up in approximately 30 percent of today’s humans."
spanish 77% anatolian
In the Dogon System...
We were seeded.
Earth was a nigger pen before that.
Muh Sardinians are Anatolian.
Kill yourself.
LOL this retard actually believes in "out of Africa"
Show me evidence that goes against the widely accepted viewpoint on European migration which is backed up by facts.
very important question. also a very important question is. Have you shit posted in real life today? because is happening
Maybe Carl of Swindon is the new Sargon?
french 50% anatolian
But she is Swedish.
Never once mentioned OoA, learn to read autist.
Spanish are wisigoth and Arab ... please miss south carolina 2007 just go
Fuck off kike.
>t. Turkish roach
sweden 30% anatolian
You guus are delusion. We are all mongrels if you look at whats called gene diversity and gene flow. Second, even the civilizations that you think have got to ve pure "white" are mixed. For example the kalash aren't pure they have lots of Asian and African blood in them as well as northern. European blood as well. So again you guys are delusional
The majority of Europeans have 0 African DNA
The Caucasus Mountains. Hence the name "Caucasians".
Beautiful hyperborea, where the sun never sets and we dwelled in peace amongst the snow.
This was in 2017 and why everyone keep shilling muh african origin?
You gain dominate genetics by inbreeding
out of africa myth has been debunked. we moved in to africa as a species.
Because it is widely accepted doesnt makes it right. you should be worrying about things accepted by the masses
Why dont you look this shit up yourself??. any way. how do you think that this "mutation" as you say happened 8 k years ago (which is a misconception) how come the Scandinavians have been the same for the past 40k years? sciencenordic.com
In central Asia, whites are the sons of Japheth, Blacks are the sons of Ham and Semites are the sons of Shem.
wow a fucking Genius at last !
From space, the whiter you are the more alien DNA you have.
lithuanian 10%
My theory is that part of it was a deliberate breeding program in Asia somewhere, and the rest was evolution after we stumbled into Europe.
What I cant figure is why we left. I wonder if we were a slave class that simply wandered off when the society that built us collapsed. We clearly left in some numbers. Or were we invented to be some sort of super beings and basically "escaped the lab". Maybe they realized that breeding new beings creates a problem because they will never quite be like their inventors and will eventually grow more numerous.
I figure they will invent us again if we ever go extinct. I think other races just like the color of the skin, and the variety of hair colors. Thats the aesthetic part. We also seem to have higher than average intelligence. It may be that we were simply bred for looks like animals. Because I think the empathy and social organization part came from evolution in Europe. When the air is trying to kill you half the year, you become exceedingly pro-social, patient and empathetic if you dont want your ass kicked out of the camp fire to starve and freeze, and people with those asshole tendencies will be selected for extinction in that climate.
Because they’re subhuman shitskins like the Turk in this thread.
We are all from the same bloodline, most likely the first people created by God were "ruddy" possible with the melanin level of the native americans and mankind's origin was in cradle of civilization.
However there is another bloodline that is mixed with mankind. The bible refers to them as the nephilim, aka "giants". This is where angelic beings who left their first abode wherever that was and rebelled against their creator had sex with mankind and had hybrid children. There was also another group known as the Rephaim or "dead ones".
This is where many mythologies of man came from... quite possibly the stories of the Ramayana, Greek mythology and other mythologies reflect the exploits of the Nephilim, the fallen ones and the Rephaim.... they are also discussed in the Hebrew scriptures where God's chosen people, the Jews fought with them and attempted to cleanse the earth of their hybrid bloodline through holy genocide at God's command.
God himself wiped the Earth of their seed with a global flood, but after Noah and his family was saved (he was the only pure blood left, as the bible says "he was perfect in his generations) the fallen ones procreated with man again and continued to produce these heinous, unholy offspring.
So this is the biggest red pill of all... mythologies and the Gods of many ancient religions (and Hinduism) were most likely modeled on real beings who had great strength, knowledge or were highly rebellious towards our creator God. The leader of the fallen angels known as Samael to some, Satan to others has been trying to screw up the pure bloodline God created for at least 6-10,000 years of recorded history.
Aliens are angels, Gods were real beings and possibly the neanderthals were Nephilim and all the bullshit you learned in school about common descent is false... the Bible is true and if you see an alien, its probably just a fallen angel... or what some people refer to as a demon.
Redpill dropped... continue as normal...
I'm delusional for calling out someone being pure white? If you can have pure niggers (which you can because no one wants to fuck them) then you can also have pure whites.
Ahh the stories these spick niggers believe...
and 30% african
counting muslim rape babies is apples and pears
And yes 1/3 of europe is now arab moor rape baby
Please shoot yourself.
Why don't her eyes freeze?
This. I'm 98 percent European. The rest is native american AKA white thanks to new discoveries that confirmed original natives were white
Why is your country a shithole?
Blood vessels you idiot. Now get your ass over here and dig some holes amigo.
I would say the fallen ones entire goal has surpassed genetic engineering and focuses on the hermonculus or AI. Even modern "atheistic" LaVey satanism proclaims their desire for AI slave races. The end goal the extermination of Gods creation and the creation of the new antichrist lifeforms.