How can people sympathize with Nazi's today?
They had equipment that constantly broke down (cough cough Tiger), and overcomplicated small arms.
While they were running around with bolt action rifles we had M1's.
Thanks for getting slaughtered, you made the world a better place.
Nazi lovers
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Yeah i agree! Fucking kraut
Not /k/.
I cant wait more nazi kraut bastards in Call of Duty (american game).
/k/ needs to be freed from all the cross-nazi posting from Sup Forums
x marks the spot, boys!
yawn, try harder faggot
Who the fuck you calling faggot, stupid krautlover
>call slavs subhuman
>get pushed hard and have your women raped by slavs
nigger, we've always been here. i've been here since 2004 and the entire website has been absolutely riddled with racists and counter-semites.
you are the one that we need to be freed from.
This, the filipino cloth weaving forum was always this way
There are people out there that admire communism, stalin, and karl marx among many other ideologies that I find genuinely toxic, however everone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. I frankly do not care where anyone fall on the political spectrum here on /k/ as long as the discussions remain about weapons and related content. In this case your intentions are pretty clear that you are trying to lay some piss poor bait so I'll leave you with this.
Sympathy with nazism? Zero. Sympathy with the average German soldier? Yeah some. Most of them were conscripts. Young, full of themselves, trusting their leaders, fighting bitterly as things went sourer and sourer. That's not nazism. That's a soldier just like soldiers from most countries. The difference between a German in Ukraina in 1941, and a Russian soldier in Afghanistan in 1980, or an American soldier in Iraq, is mighty thin.
This. I don't fight for any ideology, I fight for our people. Also nazi germany made interesting equipment.
Unrelated to germany, I can admire the equipment and aesthetics my potential enemy has but that doesn't mean I will not take arms against them
This. I have my agreements with NatSoc on a few things, don't consider myself one, but you have to sympathize with the troops. Sure the Wehrmacht may have been an accessory to crimes, but there were a lot of regular dudes fighting because they had to, or were just patriotic kids fighting a war they didn't understand. I sympathize with soldiers everywhere, even if they were the Third Reich's boys.
Americucks fought for the modern marxist world they live in
Whites ethnically cleansed from every major US city
Whites funding each and every blacks to the tune of 1 million dollars over the course of their life
Government turned into the largest gibs program in the history of the world for foreigners like blacks/mexicans.
Whites assaulted, robbed, raped, murdered in the millions every year, it's literally a crime to be white in most Democrat cities, people from /k/ steamrolled & imprisoned for being white....
/k/ is filled with cucks who want to talk about the 2nd amendment, but what the fuck has the 2nd amendment done while the country has been taken from Americans by foreigners?
Why would you sympathize for invading mass murderers like Allied troops, who were fighting alongside the communists..
This brings up a question; why would you sympathize with anyone?
so much this.
any time i read military history, i try to balance with selections from different era's and different sides for a more even perspective.
so unlike many on /k/.
Can someone good with art or Photoshop make Hitler a fury with like ears and a tail using this Anons picture.
I agree. The 2nd Amendment didn't help the Indians to repel the invaders at all.
Sort yourself out.
>20-30k white women raped by none whites every year
>Simple inability for most people to safely support family in many areas
>Degenerate culture promoted by Jews
>Loss of all social meaning
Wow so glad Nazis lost...
Yeah the tiger broke down alot, it was also the only operational super heavy tank with a high pressure gun for like two years in combat. There are upsides and downsides to doing IOC testing in combat -- your shit will break down a lot, but when it is working you'll barbecue T-34s like nobodies business.
Wow, that shit is so much worse than totalitarian regime that kills people by the millions.
Authoritarian faggots should be shipped to north Korea. Enjoy your strong leader and "non degenerate" society, cucklord.
*than a
>They had equipment that constantly broke down
Every military ever has this. Ask anyone how well humvees are LMTVs work. Then ask them about the M249 and Mk 19.
you cannot understand people who sympathize with National Socialism because you are one of (((them)))
I don't sympathize Nazis, but I do sympathize the people who fought under them. Every side in ww2 was not in any way "heros", because both sides committed atrocities. The reason why ww2 is always view one sided by many people is because the victors write history. It has always been that way eversince wars were fought. So in reality, both sides were just as grand and victorious as each other. I don't like communist either, but I wouldn't hate the many conscripts serving in the Red Army. Same with the axis.
And whites suffer by the millions under the marxist rule, while the illegal invaders are called "dreamers"
How many times have Americans bragged about killing millions in wars since WW2, fucking retard, while they spit on their own kind.
Tell me, what were the ethnicity of the founding fathers, who are their posterity huh
What countries and republics did the injuns found
What did they build? Oh right, nothing.
/K/ was always a mix of normies and slavboos.
Germanophiles here always preferred memeing and talking about guns, not politics.
The Iroquois Confederacy was LITERALLY the inspiration for the United States system of decentralized power.
>hat the fuck has the 2nd amendment done while the country has been taken from Americans by foreigners?
We're being invaded? By who?
Nazis were responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of Europeans and Americans, turned fascism and nationalism into four letter words in Europe, and are the reason why Germany is the most cucked nation in existence today. Anyone who waves a swastika flag around today is almost as dumb as a Communist.
"Tell me, what were the ethnicity of the founding fathers, who are their posterity huh"
What the fuck does that have to do with anything at this point? I'm not a WASP yet I think the Founding Fathers were political geniuses and great statesmen who created one of the greatest nations in history.
"What countries and republics did the injuns found"
Iroquois Confederacy, Incan Empire, Mayans, Aztec empire... For a bunch of alleged retards they were in fact able to create nations. Did you know the Incans and Mayans were quite mathematically advanced?
"What did they build? Oh right, nothing."
I'm sure you'll claim the pre-columbian cities in South America were actually built by Hyperborean space men.
>How can people sympathize with Nazi's today?
Americans love an underdog. Hitler was the ultimate self-made man. From homeless man to greatest, most daring leader in the world. He took on powers that Americans have been afraid to confront since JFK got his brains blown out.
>MFW that picture was without doubt made by some faggot who constantly says "the left can't meme" with no self-awareness whatsoever.
>le alcoholic laughing narcissist
Fuck you. You nazis tried to kill us
>Herman tanks frequently broke down and suffered from chronic fuel shortages
>the Panzer Corps still shat all over their allied equivalents on all three fronts
really makes you think
Those are Cossacks, just fyi.