Put your favourite poster in here and pin it! We’ll count the number of times that a poster gets put up, & the 12 most popular will go on to the second round. (One poster per person. Any poster that gets put up before 00:00 GMT will be removed. Voting ends exactly 24 hours later)
So post your favourite posters, and the posters you’ve made, in the thread so that people can make a selection!
And if you’re looking for more stuff to work on in the meantime…
Scandinavia & the World- Another LibComics artist, but one with fairly redpilled commenters. Let’s give them some backup, shall we?
As most of you know, we got shouted out by Angry Foreigner recently, and it’s really helped the visibility of the campaign. We might be able to reach an even wider audience, if a certain person gets to hear the message over on the ylyl threads…
>>/wsg/ / >>/gif/
Speaking of outreach, we need people spreading the good word in the farthest corner of the redpilled spectrum. We need all hands for this task, people. That means reaching out to reddit.
Public support for the SD is going to be crucial. Jimmie’s going to be going on tours of Sweden before the election; if you can make it, please try.
/SWEG/ Swedish Election General- Poster Voting, ROUND 1
Other urls found in this thread:
“Modern Finnish research shows that countries with an IQ averaging less than 90 fail to create or maintain democracy. This explains why any attempt to bring democracy to countries with low IQ are doomed to failure. “writes Helmuth Nyborg.
How come you're so passionate about Sweden bonganon? Are you swedish?
Oh Bonganon you are making me long so hard for this election, I got the same feeling about this election as the 2015-2016 US presidental campagin.
I haven't been this excited since then.
Thank you for your hard work bro its appreciated!
No. I'm a European. And victory in any part of Europe is going to make fighting back easier for the rest of us.
"Open your hearts" the old Moderaterna leader Reinfeldt
"Serious crimes and rapes are here to stay" new Moderaterna leader Kristersson
Sweden isn't part of Europe though, it's part of the Middle East.
Same. I'm getting major Trump mass-triggering vibes from this election, imagine the fucking tears from the leftist dogs after the election.
Good evening Britbro, I'm just checking in as always. We've had some incredibly productive threads a few nights in a row now, feels really good to see this many of my kinsmen joining in and getting ready to carry out glorious deeds.
Thanks it's much appreciated, and I agree small victories can cause a ripple effect.
I just started these. If you want to thank anyone, thank Angry Foreigner for bringing so much attention to it.
This one is incredibly good. I recommend anyone who is going to put up posters to include this one, I know I will myself.
like and subsgribe
Damn that's a great one. :D Will those be posted around Sweden or shared through facebook or something like that?
We're printing them out and posting them all around, boyo
Black and white version of this.
Saved. I'll put it in resources for future threads. Thanks user.
Röstar på M i år
Helt enkelt bättre på alla fronter än SD
Why be excited? Socialdemokraterna will just win as usual, nothing else is going to happen or change. You might as well get excited about scratching a trisslott.
Här kommer jag och dumpar lite OC
Ändra till "medan" istället för medans. Medans är inte grammatiskt korrekt, det är småbarnsspråk.
Riktigt bra
The "we shall overcome" meme is also a great one. Even the older generation can relate to that, I showed my dad that clip the other day and we laughed. Maybe we can include something relating to that?
So, moderaterna: Did we over come?
Om du ska rösta på M, så kan du lika gärna rösta på S, du får samma resultat oavsätt vilken av dem som vinner.
M har lovat att sänka på invandringen
No (You)s for Kevin.
Good idea.
That clip is a Swedish humor classic.
Ja men inte tillräckligt, det kommer bli lite mindre men det säger inte mycket. Vi måste sätta enorm press på dem.
S will have an even harder time forming government as SD has gained support since last election.
That is what iam excited about, I absolutely love when sjuklövern can't get their shit together because of SD.
If voting truly changed anything it would have been banned.
But that itself does not mean we shouldn't vote.
Well i thank everyone who has contributed to our work but you have already done more than most Swedes to this cause which is why i thank you.
I will never forget this moment.
Or this:
Om du tror på deras löften är du dum i huvudet, de har lovat samma sak innan varenda val tidigare. Varje gång har de svikit sitt löfte. Varför? För att de inte har något intresse av att faktiskt gå igenom med det, de vill bara fiska röster från SD. Men du vet ju redan det här, shill
Till "normala" i.e. Reinfeldt nivåer.
Har ni en discord?
>wonder when swedish vote is coming
>legit looking forward to a good election
>click thread
>it's not even a swede who made it
who am i kidding
Ditt första misstag är att du tror att skit kommer förändras om du röstar på samma jävla skit som gjort att sverige är var det är idag.
M och S är samma parti dom säger olika saker men slutsatsen är densamma.
Om du verkligen vill sänka invandringen på riktigt så finns det bara ett alternativ i Svensk politik och det är SD.
the bong is honorary 100% småländsk fenotyp
election is autumn this year, september 9
mitt ansikte när du säger så
Ja, och det har S också gjort. De försöker vinna över SD-röster med såna löften. Så klart så kommer de inte göra ett skit om invandringen.
Hey guys!
I made this promotional video for the campaign!
t - Thorstein Memeson
Britbro, got the link to the Discord for this lad?
The thread this morning was created by a Swede. We have 2-3 threads up every day now, with 90% Swedish posters. Have you been living under a rock user?
That blonde guy in the first video. The golvmopp hairdo.
Yeah, it's here.
Did you just call him a small dick phenotype?
Yeah I just wanted to wait and see what happens here after it had time to die out or develop.
Excellent work brother. Fucking juicy video
Babbebruden i mitten av klippet.
"Jag kom hit för 18 år sedan och då var nydemokraterna vid makten"
thanks nibba
im glad to contribute to the whole thing
you done fucked up now
Den var riktigt frän hörru
tänker rösta KLP. alla riksdagspartier är på negernivå med all jävla välfärd och bidrag.
iq guldfisk
Hype inducing.
Great work!
Rösta på M då. Sänkta skattar OCH invandring
There is still some months left to the election so there definantly is time for this campaign to develop.
Iam sure we will get some hilarious reactions out of this.
Reinfeldt har du så lite att göra nuförtiden att du är tvungen att shilla på Sup Forums?
No, dude, lol. The opposite will happen. S will have an even easier time forming a government since M will be weakened by M-voters switching to SD. After the election, it will basically be S doing whatever the fuck they want while M and SD fight and argue with each other. Divide and conquer.
Värför är jag en shill för att jag vägrar rösta på SD? Värför skulle jag vilja att landet begår ekonomiskt självmord för att de var först ut med att begära lägre invandring?
Moar good stuff from the previous thread.
Hope so. It would be a nice change of pace. Does SD have a stance on how to work with other young blood like Macron?
Also, as with the Dutch elections, use English when the elections get closer so everybody else can follow along.
M can go fuck themselves, Kinberg Batra opened the door to SD but the new guy closed it. They can rot.
How am I a shekel? Just telling you what's going to happen.
>ekonomiskt självmord pga lägre invandring
Asså lol, häng dig själv ditt kräk.
And moar
>"how am I a Shekel?"
>Being this autistic
No SD will get between 25-35% of the votes depending on what happens in the world and in Sweden until the election.
MP and L/KD might dropout of parliament due to getting below the 4% threshold.
This will force S to cooperate with not only V but also C and L to even get a minority gov.
If they want a majority gov they will need the support of M which could happen because Ulf Kristersson is a fucking cuck.
It will not be easier for anyone which is exactly what our goal is.
Divide and conquer the mainstream until they fall on their own steps.
>större välfärd
>mer pengar till offentliga skolor
>mer pengar till offentliga sjukhus
>förespråkar högre skatter än Moderaterna
You're the autist since you posted a shekel for no reason.
>unironically voting for gambling addict NATO shill Jimmieberg Åkestein
>unironically voting for higher taxes and more welfare gibs instead of voting for M to get lower taxes AND lower immigration levels
>unironically believing that SD have a chance when literally no other party will cooperate with them
Get the fuck out newfag shill
>thinks he can pass a budget with a 30-35% minority coalition
"Åh nej han gråter! Fria honom från den grova våldtäkts anklagelsen!"
>Being this UNIRONICALLY Autistic
/ourguy/ pewdiepie does it again. Plays Svensk Ungdoms version of the nationalsång.
>No SD will get between 25-35%
Kek, SD doesn't even get more than 22% by SENTIO, which are SD shills paid by nyheteridag. There's no way in hell SD will get more than 20%. They'd be lucky to get 15%.
>Does SD have a stance on how to work with other young blood like Macron?
SD are represented in the EU parliament and will just like any other party try to have as good relations as possible with our allies (and adversaries) But first SD have to muster a majority of the votes which we are far from doing atm.
>use English when the elections get closer so everybody else can follow along.
Trying my best to speak as much English as possible but sometimes i just slip and the comment ends up being in Swedish, Espescially if there is only Swedish or Nordic speaking people here.
"Mamma alla i min klass har ju slöja jag vill också ha det" Sverige 2030
>They'd be lucky to get 15%.
They've been polling as high as 29%, dickface. You seriously think you're gonna convince anyone here? You think we're gonna see you shilling and just go "wtf I love cuckoldry now"? Get out of the thread, kys swiftly
50 ören har placerats på ditt konto.
If they get less than 25% i will lose about 10,000 SEK which i have put as a bet.
Wanna make easy money do as i did, you won't regret it.
There will be happenings until electionday which will increase their numbers.
>totally not projecting
0,50 Rupier har placerats på ditt konto.
vad är chanserna för ett islamskt terror dåd? dem kanske får en landslide seger trots allt.
Ganska högt, det skedde ju ett bara för mindre än ett år sedan.
>he knows
Landslide seger lär ju inte hända men att dom får kraftigt med vind under vingarna är mycket möjligt.
Oddsen är väl relativt stora givet hur många dårar som har tagit sig över gränsen hit och bara tickar.
Händer ett attentat nära inpå valet så ser jag inte ett SD under 30%.
Ska vi köra en donald trump då och säga sanningen: regeringen släppte in dem.
Hur pallar du ens att vara här och shilla? Har du inte skola imorron? Gå och lägg dig, snorunge.
Han spelade då inte bort någon halv miljon på kasino, Han omsatte en halvmiljon som förövrigt är hans egna privata pengar, Bara för att man spelar för mycket så innebär inte det att han skulle göra samma sak med statens ekonomi.
Kan du garantera det?
Hello again! You;d think you'd have realised by now that your tactic isn't working, the threads have only grown since you started showing up. Take this- - And leave with the autist you're sharing it with.
Kan du garantera att ((((M)))) inte slänger upp dörren på vidgavel igen som dom hade de senaste 8 åren dom satt vid makten?
Swedes: ITT English only for all sweg, everyone needs to be in this discussion.