Politics Podcasts

Do you guys listen to any good right-wing podcasts and/or youtubers? Can you recommend some? Preferably British because I have to train my bri'ish accent (pls no Milo)

Other urls found in this thread:



Internet box

The Daily shoah

Progressives Today

British specically:
Paul Joseph Watson

Fash The Nation

I've also started listening to Beyond the Wall

Its making me want to learn Spanish

Thank you!

>literal podcast cancer

thank you too
fugg :(((

Don't listen to this shit user
Better list:
1. Fash the Nation
2. The Radical Agenda
3. Alt Right Radio
4. The Daily Shoha
5. Myth of the 20th Centery

The fatherland - is pretty good, literally a white nationalist dad podcast

Check out Jared Taylor. He's way better than any e-celebs

1) Strike and Mike (TRS)
2) The Daily Shoah (TRS)
3) Radical Agenda


The Marantz Tapes (parts 1 - 2) by Mike Enoch from TRS. Best podcast of 2017. Absolute must listen if you're a right-winger

check out pod save america friend!

The Daily Shoah

These won't help you keep up to date with current events, but Bowden has a lot of very interesting talks on politics from a historical and philosophical perspective.

Strike and Mike is fun listening but striker gets kind of annoying with is nazbol economics

I just fuckinh choked. Don't listen to this

know any brit ones
TRS 99% talk about American politics that is irrelevant to me


Where did I go wrong? Which ones?

i've been listening to myth of the 20th century lately, it's very well put together but not really about politics per se, seems to have more of a focus on history with commentary on current events peppered into the dialogue

alt right politics with spencer and crew is good too, and they tend to do episodes on geopolitics more generally and don't focus too much time only on american politics

Red ice radio is more euro centric. But since you guys have no free speech it's harder to find non american alt right content.

I would give each one at least one listen though you might find more than what you were looking for desu

You didn't say specifically alt-right. I implore you to just give them a try and make up your own mind if you like them.

well I didn't specifically ask for alt-right, just anything about politics that isn't leftie bullshit desu

Best youtube channel would be Alternative Hypothesis

I listen to the Reason Podcast and The Fifth Column. They're probably not NatSoc enough for you. They do regularly dump on libshits though.