Why won't men in the west grow up?
Why won't men in the west grow up?
What if I need a workstation for my job and I just want it to look cool?
get a mac if you want it to look cool
I don’t really see a problem. Atleast he doesn’t own a switch
>saves his own money for 2 years
>builds a dream battlestation
Oh yes goyum spend your money now on movies! Saving is anti-nazi!
>Man works and saves money
>Man buys something he wants
What's the problem? Why does he need to "grow up"?
But I am taken aback by the fact that so many men in their twenties and thirties are still into video games, cartoons, and toys (things myself and everyone I know lost interest in during middle school), however, these are still their hobbies and if they enjoy them and it makes them happy, who gives a fuck? Who are you to tell them to "grow up"?
What's going to happen once they abandon these things which give them a sense of fulfillment and happiness and they "grow up"? They're going to feel like they need to be someone and something that they aren't in order to attract a woman who is more than likely going to (by this age) have engaged in every disgusting, hedonistic piece of depravity known to man, young guys these days should be thankful if they find a bitch who hasn't done hardcore porn.
tl;dr stfu and let them have their toys, it's not like having women or a family is worth the effort anymore
people that put their towers on the desk are fucking stupid
>young guys these days should be thankful if they find a bitch who hasn't done hardcore porn.
don't remind me
not if you have heated floors
> not like having women or a family is worth the effort anymore
Especially since your kids will throw your ass into a nursing home rather than take care of you in old age. Might as well gas yourself at the ripe old age of 65 or whenever the retirement age is by the time you get around to it.
i would still make a shelf and place it on the side of the desk, off the floor in that case
Looks clean desu and I don't understand this purity spiral against Vidya kys idiot
This post gave me cancer
Vaporwave aesthetics represent our generation
>t. butthurt roastie who’s mad that her bf finds vidya more interesting than her endless chatter about dumb bullshit
>tfw this is what "grown" men do
And do what?
Why would you spend 3600 dollars on hardware that will be 360 dollars in three years when a much cheaper computer would do the same job?
As to why men aren’t growing up, what is there to grow up to?
need your shitposting rig for Sup Forums, bro.
Those people are not human
Thats pretty fucking classy you nigger op
>Why won't men in the west grow up?
> what is there to grow up to?
- Chads fucking your roastie wifu while you work.
- Having a brown baby when you're white "It's a miracle", take care of it honey
I can go on, but I'd rather kill myself
Good for that man, that's a station of envy.
>current year + 3
>still using computers
Fucking plebs
Better than wasting money on women
im sitting on the crapper with diarrhea and this post made it all so much worse
Thanks a lot
They can afford not to.
I like aesthetic things and so did the ancients. Fuck you.
What if I need a useful workstation for my job and I just want it to look cool?
there is more to life than fulfilling childish urges to strictly base your life around having fun.
been a while since i've seen such a low quality bait
It's his money. He can do what he wants with it.
Why should they grow up? What's awaiting them? Used up, washed up thots who want to settle after 10 years of riding the cock carousel? Providing for some angry, ungrateful bitch who will cheat on them the minute they leave for work?
That shit will be obsolete within a year.
Yes because taking on responsibilities = you are grown up.
Pic related.
I spend countless hours in front of the computer. When I study for university I use the computer, when I want entertainment I use the computer, when I read the news I use the computer, when I want to learn something new I use the computer. The only times I am not using the computer is when I go to the gym or when I socialize. Might as well make it comfy and pleasant when you spend that much time in front of it.
I am planning on doing more hiking but it won't really significantly decrease time in front of the computer.
Never get tired of seeing that statue, fucking amazing.
whoa. that's insane.
>cramming all that neet into that tiny apartment
do you sleep in this room?
on side note do Sup Forums's admin's know theyve killed their revenue stream with captcha? is Sup Forums pass worth it?
He said cool. not "I'm a total fucking faggot"
i am grown. i work a blue collar job and support myself. fuck you.
K y s numale child
Don't you have another console to buy?
I think he wants it to work
oh yeah? The only urges I have are civil war and perpetrating mass-killings on traitors. Unless you plan on sacking up and doing this is as well, then you can stop running your fucking boomer-tier mouth about what it means to live a life in this judeo-tyranny hellscape. Either we all move forward with killing, or we don't move forward at all - go right ahead and pop out some babies on the breeding grid if you think it makes you feel like a man.
What do you define a growing up?
Watching tv? Drive a racecar around a circle track?
Watching sports on tv?
Drinking beer?
Shitposting on Sup Forums?
Why don't you grow up and mind your own business?
How do I exploit these people?
They are so devoted to their trinkets and baubles and that beeb and whirr... how do I make money off these idiots?
Like what? If you're a NEET and you're doing nothing but playing video games all day, yes, you're setting yourself up for a rough future, but if you're working and taking care of yourself, do what makes you happy. Fuck whoever tells you it's childish.
You obviously didn't read anything I wrote.
>But I am taken aback by the fact that so many men in their twenties and thirties are still into video games, cartoons, and toys (things myself and everyone I know lost interest in during middle school), however, these are still their hobbies and if they enjoy them and it makes them happy, who gives a fuck?
I said I DON'T have any interest in any of this shit, but if a man wants to spend his hard earned money on his hobbies and his hobbies happen to be video games and whatnot, who cares?
>putting a desktop on top of your desk is stupid
Most people seem to think that going to clubs and getting wasted is what adults do. Absolutely disgusting.
>he stays at home in his free time instead of being out drunk driving like an adult
>those humanoids are not people.
women that complain about this are upset they don't have as many opportunities to cheat on their partner as their friends do
>throws a temper tantrum because someone told them to there is more to life than having fun
Playing video games and watching rick&morty is a complete fucking waste of time
>being forever child user on death bed
>a-a-at least I played thousands of hours of video games
do us all a favor and kys.
What's the problem with it? Looks great and offers endless entertainment for the money. Probably his hobby and what motivates him to work and pay taxes.
I'm saving for two years already to buy my favorite car. I could just spent 1000€ and buy a small shitcar. It's those things that makes life more joyful.
If you right away safe your cash for your wife and kids, you will end up having a midlife crysis in your 40s. And you will regret why you "grew up" that fast. And die from depression and heart attack in your early 50s.
no need too, same for women
who cares.
Women view men spending money on themselves as childish and irresponsible. They believe men who aren’t supporting them financially need to “grow up”. They have no desire for independence.
>have a okay job that I can live off of and have some decent disposable income afterwards
>no real interest in romance or starting a family, just want to work on my hobbies and be happy
>been told by normie family and friends that I'm trying to escape responsibility
>not sure if they're right or not
Is there something wrong with me? I just don't think having a romantic partner or having kids would make me happy.
Because there is no future
Nice gif but you sound like a major faggot. Especially bitching about vidya and posting a doom gif.
It started somewhere, right?
Your happiness reminds them of their misery.
>Playing video games and watching rick&morty is a complete fucking waste of time
I don't play video games and I don't know what rick & morty is, but how is it a "complete fucking waste of time" if the person genuinely enjoys it?
>a-a-at least I played thousands of hours of video games
You'll probably be either too frightened or too drugged to remember what the fuck you did with your life when you're on the edge of death.
>grow up
>get a mac
Into the trash it goes
Looks good. No normie would look at that and think the owner is a man-child. Not sure what you're getting at. Maybe you need some neon lights in your room.
Why is reddit so cancerous
Its really this simple. I work from home most days because they gave me a mac for the office and its fucking horrendous. not to mention my desk is an ergonomical nightmare. Home set up is fucking killer it makes me not even mind im "working".
kill myself? no i'm good, I'll be killing literally hundreds of americans. Keep running your fucking mouth though juden. If you were here you'd be flat on your back having your fucking tongue torn out by it's roots. You fucking worthless jew loving boomer cocksucker
browsing reddit & asking why men won't grow up lmao desu
because that setup won't leave you and take your children and half of your shit
just invest in baller shit
burn money and rub it in their faces
doing timid safe things makes them annoyed and judgemental in a passive sense
do outrageous shit like meth or buy a racehorse or sponsor a child or get gorilla stem cells from Uruguay or something
anything that will make them thankful when you stop doing baller shit
The only reason anyone would grow up is to have a family. Considering women want to slut around until their 30s, men withdrawing from life only makes sense.
One less kid by you means ten more brown people that come here.
That's my card and ram, I don't know what his processor is but I have an i7 7700k with an asus board, my computer total cost around 1,600 dollars working my shit horrible job at fedex.
I love my computer I worked hard for it and it doesn't just sit and collect dust
The soyboys that make the face are the problem. Don't go lumping in the switch as the cause.
>get a mac if you want it to look cool
Macs are for faggots.
I've got no reason to grow up. I've given up on women so I have to fill my time with something. Video games are cheap so I play them.
>collect dust
that is precisely what a computer does, moron.
>Meme flag
>Mouth breaking retard
It checks out
>two years at saving $150 a month
Also its nice to have nice things faggot, I fit my house with philips HUE lights (on sale for 60%).
You would be amazed at how having some color in the house brightens your mood.
Also i work a 9-5 to enjoy my freetime more. Flying planes and playing video games are a great waste of money.
What's your problem with people enjoying themselves?
audible kek
>Why won't men in the west grow up?
Why won't you stop investing so much time making threads about men in the west growing up?
>Why won't men in the west grow up?
Give me one good reason why we should 'grow up'. What's in it for me?
There's nothing wrong with you. I don't give a fuck what anyone says, these "responsibilities" that everyone expects you to have lead to nothing but misery. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not until 20 years down the road, but I don't know a single married couple my age who is genuinely happy. They're fucking miserable and actively seek to ostracize anyone their age who didn't make the same choices they did.
My sister desperately wanted to get married and have kids. Got married, had two kids, and she looks for ANY excuse to dump them off with me. She'll ask if I can watch them while she "goes to the store" and then won't return for four hours. She'll ask if I can watch them that evening "from 5 until 8" and then she'll text me saying that she won't be back in town in time to pick them up and will come get them in the morning.
And this is from a woman who ACTUALLY wanted kids. She had them and now spends her entire day planning out how she can get rid of them and have time to herself.
Her husband is a miserable fuck, too, but I hate him, so I'm glad he's in this living hell.
May it inspire hate of the Jews behind it.
why don't you apply to be a mod, faggot. i hear they make good money.
>calling people stupid for using something propertly
We meet again macfag
> Having a nice computer setup costing thousands of dollars to buy and careful planing,
> Not growing up
Ho Lee Fuk
that's gorgeous