Why didn't Magane just hold his hand? It works great. Ask Mamika and Meteora
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>episode 13: Punished Mamika
Altair is shit.
Shark teeth would be quite hot as I like bad girls, but I draw the line at murder.
Magical splash flare is the strongest
There is nothing wrong with exterminating terrorists.
>Mamika finally pronounces a name right and calls Altair her friend
>gets turned into a shishkebab for her efforts
When's the nasheed version?
It's a mistranslation. They meant doujin character .
Yeah. But said "friend" admitted himself he was a talentless hack driven by jealousy because of how good she was compared to him. So, Setsuna's version holds more weight
I'm going to be so happy when this shit character fucking dies like she deserves.
drawfag, pls make a predictions again
i want a mamika with prosthetic mahou arm
Mamika is too pure of heart and lovely to die now
She needs to kill Souta first, though
altair doujins when
Is she dead?
Didn't go down without a fight. She was so damn good, it will be tough to top her.
>prosthetic mahou arm
More like prosthetic mahou belly
I'll probably drop this if mamika is dead for real.
I'm just here for the hot blooded mahou shoujo fights. If there's no mahou shoujo fights its just meteora spewing more shit out of her stupid sexy face
So are they going to change the OP and ED? It would feel kind of weird having all that happy imagery of Mamika still around.
don't ruin my fetish pls
Mamika will die, but her soul will live on and watch over the people of the world by appearing on television and screens and such. The OP is actually a spoiler
>Favourite girl is literally the first to die
>All these Mamikafags in denial
You're thinking of the ED
She's not dead in her series/universe. She just dead in 'this' world.
That wasn't a fight. Mamika was shanked in the back and then retaliated by going full nuclear.
if she died what about all the merch?
shark doujins when?
At least she went out like a champ. Imagine liking boipuccele, hardgore or Tama
>it will be tough to top her.
Of course it will: her and sharkteeth carried this fucking show.
>all these Shittair fags that literally can't stop shitposting
>It's treason then
>Stabs Mamika
How big was this explosion? Where does it take place in Tokyo?
What would be more lame
>killing off Mamika
>Mamika surviving
Sabers through the stomach are relatively harmless to humans
Shit! Was she ok?
There's no healers, she's dead. Unless Dashing Debater has healing nanomachines or some shit but he's too drunk to care.
It certainly destroyed some of the surrounding buildings, that's at least several blocks in radius. I doubt it will be major damage to the city itself though.
She probably would have been but then she alakbar'd herself.
Mamika surviving would be more lame. She had her character arc, now it's time to develop the others.
>Altair was a more orthodox villain than I thought and there might not be any elements that would become more interesting
>Is that hero the ultimate bystander in the end?
>When this hero dies, I'll accept it as a masterpiece
>The hero is just unpleasant
>Actually this animation is boring, is not it?
>Everybody speaks and I want to see animation
>It is quite interesting as garbage cartoon ('ω`)
>Torture animation for those who dislike Minase
>This is funny
>I endured up to 6 episodes but it was not fun
>I just want to kill Mamika just wanted to do it
I can see why this show is flopping, nips see it as funny garbage.
I'd be surprised if Meteora doesn't have healing magic
She was coughing up blood
She was stabbed in the lungs
I don't know how survivable that is
>Being surprised about Hime's ranting this episode
I mean, what do you expect from an OC donut steel created by a sucidal teenage girl?
Nobody cares about your shit opinions, Sup Forums.
>It is quite interesting as garbage cartoon ('ω`)
Some people get it at least.
i bet you they are here
She can heal herself. all the creations can repair damage on their own by default.
It is kinda hard to argue with that.
What did the nips mean by this?
She's not dead, she healed last time she was cut. Next ep is Mamika versus Hime. Mamika will get stomped but survive and flee to team good
There are mountains in the background
She's also a fucking magical girl.
She's also a magical girl and Red mentioning something about creations build tougher by their creators.
I doubt it. She blew herself up. If it was just the sabers then I might agree but not after that.
It's Mamika fault for not listen Old man advice.
RIP most sensible character.
magical girls sometimes have healing capabilities built into their transformation sequences.
People start paying you a little bit of attention, and then this?
You're way too full of yourself, trash.
You stole not only the drawings, but the song as well, and you claim you made it yourself?
Seriously, not even something like "I liked his illustrations" ?
The whole thing is total plagiarilism.
>人の絵使って売名してるだけの売れっ子絵師 (笑
You're just an "artist" who uses other people's drawings for self-advertisement, lol
Aren't you claiming a bit too much credit? You were working together with Shimashima P or someone recently
Right when people were starting to take notice and you'd gotten a fanbase...
No-one is going to think well of you for those drawings.
Is the artist they're talking about actually the mc?
A magical girl that is not the main character of this story and has no plot armor.
It emanated outwards from her. Those magical spells usually don't harm the user in things like this.
They could play it either way.
I wish I knew how to do anything with webms.
>most sensible character
>fights every other character so they will stop fighting
>Altair is literally Goddess
>She is only holding back the Apocalypse because she wants acceptance from Soda (also Alice is too dumb to be one of the horsemen).
>Soda is the only person that can save the world, but he is a beta faggot.
>The sole purpose of everyone else in the show is to suck up to him so he will do what they want.
How do you feel?
What if the artist they're talking about is actually MC? She stole it from him this may be what they're thinking
>it wasn't a trace
>Hime IS Souta's OC
>they flamed her for using it and he never publicly came out to say he was fine with it
>plot armor doesn't count if it's my favorite shit girl
Fuck off.
If there's anything we know about giant anime explosions it's that the actual blast radius is much, much smaller than the visual effect
>Nips hate Souta too
Not surprised.
If she dies, we riot.
I want hear dead and gone as soon as possible
It would be hilarious if Soda was the one spreading the rumors, all of this would have happened because of Deviantart drama.
Is it still considered a "riot" if it's done out of pure joy?
Just imagine how much screen time the other characters would get without Meteora. It sure would be great.
My prediction: Setsuna didn't actually care about all the random people on the internet calling her a faker. However, when Soda hopped on the bandwagon, that's when it actually hurt because they were friends.
Thus, the way to defeat Altair will be him either asking for forgiveness or making some sort of sacrifice to atone. And she'll say cheesy like "that's all she wanted to hear" or something.
Yeah like Mamika :^)
If she dies, we nuke Japan.
>world is threatening to end because someone killed themselves because of shitposts about their oc donus steel
We need more food and info.
I will not be satisfied until Setsuna is revived
Is Magik Missile cuter in suspenders or her white petite coat?
Yuuya's creator is retarded. Damn it must suck to be Yuuya.
Plot armor does not work if you aren't important to the fucking plot. Altair is going to live because she has relevance, mahou had her arc, said her goodbyes and waved her deathflags. We have a ton of characters left to go through.
Too late. Mamika already did that.
>he expected this shitshow to have good writing
>angsty teen OC self insert
>not taking on her master's legacy
She's thirsty for the Soda, mate. All he needs to do is pay attention to her and make her feel noticed and things will be okay
Not enough
but he won't do it and everyone else will die because of it, and before that at some point he will go into a austistic fit because >I was misunderstood! and alienate everyone else
>the last few minutes steal the entire episode
>best boy(girl) and Shark meido don't get the attention they deserve
Well, at least people don't shitpost about infodumps this time.
I like this outfit more.
>expecting a good plot from a "Hiroe makes his own waifu and gives her 80% of the lines" script
I can't wait.
Two weren't enough last time. Why would we stop at one magical nuke this time?
will Quick Speak tap that?
If he actually pussies out at the endgame after all this, that might be the one thing that could genuinely make me drop this show