Hint: you can't
Refute this!
Sexbots with artificial wombs when ?
Don't promote your articles here
>having a breast feeding and breeding fetish with white qt 3.14
I am max shitlord.
If the milk ain't flowing she's not worth knowing.
What level of jewing are we on?
An unacceptable level of jewing
There two threads on /gif/ with lactating traps in them right now.
You're a normal high T male.
You fool, all levels of jewing are unacceptable
Undeniably the case. Gay/trans/genderless parents are real parents too.
Breast-feeding and vaginal birth should be banned on equity grounds.
Wtf I love women whipping their tits out in public now
Reminder that children who were breastfed have higher IQ on average than the ones who were not
I feel like we have to invent a term for someone who's been fed formula as a child, similar to "soyboy"
Giving women the vote was a tragic mistake.
Someone post the webm of the trap lactating.
people who were fed formula as baby are most likely ALREADY soyboys.
they wouldnt be soyboys if they were raised normally, thats a fact.
I'm finally taking an Intro to Race and Ethnicity class as it's the last non-major requirement I have that I've put off forever. The most interesting thing I've heard so far is exactly how much disdain the professor has for "white western feminists" and their "gender role" stuff.
She's as whackjob progressive liberal as they come, but hearing her bash on retard western feminists was nice.
So do you suck on her titties a lot? Have you ever made her come just from sucking on her titties?
Good point. Probably also coming from the same mothers who thinks it's "ok to have a little wine now and then" during pregnancy.
Here you go.
Babies that are not breastfed end up being less healthy.
"they" are breaking down western society bit by bit.
I've never been less surprised in my entire life.
Most men don't and will never create the molecule necesarry to produce milk unless it's introduced in their system by an outside force. This is not natural.
Artificial wombs can’t come soon enough.
2017: "Let women breastfeed wherever they want! It's natural!"
2018: "Breastfeeding isn't natural"
Haha only rural and suburban retards don't unquestioningly trust academia though
I've made my woman cum from sucking on her tits many times.
level 1488
knowing this exists now is worse than watching mexicans cartel gore
I don't need to we need gender roles. Therefore I believe every mother should breastfeed their child.
Fucks sake OP, it's from last April. Tucker interviewed a crazy cunt trying to rationalise it.
Obviously, the mental gymnastics required to do so are not available to men.
SAGE God fucking sakes
the fuck did you pull this out of your ass?
I'm not sure about the IQ part, but there are a shitload of benefits for both the mother and infant from breastfeeding.
Lobotomize Jillian Kay Melchior asap
I have definitely heard something about the IQ part although, I can't source it.
>Sup Forums is against breastfeeding
wait what the fuck?
fuck you retards
you would give your kids soyformula?
fucking kill yourselves now
>Shitty bait thread with a total of 3 words in the OP.
Watch this go to 300 replies, the absolute state of Sup Forums nowadays, sagerooni.
Baby formula can kill babies
if you're a chink, yeah
A life destroyed. Suicide is the final answer.
You're alright, leaf.
Sorry trannies, but being a tranny in general is un-natural
Will sexbots with artificial wombs also have dispenser things in the breasts to deliver formula? How does Sup Forums feel about letting sexbots walk around town with their owners and breast feeding their kids?
The tranny is ready for a dumb baby to suck its tits off
I dont want to be complacent, but maybe I should just sit back and watch the left eat itself.
shitposting aside it's a robot, it doesn't have to come out of it's nipple, and it wouldn't produce it's own milk so it may as well bottle feed since that's what it's doing.
Milk coming out the boobs would be for owner's fetishes not actual feeding. Actually I wouldn't mind getting one that dispenses vodka
>1 post by this id
fuuuuuuuuuck i just got triggered
is this how it starts?
a high enough level in which large amounts of zyklon b are required
do you really want to see this shit while you're trying to eat?
gay flag gay post
have a sage
fuck leftists
a vodka dispensing tit-bot? The future can't get here fast enough!