Alex Jones does not have the memo we are looking for. The memo he is "releasing" was already release last spring. Circa reported on in back in May.
Shills creating more fake memo threads while this thread gets slid. Wake the fuck up people!
The 4 page FISA abuse memo by Devin Nunes that we are waiting on and #ReleaseTheMemo is about, was written using top secret internal evidence that the DOJ/FBI was forced to turn over to the HPSCI after months of fighting with Rod Rosenstein and Chris Wray, both of whom begged Paul Ryan not to force them to give up the evidence.
Read this article to understand where/how Nunes got the evidence for his memo which is NOT the one Jones is shilling
bump and goddam you Alex jones
Let this be the day that Sup Forums finally exposes him for what he's always been - a disinformation agent fraud
FISC order from April.
Jones clown show to blemish the real memo and make a few sheckels.
>mfw seeing boomers spreading this fake shit
hes controlled opposition you idiota, sude to be a assasin or something in Hawai
What's the memo we want then??
It's from Nunes. That has the damning shit in it.
4-pages titled "FISA abuse", wrtten by Nunes using top secret internal DOJ/FBI evidence that was forced turned over to the House Intelligence Committee (he is the chairman)
Read this article to understand where/how Nunes got the evidence for his memo which is NOT the one Jones is shilling
Of course he doesn't. It's locked in a secure room with no phones allowed.
For fuck sake.
and shill for the Jews. I can't take him seriously after that Duke interview.
so does this mean that people will finally realize Jones is a shill
Yeah this is absolutely not the memo. It's a FISA court opinion from may of last year...
Yep, its incontrovertible now, he is lying on multiple fronts on his show today, about a document that was publicly available (and in the hands of many anons) for fully 8 months now.
tbqh this might be too late if AJ shits up the memo release in the minds of normies
Alex Jones is a kike loving snake oil salesman who's got boomers and nutjobs by the balls. Anyone who takes him seriously is a sad person
It won't. The actual memo is so bad no one will remember or think about this. But it is bad and we need more anons in here working to shut down the flood of shill threads and help spread this info to Twitter/FB/normie boomers who actually believe this con man
>tbqh this might be too late if AJ shits up the memo release in the minds of normies
>shits up the memo
Remember you were told, the people, were gonna be too stupid to understand it to begin with.
time to reveal the ruse
>Circa dot com
How do we know you’re not just creating a fake past to mitigate a real release? What’s wrong with Americans reading about FISA abuses even if they’re not the juicier memo?
Just redpill everyone you see about it if they're spreading the fake shit.
It's totally fine if people want to read what is/was a very significant declassification from a very secretive court. But to objectively LIE about it and then make up OTHER LIES to justify that lie is about as low as it gets. Read it if you havent, but understand fully well that it is NOT the #ReleaseTheMemo document we are all still waiting on
>What’s wrong with Americans reading about FISA abuses even if they’re not the juicier memo?
Because American consist of a variety of people. Mainly it's the fear of being in jail and losing their lascivious tax payer checks by being fired.
Based RSBN
Lookner isn't a whiz with information but he has a good heart and the right attitude.
>Lookner isn't a whiz with information but he has a good heart and the right attitude.
Really? Because it's been stated that their memo is based on that memo. Like how kids are meant to write a summary a book they read.
Then again like it's been stated, people to stupid to understand the memo, people don't read, people don't have the attention spam to actual read.
Get played fool.
It’s annoying but if it gets information to people that otherwise would go through life unaware then I don’t know. Also may have the effect of priming the public for the real memo. I’m not a fan of liars but you’re surrounded by them - just go watch any commercial for example.
>it's been stated
by who? Alex Jones. Jones is lying about this entire thing. He knows what he is saying are lies and is saying them anyway. So fuck right off, it's been clearly explained ITT where the actual evidence, far more detailed and damning, that Nunes used in the REAL memo came from. Of course there will be a full committee report issued at the conclusion of their investigation, but as of right now, all HPSCI has produced is the 4-page "FISA abuse" memo which is something ENTIRELY different than the old document Jones is shilling today
Yeah, while its good this old memo opinion order is getting visibility, it really doesnt help if people think this is what #ReleaseTheMemo was about, hardly at all. Encourage people to read it, but make sure they understand what they're looking at before doing so
Bump against shills. Man the mods are fucking useless. Some 6 threads still up about Jones's "big lie" of the day
> What are you talking about Alex Jone s#releasedthememo and it turned out to be a big nothingburger
Shills already jumping on it. Thanks Infowars!
cia's go to guy is tainting the well again
That is exactly what this is. Nothng that could have been done to prevent him from doing it, so now we just have to expose another fraud
>by who? Alex Jones.
How paranoid are you to bring up Alex Jones at every corner? Does he live under your bed or some shit?
>Nothng that could have been done to prevent him from doing it,
Actually they tell him what he can and can't get into. Thus the reason why he has sources. Same with roger stone. Same with any medium.
If your friend tells you something in confidentiality and s/he allows you to talk about certain topics or you don't cross a line that puts him/her in the spot they will continue to confine in you if not they wont. Unless they are literal blabbermouths which puts you in the spot.
How fucking anti-social are you to not understand this basic premise?
How fucking amoral are you that you are shilling for a documented con man and defending his latest, irrefutably proven lie? You fucking bug men are simply incompetents, weak spineless creatures with no sense of right and wrong
> 4 pages of documented FISA abuses
> It's literally fucking n-n-nothing guys
Everyone SHOULD'VE known Jones is paid to basically shill misinformation to discredit whatever topic he's told to discredit with his insane babble YEARS AGO.
LOL, where? Please dont try to link me back to the FISC memo opinion/order that was declassified on April 26, 2017 like Jones. Who am I kidding? Shills never link
> It wasn't made yesterday
> Doesn't matter
You know the election was in 2016 right? This goes over FISA abuses to spy on Trump in the 2016 election. It's definitely fucking something.
Shills in overtime today
Yeah, his entire "support" of Trump has been closer to a charade. So many lies and mis and disinfo originating from his show in the past year. Remember when he was frantically alerting everyone about Trump's coke's being drugged with sedatives? That was back on 9/11/17 and that was the last time I tuned in after listening to him and con man Steve P playfighting on air. Then he brought in the absolutely degenerate hoaxer David Seaman I heard and have been working to peal viewers off his channel ever since
TBF, most people who post here now never paid any attention to Infowars whatsoever (rightfully) prior to Trump running for office
I think the saddest thing is that he's not retracting his statements and nobody is telling him to correct this blatant misinformation.
Holy fuck, at least READ the thread and my posts before shitting up the thread (who am I kidding here? that's your job)
What I wrote, an hour ago:
>It's totally fine if people want to read what is/was a very significant declassification from a very secretive court. But to objectively LIE about it and then make up OTHER LIES to justify that lie is about as low as it gets. Read it if you havent, but understand fully well that it is NOT the #ReleaseTheMemo document we are all still waiting on
flood his mailbox or something
>shilling for a documented con man
i ain't. Just not putting up with your bullshit. Seems you can't tell the difference.
>irrefutably proven lie?
Which is what again? Since you just keep saying LIE LIE without any proof.
>You fucking bug men are simply incompetents, weak spineless creatures with no sense of right and wrong
Don't spill that sphaget.
Ha ha ha god damn could you fucking retards be any more obvious? Nobody on this site agrees like a bunch of faggot cheerleaders, talking about which football player's cum they swallowed.
Your fucking bosses are going to jail. Obama is a fucking nigger and niggers go to jail because niggers are stupid. All the traitor sellout intelligence agents are going to get fucked beyond belief. Enjoy gitmo. Enjoy waterboarding. Enjoy endless torture and humiliation. Hope to god you people die in prison. You know they keep everything in a database right? How easy it would be to find out exactly who you shills are, who your families are, what your names now are.
Do you honestly think in the next 40 years all of this is going to be forgotten? Either Trump and his team clean this mess up or others will. And they'll do it A LOT more thoroughly, I can promise you that.
Read the fucking OP. Jones is on air all day LYING about a document that was publicly released and reported about 8 months ago. Everyone else understood it and so did you, youre just an uppity shill faggot who thinks you can go toe to toe when you cant even come close
bump for real thread
haven't seen project Lazarus in a while.
was the old FBIanon real or LARP?
Anyone have a good pictogram/ image condensing all this FISA shit?
AJ is a gate keeper, we know this.
>Alex Jones does not have the memo we are looking for.
Not to worry guys, I have it right here.
The document Jones released is the source file for the House Intelligence committee memo. The HIC's memo is the summary of the document Jones reported. Yall are dummies. Cointel Pro is trying to make you believe this document is fake. And many of you bought it.
Once the jewlluminetti is dead-y
we'll NEVER forgetti.
this, but unironically
I'm waiting for the next three pages to verify the authenticity of this here document.
You liar. Another one who hasn't / won't even read the thread. This is addressed immediately here >The 4 page FISA abuse memo by Devin Nunes that we are waiting on and #ReleaseTheMemo is about, was written using top secret internal evidence that the DOJ/FBI was forced to turn over to the HPSCI after months of fighting with Rod Rosenstein and Chris Wray, both of whom begged Paul Ryan not to force them to give up the evidence.
>Read this article to understand where/how Nunes got the evidence for his memo which is NOT the one Jones is shilling
Of course, there will be a larger committee report published at the final conclusion of their investigation, but what you said is a bold faced lie. What Jones is yapping about is a declassified memo order out for 8 months now that all of us here possess, have read, and understand due to its general interconnectedness. But it is literally no direct link to what Nunes used to create his "FISA abuse" memo, which, again, was the top secret FBI/DOJ internal documents that are described in The Hill article linked
A..a..are you saying Alex Jones is a lying cocksucker?! Holy shit! Fetch my fainting couch!
>Jones is on air all day LYING
Seems like that's what you are doing
>a document that was publicly released and reported about 8 months ago.
Link it then faggot.
>Everyone else understood it
Seems like you and others like you don't seem to.
>youre just an uppity shill faggot who thinks you can go toe to toe
You really need to stop projecting.
Again, if you had actually read and honestly participated in the thread, you would have seen that the link to the DNI PDF file (which is the exact same document Jones is shilling today) s LITERALLY within the article from May 2017 that OP used. You know all this and yet pretend you dont and that I'm somehow conflating/obfuscating? Your dishonesty and disingenuous nature is showing. Why continue to debase yourself?
If the HIC house intel memo is in fact released you're going to see a number of documents sourced in the Memo. This document being one of them it lays out the basis of domestic spying for Fisa. You don't understand how Memorandums work. A Memo isn't a source document in and of itself. Memo's summaries factoring in many sources.
Probably the reason why the memo hasn't been released yet. Sourcing of currently classified documents.
>Cointel Pro is trying to make you believe this document is fake.
It's not that they want you to believe its fake. They want you to believe that AJ is lying. They are obsessed with him and lost sight of what their actual objective was. This is where they fucked up and why they can't pull the wool over anyones eyes. They are drunk in their own rhetoric to try and fix their mistake.
Seems like Alex Jones was enough to get these people to get stupid and probably the reason why he was used for this.
Hiding behind your kek flag and responding point by point reeks of newfag shill. The fact is that it has been linked multiple times today alone and has been out since April. What is going on now is obviously a psyop. You might be part of that patio. Point is, shills will end up hanging soon along with all the rest of the criminals hiding in our government. Day of the rope is eminent
>newfag shill
So even a "newfag shill" gets you BTFO? Hope you get fired or never hired.
Only a twat insufferable as you could fail to grasp the concept of not having a boss. It's like speaking to a child, so prone to anger.
This guy is definitely BingTFO this kekflag faggot. Get 'im user
>Only a twat insufferable as you
You keep relying on those insults on the internet like if they mean anything. Calm your tits and maybe you'll get somewhere in life.
>This guy is definitely BingTFO
good one user.
Trip check
It's a meme-o
.........fucking infowars.
>Create opposition
>lead it nowhere
>.........fucking infowars.
>>Create opposition
>>lead it nowhere
leading it to a document that clearly details several abuses of the FISA process? I'm completely in agreement that this is the wrong memo and Jones seems to have blown it, but this is still a REAL document that details REAL crimes
Yes, but now you have Infowartards who will ignore the ACTUAL memo because they think this (comparative) nothing burger was it. You can and should share the 99-page FISC memo opinion but only if youre making it clear that this is NOT the document sought by those promoting #ReleaseTheMemo the past several days
I'm watching the show right now and came here to see what people are saying.
>This is the document that the 4-page memo was based on. It's not the memo people are talking about.
Sounds like this specific memo hasn't been released in this detail until now, however.
> H-he didn't release the memo, just that other document that outlines all the ways Obama violated FISA strictures and surveiled people far beyond the original scope of the warrants!
> H-has nothing to do with what we're talking about with 702 requests and FISA today!
Guess what bub? You got lied to right straight to your face. The document they are referencing was declassified and released in full (with the same heavy redactions) on APRIL 26, 2017. Read the article in OP. It links to the exact same document you "just" learned about "exclusively" on Infowars.
Come on. As far as the Nunes 4-page memo, that's also a lie that it's merely a summation of the 99 page report. I've clarified and cleared that up multiple times but will do so once more:
?The 4 page FISA abuse memo by Devin Nunes that we are waiting on and #ReleaseTheMemo is about, was written using top secret internal evidence that the DOJ/FBI was forced to turn over to the HPSCI after months of fighting with Rod Rosenstein and Chris Wray, both of whom begged Paul Ryan not to force them to give up the evidence.
>Read this article to understand where/how Nunes got the evidence for his memo which is NOT the one Jones is shilling
Sorry I should have clarified. They also said in a roundabout way that there's more additional recent information/evidence in the new 4-page memo, but the 99-page report was the original basis/impetus.
I do agree that AJ dropped the ball on how he reported this, but I disagree with the suggestion he's trying to mislead people. I think he just kind of handled it shitty.
it amazes me people still ride jones dick
>I think he just kind of handled it shitty.
Alex sometimes is an idiot. He's a radio host.
Anyway, you enjoying your shilling? I mean it makes sense. Turn people against Alex Jones to lessen his reach.
Just posting on Sup Forums isn't going to help you. Try posting on comments in web articles instead.
fuck off owen your voice is fucking gay
i liked alex until today, he cant even admit that he was trolled/fooled and is bold face lying to his listeners. hes claiming he is the first person to talk about this document and he is dead wrong. dead fucking wrong.
Not saying it's right but people on T.V and Radio all do this shit. When they say it, I think they're only talking about the big guys, their competition.
>people on T.V and Radio all do this shit
Where the fuck have you been dude? We literally hate the liars in the press pretty much more than anything
Jones is clearly comfortable being a liar even if he portrays himself as being outside the msm
sure they all do it but isnt that the reason we dont like the msm right...alex jones isnt above the standards we put on the msm. hes just as bad if not worse if he cant admit that he was wrong and stop finding excuses. infowars has turned in to a complete joke with in the last year...i used to be able to accept alex's exaggerating, personal opinions, shilling of his products. but now hes bold face lying, childish ass commercials for his products, whoring out millie. and then he has the balls to add people like roger stone who literally claims hes the person who got trump elected, and dr grupe who literally looks like hes lying every time i see him speak. hes let go of all his good talent like joe biggs. also he shut down millie when she was covering the unite the right rally, look at her video about it, the look in her eyes tells me she finally knows the truth about niggers
the most obviously poor decision he made, IMO, was hiring noted larper and general retard david seaman and actually giving that grubby gross schlub a platform to spew his inane, uninformed shit over the air. I had stopped watching by the time that happened but when I heard that, i just laughed and knew that dropping Infowars cold turkey was the right decision. Agree on all your points
Jones already admitted to moving against the MSM. He admitted he is playing the narrative game now. Are you guys under the opinion that Jones is owned by the jews? If so, when?
>If so, when?
If so, since when***
so its ok for alex to bold face lie just because hes "playing the msm game"
that makes him msm aka fake fucking news
IMO, he had his greatest run in 2016 and then cucked hard after his foray into Pizzagate resulted in him issueing a withering, near incoherent statement on behalf of Alefantis (the one that Podesta continues to use to spam people with on Twitter). After that, it was all over and he began adding layers upon layers of lies over top of anything that he was saying - even the semi-truthful things, such as this year-old declassified report today. Report on it? Great. Lie about its origins and then make up other lies about it being the entire basis of the Nunes 4 page memo? Come on, thats intentionally deceiving the audience, not "playing the narrative game"
>so its ok for alex to bold face lie just because hes "playing the msm game"
I didn't watch the show you guys were arguing about, not sure what happened.
If Alex IS being given information from "the good guys", he will then start a narrative which leads to the release I assume of said information and proving his initial claims were correct.
I'll have to listen to the show, he claimed this document was not from a year ago?
dont forget to add lying about being the first to report it. i mean come on...why wasnt he talking about this the day it was declassified?
my man, alex is claiming he is the first and only person to talk about the 99 page report, hes lying, and before that he claimed it was the nunez memo. as i said above, if this report is so important why didnt he talk about this the day it was declassified