I'm rich and white with good genetics (6'2, 190, 8% bf, 141 IQ, athletic, symmetrical face with masculine features)
How does it make you feel to know that I have no interest in getting married or kids?
I'm rich and white with good genetics (6'2, 190, 8% bf, 141 IQ, athletic, symmetrical face with masculine features)
How does it make you feel to know that I have no interest in getting married or kids?
absolutely Haram
What is the point of your existence?
humans are born to make history. Personally I think being a pickup artist is more beneficial. That's just me though I mean "accidental" pregancies are a thing and then technically I helped the white race though indirectly.
Why do you care about a future of other people's kids?
>guise if u dont reproduce ur life is pointless
t. nigger tier thinking
It's your loss
Your going to DDiiieeee, and nobody will care.
Why do you give a shit whether I have kids or not?
I dont like degenerates and think they should be gassed
Get of Sup Forums Ahad
i don’t give a fuck cuz i’m italian, 6’2 200lbs, handsome as fuck, great at sports and i have a solid 8/10 german gf with blue eyes and blonde hair who wants kids and we’re gonna pump out a bunch of them
sage this garbage bait
Too bad there's nothing you can do about it except idly post your fantasies on a Laotian hulu-hooping imageboard
Hypergamy works on your favor if you are genuine Chad. Just find a young woman who could never do better than you. She will be your loyal loving servant for life.
Why does every MGTOW thread start by trying to justify it's existence? If you don't want to get married and have kids, then don't. Stop making threads trying to defend your life choices to strangers on a Japanese cartoon image board.
Do not fall for Jewish tricks, MGTOW is a cancer that should be eradicated from this earth. The biggest loser in the MGTOW game is you. You will get old and realise it is too late and you’ve done literally nothing with your life. You will realise that you are just as pathetic as SJW’s and these 50 y.o. feminists who never got a man.
No hymen
No diamond
I need a pussy to crush my face nightly
Hypergamy also works if you make decent money. You could be the most disgusting ugly fat manlet on planet earth but make enough money and women will throw themselves at you.
He didn’t say that. He asked what the goal of your existence is. I’m pretty sure you can’t answer this either.
>I need a pussy to crush my face nightly
Careful what you wish for
If the "goal of your existence" is reproduction, you are no better than a nig.
>muh dick muhfugga
What is the point of your existence?
Shitposting until I get my inheritance
Again, you didn’t answer the question.
How does it feel to be a genetic deadend, leaf?
Chubby is fine.
Whales are not.
When you're good looking you don't need to worry about fatties, just being lonely from overly high standards.
Feels pretty good honestly.
Having kids is for cucks and betas.
>Not fathering several daughters and a creating right wing loli death squad
Fourth-wave Feminism is the final redpill. Seriously.
I'm a stay-at-home trophy husband with bright blue eyes, a big dick, and nice abs. My girlfriend is a DACA Mexican immigrant with a masters degree and I never went to college. It's like the 1950's at my house, only I'm the housewife.
I stay home all day drinking and playing video games with my cat. I wash a dish once in awhile and cook for her. I meet her at the door with a cocktail when she comes home from work. That's it. I'm paid to be a NEET. I have never once paid for a date and it's been 3 years.
We're saving up to have a baby. I'm going to homeschool the little fucker in STEM and redpill the shit out of him.
We're at a really awkward stage right now as a society where women only want the nice parts of feminism, but with tech jobs replacing manual labor jobs and statistics showing that single fathers make better parents than single mothers, they're running out of excuses to not be the breadwinners. With drones in the military, there's no reason for men to even fight in wars anymore.
If you want to make it in the west, learn as much as you can about vacuuming, cooking, and early childhood development, (as well as working on cars and shit) and land yourself one of the top 1% of professional women. You're white, you can provide ethnic women with white babies, which they desperately want. Take your pick.
I live in paradise, you guys. I'll never have to work another day in my life. I'm retired at 26.
Have fun dying alone when you become too old to work.
Never seen this copy pasta before.
You're fucked and you don't even know it, faggot. She'll cheat on your ass a year after the baby is born.
Say goodbye to your spic gf you pathetic excuse for a man
everyone dies alone you retarded cuck.
>too old to work.
Can you not read? I'm rich.
t. Akon.
>8% bodyfat
Don’t stay like that it’s not healthy
Good genetics doesn't mean much if the only place theyre going is into a tissue
Speaks from experience.
>Can you not read? I'm rich.
You really expect me to believe every claim anonymous faggots make online? Even if you aren't lying, a degenerate lifestyle blows through cash fast.
Write back when the kids are 2 and 5 and she's divorcing you after kicking you out of the house with an emergency order of protection, you have no skills or career, and the judge is making you pay child support on the money you are borrowing to live off of
you wish it was pasta. I have the American dream.
Is it possible that I have a nice personality as well as a giant cock?
I'll just marry her if I need to and she'll be a citizen. Or I'll move to a wealthy community in Mexico where I can buy a team of slaves to do my housework for me and kiss my white feet. Don't tread on me mister gadsden flag
>being this triggered
mmm delicious jelly. I bet you're all phoneposting on your lunch break. Have fun at the warehouse, wagie. Feels good to be aesthetic.
As soon as the school can baby sit your kids your wife will reveal that you have been huffing down Tyrone's demon seed every time you went down on her. Once someone else can watch the kid, you will be available for pick ups and all the primary care giver stuff, so she will finally find an earner. All the while shitting on you because you sent the kid back to her without her laundry done. Screencap this, print it out, and keep it in your wallet.
> I made a decision and publicly and proudly state it
> Whyyyy do you disapprove of me!!??
Why do you care about people's approval?
I disapprove of you not based on "objective Truth" but rather subjective preference, and If your actions go against my own value system I have every right to voice my opinion on the matter.
Its your life, just as any faggot can fuck which ever excrement hole he can find is his choice, but how other's react to your behaviour and actions is not your choice, don't expect the people around you to support you in something which they do not support.
You are being an sjw faggot essentially.
I don’t get why mgtow is a thing at all. I’m a adult, I’ve got a job, I make good income, I’ve got my own place, I take care of my personal health, but I choose not to date anyone because of some of my mental issues. So answere me this why is mgtow a thing? Am I part of mgtow because I can’t commit to a loving relationship? Do you guys choose to be a lone for no in particular reason? Or is it for some political reason?
Why would I be made to pay child support when she's the one with a masters? Even the most bitch feminist divorce judge couldn't get away with forcing me to do that. You just said yourself I have no skills and no career. She would have to pay ME alimony and child support. She doesn't even really like being around kids that much, there's no way she'd even want custody.
I'm debt-free nigger, and I always will be. I'm set for life once I pop a bun in that oven. A life of vidya, shooting guns, and playing guitar. I'm currently attempting to eat enough pussy to warrant her buying us a boat.
She asked me the other day whether I would prefer yellow or white gold on my ring. She, of course, will be buying it. She's petrified of me leaving her and fucking some other sugar mama because I can at any point. I've never met a woman so possessive.
>HINT: date a woman at least 5 years older
You can do what you want. Just be aware that you're doing a disservice to the human species by allowing the weak to have more offspring than you.
>how ya feel
Homosexuals have been with us since the dawn of civilization. Nature has already factored you out.
You can be 7 ft tall, 300 lbs and 1% bf and parasitic bitches wouldn't have children with you if you have no money
No way in hell I'll believe that.
I don't care
too live, be a human being you were made just to have a free will. Fuck off with this nigger edge lord thinking.
it is super rare for people to know their actual iq as the test is only done for retards
sage this larp
>200 lbs
>Not fat
>Italian-German mix
congrats on your mutt-babies
Well its pretty simple. The way white women have behaved against white men means that white men have to choose between preserving their honor and between preserving the white race. Anyone who is strong will obviously choose their honor. So whoever doesnt like the disservice see pic related.
Why is MGTOW commonly associated with not breeding or being a pointless existence?
You can be an attractive or ugly NEET/MGTOW and still get laid, deceive some women, and pump out some kids. There are women who can be impregnated who are too stupid to find out your real name or address.
You can reproduce yourself AND live your own life while some bitch gets the actual workload.
The problem here is that Sup Forums is full of whiteknight faggots no different than feminists and their 'man up' motto
>he thinks anyone is going to believe this
'2, 190, 8% bf, 141 IQ, athletic, symmetrical face with masculine features
You are lying about every word of that but if you want to LARP then so be it.
>As soon as the school can baby sit your kids
neither me or her trust public schools, we're too libertarian
She's mexican, not blonde you retarded nazi. Niggers disgust her. There's a reason she's with snow white and not some lazy darkie who act exactly like me. Jews don't produce beaner on nigger porn, and even if they did, I've spent three years subtly conditioning her to hate kikes and never trust media.
>she will finally find an earner
She has plenty of money and has no reason to be a gold-digger at 30. You're used to dating white women, idiot. Mexicans work hard and care about family.
And I always get the laundry done.