I swear, every EU person is like this
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EU isn't a nation.
Where did he say the EU is a nation?
>damage control
Nobody feels bad for you
Yea it is you fucking commie
>damage control
This bulgar must be about the stupidest wopdago on all of the internet
you seem to be thinking about the EU right now
No one really cares about America in my eperience, only here on Sup Forums
But imagine if it was!
EU is a much better country than the USA
Do you get mad when people call you french?
>post bait
>gets btfo
Stay right where you are
And I'm superiour to all of you.
>not commies like EU, acutally the arch-nemesis of the EU
>not kike slaves like America, we are the jew's arch-nemesis
Don't cry please, it's just how this planet is.
> EU is a much better country than the USA
The EU is not a country leaf.
Dude, I literally met a girl from France a month ago who snapped a pic of my iPhone X for her facebook or instagram. She said in Europe, the taxes are so high, the average citizen couldn't afford one. The USA isn't perfect, but it's pretty nice to know that I make a healthy salary and can pretty much purchase whatever I wan't, within reason.
No, I'm a French immigrant in fact
Yea that country doesn't speak for Europe. Go to the Germanic countires, a lot richer than poor 56% land.
I love how you faggs get automatically assblasted with mutt memes, here have another one
>I swear, every amerimutt is like this
I don't think about Americans at all. It just that I get that American shit pushed down my throat. It's like that smelly fat rich kid nobody likes but his dad is the principal of the school, so you are forced to be nice to him while everyone makes fun of him behind his back.
Works the opposite for me personally.
I'll state a fact that has nothing to do with either UK or USA, and a bunch of americans will comment about ''muh caliphate'' or whever even though they're in just as much of a bad situation if I can remember correctly.
Also, USA has been a Rothschild/City-of-London colony since 1913, and under full control by the 1930s.
No they aren't. The taxes you pay are absolutely crushing. Also, it's easy when your entire defense budget is propped up by our tax dollars.
america isnt a country either.
plz stop making my country browner. Stay there, taco nigger. the 56% thing is because you dont want to stay where you are. Just, stay ok? Stay, we really do not want you browning us further.
Yes it is.
lol youre a spic. Mexicans posting mutt memes is like 5 year olds swearing. it doesnt make sense
We don't pay high taxes at all, a whole lot less than in burgerland actually. Maybe because we don't pay for millions of niggers and the entire state of Israel? Not sure why exactly though.
Also daily reminder that Germans only pay high taxes because of "muh 6 gorillion".
>implying you are not getting brown because of your whore women loving that bbc
anyway, who will want to be with a pathetic weak white man who just masturbates to anime, no wonder why white males are going for horrible gooks
I'm starting respect the french more and more
Cool. Just stay there. No need to come to the US. There are not better opportunities for you here. Stay there and breed with your goblin women, do not come here.
I love the mutt memes. I’ve been thinking about making “The White Virgin v. The Amerimutt Chad” meme for extra bantz. Been too lazy to make it.
I like mutt memes, but do you even know your own race? You guys are mixed beyond recognition
This lol. Don't know why Mexicans think it's appropriate to shit talk Americans about race mixing.
This ! It is the 4th Reich
As long as they stay where they are and do not bring more of this shit with them I dont care what they post
I wont, your country sucks honestly, not even worth to vacation in there, is always the same shit no matter where you go, you dont have imagination at all
do it lazy faggot
>I am Mexico
are you that stupid?
>you dont have imagination at all
Just stay there
The refugee crisis is a CIA backed plan to undermine European competition.
>i don't think about you at all
muh heritageland 1/64th germans mutts believe this
keep masturbating to anime
Will do! Make sure you dont get beheaded like that kids dad! Cause you know, your staying there and all.
Canada is barely even a country
OP implying that amerimut is white.
Nothing like substituting someone else’s success for your own. Where’s the pic of you and your whore?
Most Europeans just like Americans dont really give a fuck
Great! Keep posting from mexico! Land of goblin women and sharp knives!
>losing your women to niggers
lol you are the land of the goblins
So you have nothing? Thanks for making my point. Stay poor nigger lover.
what the fuck is "eu person"?
I used to think of Germany fondly. I no longer do this. I prefer not being prosecuted for thought crime and avoiding muzzie rape. Enjoy your homeland, cuck.
>lol you are the land of the goblins
Americans be living rent free in the europoors mind all day er day... they know more about USA politics and culture than I do! Lmao
do you have any? oh yeah I forgot, all your women are with niggers
>shows a picture of an american citizen in american prision
oh the irony
Very true.
We can afford Iphone X, we just prefer Samsung because it's not shit
except retards who want to look rich obviously they always buy every overpriced shit apple throw at them
Don't get personally offended like a little crybaby. I don't hate white American people, just the endless American Jewish rampage which puts a huge strain on my country.
>>shows a picture of an american citizen in american prision
>paco thinks that jumping the border makes one an american
Dont worry, we are sending all your "dreamers" back you filthy brown rape baby
Not sure where you're getting off when mexican girls love white and black guys just as much as white women do lmao
But really though, I hope none of our Eurobros are taking memes like this to mean we're Anti-European. I've always seen this pic as specifically anti-EU in the sense that it's making fun of the cucky anti-nationalist, pro-EU faggots who pretend they pity the US for being small-minded racists, bigots, nationalists, etc.
I don't hate or disparage any of our European fellow nationalists.
>haha, checkmate Amerimutt, you see even though we want to become a europooric nation and we engage in severe group think you should still address us as independent nations not just one horrible Frankenstein nation
>"People that don't even live in my country know more about my own nation's politics than I do"
>this somehow is a reason to be proud
Fucking Amerimutts, I swear.
keep up with the delusion
>just as much as white women do
Daily reminder that burgers wouldn't even know where Europe is located on a map.
>keep up with the delusion
keep up with the beheadings and niggertier skin color
How will Amerimuts ever recover?
>niggertier skin color
says the mutt lol
>be Mexican
>thinks to have rights to say anything
>being this assblasted
>says the mutt lol
Yes, you are literally a mutt lol finally you get it!
I can't keep up with you autistic europoors. I don't have all day to sit around reading about America like you do...
All women are dumb as shit across the board just some make it less obvious than others. I don't think its that simple but the post here that said something like
>"women naturally like to be conquered"
I don't think they're soulless sex things but my experience with indian, brown and black women has proven me this. Not even talking about the history of your women with spanish men
>literally using "le whiter than you" as an argument
Also, you're the last nation to rag on anybody's safety.
>be burger
>get shot
>even if you survive you'd die on an infection because of the third world tier healthcare in your country
>you're too stupid to realize this because of you third world tier education
Does it sting knowing that you are the result of a european raping your brown ancestors? Like seriously, that must hurt when you look in the mirror and see niggerskin
>I don't think about you at all
>Makes a thread about Europeans
Bwahahahah, why are Americans so retarded? I feel bad for you
sure thing Le'monjello Al-Berlini
>staying up to date with international politics is too hard for me
>w-w-we don't care about you at all
>proceeds to make a meme about it
kek. Also
then you admit that white american women are going for darkies because white men are too busy masturbating to anime?
>I am mexico
weeeeeeeew, you americans are dumb as fuch lmao
>>I am mexico