In light of recent events with Trey Gowdies comment on “secret societies“, let us investigate this leaked Deep State chatroom
In light of recent events with Trey Gowdies comment on “secret societies“, let us investigate this leaked Deep State chatroom
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Why would they use a chat room and why would we even have access to this before it was even mentioned in official press releases?
Fake and gay. I already see through the deception. This is bs created by the deep state traitors to lessen the blow of their treachery in the public’s eye and also to make them “cool” and “hip” (again to draw public sympathy via Star Wars references). Boomer tactics don’t work anymore.
These fucktards thought tor was anonymous lol
Found the shill
>D- don't read this goy
TOR network.
Don't let this slide guys
Just read this in another thread but I don't into tor
I want to believe
You are the shills.
Show me the incriminating evidence in these chats.
You can’t. None of this shit is incriminating because guess what, it’s fake and it’s made to lie to the public that it’s fucking nothing.
The reality is much much worse.
It's always fucking Harry Potter and star wars. America is a joke
The chat is from the day Rosenstein announced Mueller as the head of the special counsel and RR stands for Rod Rosenstein
S is writing the comey memos and Rosenstein is being black mailed
AEWP could stand for associate editor of the Washington Post
Bob Woodward is the associate editor of the Washington Post
Looks f&g I agree
Shills be like
>politicians and elites are way too smart to be using chatrooms
Yeah because I would definetly incriminate myself with damagin info, just to look “cool and hip“
Doesn't seem likely at all, that the deep state would pull such a stunt off
Death to the jews
Death to their pedo goy
Death to their niggers
Death to their faggots
Ty leaf. I'm kinda dissapointed that some believe that other shill leaf, but you will be spared on the day of the rake
>These fucktards thought tor was anonymous lol
So fake, so ghey.
The claims made in this thread were clearly manufactured with fraudulent intent and are patently homosexual in nature.
Error 404 Really makes you think
Can someone help to investigate the names and the stuff they talked about in the chat room?
The info is from May 2017
I saved the link some time ago, the info is from May 2017
as well, there is discussion of potential FF's and contingencies when plan A isn't enough
>RR isn't taking shit...and he knows our friends have stuff on him
This is the way it goes folks. I firmly believe Rosenstein is NOT part of the swamp, but he's being blackmailed into doing their bidding. When given the opportunity to flip, he and people like him will jump at the chance.
RR= Rod Nosenstein
WH= White House
MF= Mike Flynn
S= Peter Strzok
Limey= either Rob Goldstone or Christopher Steele though contextually I'm leading towards goldstone
AEWP= assoc editor Washington compost
AE= assoc editor
only one I'm not sure is what GT outpost is.
I think limey might be Huffington
You're awesome. Thx.
Yeah and it fits the info Trey Gowdy gave us. That “this is the first day of the new secret society meating“ after Trump won the election. And it fits the one FBI guy, who said (in leaked private chats) that there is a 1000% chance that Hillary will win the election
not sure. the first reference to limey they reference HIM as being scared shitless. then they through in a SHE when they are talking about planting stories at the Washington post.
Yeah this is real, a LARP isn't smart enough to bother with realistic acronyms like that
George Soros was called Palpatine a couple of times, if I recall correctly
So is washington compost officially deep state direct mouth piece?
The mere fact that public officials would be communicating with each other over tor would be incriminating enough, if true.
But, guys, come on. Are these people using literal fantasy bad-guy names for themselves? I'm supposed to believe it? Maybe. Kind of a stretch.
they called Hillary Palpatine
and Obama Vader
shows how they really feel I guess
Limey could also be Louise Mensch
yeah pretty much
Could names that are easy to memorize maybe? Additionally the CIA for example uses strange names for operations too, but yeah we'll see
I havedon't a strong feeling that McMuffin is the anonymous source
*I have a
Id agree this is fake and gay if it had come out AFTER the Strozk texts. But it didnt. So kys you god damn dirty kike.
Could Camp Eagle stand for Schindler?
AE and AEWP is Adam Entous, that works at WashingtonPost
So what came out/happened May 18th, 2016/17?
Mueller inquiry started.
Rosenstein appointed Mueller as head of the russia investigation
I’m at bay to believe but remember John Podesta’s Email password? Hard to say what’s fake or gay these days. Absolute state of reality.
Guys this is absolutely important. These texts are PROOF that the deep state makes shit up, or blows non storys out of proportion just to get Trump impeached!
Take a look at the catalog. Shills are either sliding this, something else or this and something else
From this hat is looks like S is Strzok, the guy who writes the memos.
Roger is someone who gets on calls with Michael Flynn.
Huck and Jules are not Strzok, but Strozk is in the chat. Perhaps Roger or Severus.
What is “camp eagle”??
I would like to believe these are real but considering how much glow in the dark content is used to confuse and obfuscate people I wouldn't trust it. Seems like the kind of things that the deep state would fake to create the narrative that the deep state itself is a Russian false flag. I can't tell who's jewing who anymore, and I think that's the point
im thinking Juules is Lisa Page. the way she talks about S makes it sound like she is really close with him.
Roger is the FBI guy, whos computer got hacked some time ago
Bill Clinton's official Secret Service codename was Eagle. Camp Eagle is the Clinton's
Well those texts show something different: Rosenstein is being black mailed (remember the insider who came on told us that), S is writing Comeys Memos and the Deep State is making shit up to get Trump impeached and
Do we have new info Since May 2017, that help us to go through these texts and names?
(May 17th 2017 is the day of the chat room pics)
this is objectively not fake though because they are talking about getting tipped off that Rosenstein is appointing Mueller to WHSC the day before he actually does IRL. not insignificant.
Thanks, that was driving me nuts. Couldn’t tell if it was a reference to 16 or 17
Really... do they have to use names like that.
dude if you were plotting a sedition conspiracy wouldn't you have fun with it?
Tor is meant to circumvent censorship issues for other countries, and as a CP honeypot. Tor is government funded, and isn't actually anonymous. It's only anonymous in the sense of being hard to trace, since it obfuscates server bounces; but any site on it can be monitored the same way as the WWW.
I think the point I'm trying to make is that given the fact that these people exist solely to collect, analyze and manipulate information it would be wise to take it with a grain of salt. Common sense tells you that they're dirty, they hate Trump and are afraid of losing power. Would they fake a deep state chat room so they could try and blame the Russians? Wouldn't surprise me in the least
"Limey" is Louise Mensch
"Our friends in NY still have secure connection set up waiting"--
Friends in NY = HRC & Abedin in Chappaqua
well she's pretty scary
Needs a bump
Bingo. House fire?
Or the DNC
Agree. I pointed that out too
Checked but I dusagree for 2 reasons:
a) The content of the chats is really damaging, not something the msm would like to cover. It even shows that a deep state exists
b) The leaks are from May 17th 2017 and no big media outlet covered these leaks
Didn't see it from this angle. Dang big if true. Additionally by a (((coincidence))) many FBI emails and chats etc. got lost
May 17th was the day RR appointed Mueller as SC (May 16th was the day the Trump met with Mueller to "interview" him as a candidate for FBI Director)
>House fire?
you know what changes when there is a fire? you no longer need a warrant to enter the building, because there is an emergency
William Benny released the memo to infowars.
Read this
Perhaps. I think HRC was kept in loop throughout this entire process.
Remember her Oct 31, 2016 text re: Trump/Russia? I think Strzok or Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS was sending her info/talking points--tidbits from "Steele Dossier"
We need to figure out which nickname Simpson had--maybe Huck?
I just read the comments. Was this really publicly available a long time ago?
It appears so. The one that Congress is freaking out about is an abridged 4 page version that is unredacted.
This is not the same 4 page memo currently being discussed. Lurk more newfag
This is the DNI Report on FISA/FISC-- Coats released this redacted report and it shows that FBI allowed 3rd party contractors to perform "Queries" and unmask US Civilians-- 702 Section 17
When Adm. Mike Rogers got wind of this--he shut it down in April of 2016 and self reported to FISA Courts.
This is why FBI et al needed to the Steele Dossier to present to FISA court and get warrant to spy on Trump and campaign team
This is not the same memo. Fucking nigger newfag posting disinfo
>Palpatine’s revenge
What is this bullshit?
this theory fits. she was batshit about russian conspiracy a year ago and nobody called her out on it
Code Names and a lot of fucked shit