Have you raped or sexually harassed anyone?

Have you raped or sexually harassed anyone?

I pulled the string on this girl’s halter top in sixth grade.
It was cool.

Yeah but she's dead so I won't get MeToo'd

When I was newly a teen, I let my leg rub against a girl's in our van (something like a church van - not a relative). Also, I'd let myself lean right into them as we'd go around a corner. I've since learned that that's called 'frottering'. So, yes. I wouldn't do it now, of course.

Sadly, no.

>raping a whole continent again

Savage Money Launderer user.

Of course. How do you think us women get paid?

thanks memeflag which is probably the worst money laundering country

>tfw when you know the difference between London and
>The city of London.

yeah i heard about that, some ancient ruling anyway
>tfw a muslim in London
what happened to vienna

sexually harassed as in the actual meaning or sexually harassed as in playful ribbing that 90% of the world understands?

I slapped the asses of girls in my class back in school, they always laughed and returned it. Some guy got sued for doing that though because be ways a soyboy and wanted to seem cool, the girl didn't like that.

I psychic rape dozens of women daily. I masturbate to the thought of women I encounter without asking for their consent.

Oh yea, the school convinced her to drop the charge.

I was sexually harassed by a woman. She is still pissed about me refusing her advances and refuses to talk to me.

No, but I've been sexually harassed by two different girls who hugged me without my consent.

Raped some white bitch who strayed into a brown part of Toronto.

not yet. i need to start tho. these cunts need a lesson

I used to molest sluts in highschool
But due to my autism i would politely apologize during it and be as gentle as possible
Nobody reported me

I hope so.


I farted at the grocery so I raped all the women in that building.

Also I spread my legs on the trait, so I raped all the women next to me.

Yikes bro, are you lazy or plain stupid? Just ask for their consent before, it's not that hard

It's where your money in your vaults is laundered to be fair before it settles in your Alps or UK overseas meme-tier territories.

>what happened to vienna
dunno, I'm still dancing the flamenco in proetst.

Good job taking care of that btw.

>playful ribbing
t. Durex specials salesman

Yeah, grabbed my ex by the pussy

according to the new standards? probably. not sure desu.

>Have you raped or sexually harassed anyone?
How the fuck would i know? They keep moving the goal posts and changing the definitions.


But the drunk fumbling that happened back when I was 13-14 would probably count as "rape" today.

Yeah. I had the audacity to be attracted to women on several occasions. Slap those irons on me.

rape is a social construct

with 12 i raped an 11 one.

not recently
do you have someone in mind?

Yes once, I was drunk and I slapped my female coworker. She's my wife now.

I slapped her ass btw not her face, I guess it wouldnt have worked so well otherwise.

Fingered a 17 year old when I was 20, it was our first date and I just sorta did it without asking.

just show your flag

>british manner
>paki style
did you do that in london?

perfectly legal in real countries.

catcalled a lot

everyone used to do it without asking. and it usually worked. chicks today are cancer.

t. oldfag


Post feet, and I'll "imagination rape" you through the internet tubes (without your permission).

are you serious? if so, you're such a cucked fag. why do you even remember such irrelevant things? that's literally nothing.

I don't talk to woman and never touch them so I am in the clear

Does fucking a 13 year old at 21 count?

What kind of a loaded question is that?
Do you want people to confess to violently raping women, by posting incriminating evidence?

All men have. Thats the joke.

Depends. Were you still living in Asia when you did it?


No and yes.

Yes, doing the work of Allah I see. As-salāmu ʿalaykum my friend.

Sup Forums cant rape anyone because the girls boyfriend wont let them

i spanked a girl in the butt pretty hard

No because I'm not a degenerate. I have been groped by women without consent tho, so #metoo

By today’s standards if you haven’t raped a bitch then you’re a faggot

Is it rape if she like it?

I got too handsy with a stripper once

no, but when I was 11 I found out a girl liked me, unfortunately she was fat, so I punched her in the face. She didn't like me after that

Once I strangled this fat bitch for being so full of herself. Her family came to me and threatened me back. But because of my Turkish father (I am a half-breed), they backed off and went home to never be seen again. I love you pa.

The first time I spoke to my now ex at work, she called me obnoxious because I called her a nag. I replied that she'd change her mind after she went out with me. She told me she'd never go out with me, even as colleagues. I told her that not only would she go out with me but she'd sleep with me. She told me to get over myself.
After she slept with me the first time (on a business trip), I said "I told you you'd sleep with me", to which she replied, "you're such a dick". I saw her for quite a while after that, off and on.
She didn't report to me but I was technically senior to her. By today's standards, I suppose what I did would be called sexual harassment. She'd be mad if someone said that though. She was way more rw than me. I was a leftie back then. That's one of the reasons I think we didn't work out. No regrets though. She was hard work and too smart. I'll never date a smart chick again.

When i was in a highschool I had a friend whose sisters wrre basically nudists and when I'd be at their house I'd hug them to touch their bodies. Is that sexual harassment?

Burger here actually

no i always show my id and provide proof of employment and sign the contract

I haven't even kissed anyone

I have made aggressive sexual advances on a few women
there is nothing wrong with this

rape is a social construct
it doesn't exist

This. I'm pretty sure holding the door open for a girl would eventually count somewhere down the line.

Never. In college I did have a woman give me blue balls in the middle having sex. We were getting it on and suddenly she made me stop and then she left in a hurry with no explanation.
I had no idea what I did wrong at the time but she went around telling her friends that I forced myself on her even though she initiated everything, (I didn't even know she liked me before anything happened).

I found out two years later through one of her old friends that she was actually cheating on her long distance boyfriend and got buyers remorse mid bang. Her and her friends thought I was cute and one of them brought me up one night when she unleashed the load of bullshit lies about me to save face with her bf who ended up sending me threatening measages on facebook.

I never fully recovered from this emotionally. It destroyed my social life the last two years of college and I haven't dated anyone since my sophomore year which was 6 years ago.

I confess to making a lewd joke about "mana transfering" to a girl dressed as Saber from Fate/Stay Night at a con. Nothing too bad, but I'm sure the harpies from /cgl/ would want nothing more than to hang me from my scrotum.

I pinched a girl's ass at work. Thinking back, I'd feel bad for it now but she returned the gesture as she was clocking out that day so I suppose my conscience is clear

I've rubbed my cock and cummed all over women's toes while they were sleeping.

Been blamed and her own family laughed at her


I have, except rape. I guess just have too cool it for a little while until this #metoo movement wears off

>Have you raped or sexually harassed anyone?

My wife, on a daily basis. She loves being my property

I was molested by this big brute girl when I was around 5. She was 15. Touched my peter and sucked on it. I didn't know at the time but this event really didn't fuck me up at all. Just made me interested in pussy and tits earlier to the point where 4th and 5th grade kiddies called me gay because I talked about pussy and titties.

I spent three years trying to rape women, but for some reason, they can't seem to tell me no.

I sexually harassed my wife after she kept stroking my bénis.

Some chicks dig it.

Fucked an 84 year old with Alzheimers, she said I raped her afterwards.

I raped a friend of mine, a bunch of times. She was a black out drunk for awhile and when she was cold I would fuck her.

I building a rape/brutality playlist and only have two songs. Meet the Wolf by Pale Horse Named Death and The Whorelord Cometh by barbarian fist.

Anyone recommend me some songs?

How so?