You know what to do
>No Berserk, LotGH
You know what to do
>No Berserk, LotGH
Other urls found in this thread:
Mob psycho 100
Paranoia Detective
>Posted by Another Red Pilled Anime Thread
>shin sekai yori
I got distracted around ep 15, is it even worth finishing?
Anime is as manchild bad for you as soy.
My man
Warhammer 40k > All Other Fiction Combined
But thats wrong though, its just buff starwars
>women are genetically different and cant fill a mans shoes. the state finds a loophole to put radical feminist into an ever expanding bureaucracy to opress the people.
>no matter how much you try to live a trad life degeneracy and hedonism sips in and corrupt society until doom.
>all xenos are evil and multicultualism send whole planets into demon warpstorms.
>only dedication and love for humanity can lead you to triumph with discipline.
>war fuels the economy
starwars is just a hippie multiculturalism is great, women are strong, no morality or shades of grey just good v evil. only thing they got right is bureaucracy is easily corrupted and everything is run by a jew in the background.
all evils are based on reality.
orks are niggers
tzeech are jews
khorne are muslims
slanesh is sjw
nurgle are americans
eldar are scandinavians
tyranids are mass immigration
tau are communists
You are incorrect, Warhammer 40k is the only fiction that matters, no anime can touch it, star wars and lord of the rings BTFO. I used to like anime and shit, once I found out about Warhammer 40k, nothing else mattered.
Monster was pretty fucking based.
>tzeech are jews
Funny you mention that, because historically Jews got BTFO'ed by their own strategies many a times, just like Tzeentchian philosophy dictates must happen to perpetuate change.
read the manga.
Warhammer 40k lore is babby mode, now the elder scrolls lore, now that is some fleshed out lore.
JoJo: Battle Tendency
Hokuto No Ken
>High Test men battle around showing their top human condition and their peak martial prowesses
>Degenerates and Wiggers are mooks that attack innocents, get killed and can't fight for shit (especially the Ronald MacDonald expy)
>Protagonist tries to save the typical female archetype of the lady in distress, she can't do shit because her aggressors are men and stronger than her
>Same goes for token female gang member
>Each and every death of a major character (Raoh included, of course) make people feel legitimately bad for them and bring manly tears, especially of its final moments were awesome.
>Even the horse has a backstory
Try to get a more high-test anime than this one, faggots.
>Paranoia Detective
Did you mean "Paranoia Agent", or is this something else?
>tfw zero-summing your race because you actually wanted to reach digital nirvana
Feels bad man.
This. I don't see Monster mentioned enough. Absolutely incredible anime