... he is going to "fix" the special counsel investigation in a private text
Peter Strzok Literally saying
Other urls found in this thread:
>I personjally have a sense of unfinished business
His Jewish blood kicked in. Happens to all Jews, they're receiving orders directly from their DNA.
thought these got bleachbitted
bump for interest
12/16/16 to 5/17/17 are supposedly gone.
These texts are from 5/19
I think probably AD is Associate Director and DAD is Deputy Associate Director
this image doesn't exist on the web where did it come from?
I don't know, bits are leaking. A reporter had a screenshot from this earlier today. Imagine what pol could do with 50000 texts. We'd have this shit wrapped up by nightfall
>12/16/16 to 5/17/17 are supposedly gone.
military intel has a copy
it's something.
Yeah, I am sure they made sure they had all copies before even releasing the first news that they had texts. Just another foot deeper hole dug by FBI perps.
What is MYE, Guesses?
Mid year exam?
so many traps being sprung right now i can almost feel it.
more likely mid-year evaluation
>this image doesn't exist on the web
that's not how reverse image search works retard
good eye user
good eye
the distractions are all over today what are they trying to hide from us?
fuck off dumb nigger who gives a fuck you know exactly what i meant
anonymous5 isn't Frank
It means Mid Year Exam. The code name for the Clinton Email investigation.
thanks, full page of texts
there are many, just search mid year exam clinton investigation. Confirmed
>mid year exam clinton investigation
U+1F636 face with no mouth
U+1F614 pensive face
U+1F621 pouting face
sac wfo is Special Agent in Charge Washington Field Office
Read up on what q says about it, retard
Woah bump
>implies the goal is impeachment.
I see treason.
>His Jewish blood kicked in.
He's a catholic dude.
Q is a larp, boomer cancer
bump because
filter the word boomer and larp to remove bot posts from view
Just came out Mueller interviewed Comey
Just came out Comey chief of staff James Rybicki is resigning.
>fix it
>finish it
Sounds like he had a change of heart. MYE and the resulting shenanigans made him realize how stupid it was and now they want to Make America Great Again.
Ok, remember to keep watching and liking all those Q YouTube videos so you can stay on top of the larping!
I read it a different way that he let MYE go on too much and feels like he cost Hillary the election and the only reason he would join Mueller probe is to fix it by taking trump down
That’s also how I read that
Context matters though and I’d like to see more
So they knew in May that McCabe was going to leave.
What is MYE?
>what is mye?
>what is reading a thread before i ask a question?
where do i pick up the cocaine for this bump
What does n/nl mean?
newline, these texts are obviously saved in some kind of database that they are exporting from
Who is "Aaron"? Aaron Zebley, Mueller's chief of staff when FBI Director, represented Justin Cooper, Clinton IT aide who admitted to destroying her devices with a hammer.
>What does n/nl mean?
Placeholder for two spaces in a row. Ignore. The program that extracted the texts inserted that. Strzok never typed that.
Who cares? Trump is a fucking faggot who's had a literal year to declare marshal law and get this country back on the right track. Instead he's tweeting about text messages being deleted by the FBI and fake news awards that never happened while the country continues to go down the drain, while every level of government and country is still flooded with kikes, communists, niggers, spics, feminists, self hating Whites, faggots, trannies and and every other piece of shit out there that deserves a noose around their neck.
But at least the stock market is up right? At least I get an extra 2k back in taxes right? Just wait till the jews blow the derivative stock market and crash everything, see how great the economy is doing then.
Yep. FBI uses Samsung Knox to archive messages on a physical server.
Inbox is Strzok. Outbox is assumed Page, though it could be others as well?
This right here is how messaging works. My god, if they have this, and parts of it are missing, then someone ran a VERY specific delete statement with very specific date parameters.
I've not only had to do investigations like this, I've had to figure out how the data got removed after it happened once. It's fucked up how crazy people get in trying to cover some shit up. This entire thing now has tons of credibility in my eyes.
t. Someone that's seen some shit like this before.
>I won't be able to repeat. Something about being the second smartest lawyer she has ever working with besides comey. It can't be true.
Wonder who "she" is, Sup Forums. Any takers?
Mid year exam
Code name for HRC email investigation
Thank you:
I dub the
>Wonder who "she" is, Sup Forums. Any takers?
No way it is Clinton.
Anyone got a list of all the women on the mueller council?
Outside of that I would suspect Loretta Lynch first guess
>Wonder who "she" is, Sup Forums. Any takers?
Here is a link to some of the people on the team, presumably it was one of the woman already on there trying to get Page to join
all of them deserve death. dont seek salvation from politicians and bureaucrats. that power comes from the people.
whats a joker to a king, whats a king to a mob?
The Ace of Hearts Trumps Diamonds
oh man, this is getting good.
they had all the time in the world to come clean and plead mercy but they choose to keep digging - they chose this option because of the penalties they face...
there is alot of memo disinfo going round lately. they are scared
I have seen the front end of Knox before, but not the backend. From what I have seen, the end devices would not be able to change their retention policy, would have to be done by backend admin
Zainadine Ahmad
Jeannie Rhee
Elizabeth Prelogar
Aaron Zelinsky? See link. He is on the Mueller team.
What’s the point of a ‘special prosecutor’ if you’re literally using the people from Gov? And seemingly speaking to those people at DOJ?
It won't be long before some people realize they'll be the ones thrown under the bus and they start talking.
whose DAD? (all caps)
>Who is "Aaron"?
probably Zebley or Zelinsky
There is no way the texts are gone unless someone specifically chose to delete them. Everything is versioned and replicated today.
sometimes people act like it isn't a crime if the msm doesn't report on it - like that is their metric for what is doable. that was the old way i suppose but trump is changing things.
Correct. I don’t believe that ‘config errors’ caused this. It would also mean every single person with a Galaxy 5 was not archiving for 5 months, and no one caught it? I think an admin disabled as well, or just outright deleted from archive. Both of which would show in logs. The date of the archive working again is also very suspicious.
Presumably whomever was Deputy Assistant Director of counterintel at the time. I don't know who it is yet.
And D is director (referring to Comey in one of the texts)
I don't get it. they say that Andy is leaving in May 17??? dat nigga still in dere doe
they have 2 weeks to shape a bullshit narrative and/or start WW3/CW2. They aren't even under that much pressure to blow the fucking dirty bomb in Rocky Flats, CO
>The date of the archive working again is also very suspicious
not just suspicious. it's a dead fucking giveaway
He was a little higher, AD Assistant Director of counternitel
hmmm doesn't seem like anything important
anyone else getting sleepy? good night
Hes not wrong.
There’s some serious ass kissing going on in those texts...
yes well further down you read the Lisa Page is trying to butter her way into a $600k salary position.
DAD = Deputy Associate Director (Strzok's position)
AD = Associate Director (McCabe)
D = Director (One of texts refers to an outed D, Comey.)
More or less, Strzok is musing with Page about how he could work his way to the top, eventually to director of FBI role. The debate is whether being part of the Trump probe is good or bad for career prospects. If they find something, he was part of it, and thinks he'll move up. If they find nothing, then he's part of that mess, and it may become messy to promote him.
I have a feeling a lot of people "fell on their sword" to protect their king. Chances are there will be major arrests but we will be lucky to see hard evidence against HRC/Obama after the purge.. unless some ancient wikileaks file is hidden somewhere just waiting to be cracked open... plus, isnt that shit recoverable? dont they have to really go out of their way to completely wipe a hard drive? i mean, they can turn our fucking camera/mic on our cellphone using hardwired backdoors.... to think a delete function on an OS would completely remove physical disk space souds like a cover
God dammit I'm 10 miles from Rocky Flats.
Was Strzok himself.
>More or less, Strzok is musing with Page about how he could work his way to the top, eventually to director of FBI role. The debate is whether being part of the Trump probe is good or bad for career prospects. If they find something, he was part of it, and thinks he'll move up. If they find nothing, then he's part of that mess, and it may become messy to promote him.
He chose poorly.
FWIW-- Randall Coleman stepped down from FBI and took a "White Hat" investigative role at Caterpillar
Interesting. Another counterintelligence division spook.
Don't b so snippy, obviously this is unfolding very slowly and it's in all our interest to get as many people up to speed as possible
it's kinda neat seeing the questionably legal mass surveillance apparatus being used against the same assholes that thought they were the only ones in control of it
I'm curious as well. First phrase that comes to mind is "Mid-Year Election".
This would be a situation where "intuitive understanding of strategic importance of law" would be relevant.
MYE = Mid-Year Exam
Code name for HRC's e-mail investigation that Strzok was tapped to lead.
Re: Outbox
00:22:03 Fri
"Why? I don't understand what they need me for! Not when they have someone like Aaron, Or ___ or ___
Aaron is either Aaron Zebley (former Chief of Staff to Robert Mueller AND Attorney for Bill Clinton's former staffer--Justin Cooper)
or Aaron S.J. Zelinsky and attorney on detail from the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland (RR used to work in that office)
Even that code name is revealing as to their seditious mindset -- these fucking people need to hang.
Read this thread too:
It is related info about a deepstate chatroom
Yeah, I just posted a link to this thread over there.
They’re hiding the fact that (they) were planning on assasinating (him). Proof is in the the texts that are “missing.” That’s what they’re hiding.
so the communism gene. or the fascist one.
maybe the porno gene.
that jumped out at me as well.
it's sickening to know that every level of every government is infested with this kind of narciccistic faggotry.
these people are outrageous. entirely corrupt and self righteous, this country is better than this and they deserve to rot in prison for the rest of their lives if for no other reason the word Justice has no meaning to them. and whose constitution do they think their upholding. they need to be thrown at the mercy of the public. i am so sick of the people tasked witg upholding our laws in this country. abus8ng your office for political gain should be punishable by death