Sup Forums on suicide watch!
The "extreme" left explained
Almost all of those things are good
Imperialist, capitalist, WN, aristocratic, fascist, racist, sexist, militant, protectionism ftw
Let me add to it
Being white is bad
Being cis is bad
Being male is bad
Being conservatrive/Republican is bad
Disagreeing is bad
Extreme Right Ideas
Honor is good
Pride is good
Fitness is good
Rewarding people for what they contribute is good
Crime is bad
Starvation is bad
BTW Commie every single thing listed on the list that you posted is stuff that every major commie country freely did.
>tfw you'll never be a hot, bitchy middle school girl's fart slave
Stealing money from people who worked their whole life is bad
Victimising is bad
Whining/complaining is bad
Sexual/Gender/Race discrimination is bad (that's right snowflake, republicans aren't bigots)
Generally fucking over people is bad
Explain how without sounding like an absolute, typical Canadian retard.
They lost us with hardcore IdPol.
But, IdPol is the basis of Marxism with no nuances.
>people who want to commit genocide are bad
Nice one
slide thread
You go gurrrl
If you dont eat your neighbors they'll eat you.
>Exploiting people for profit
if you try to stop this you get starvation and gulags
See above
We'd be doing everyone a favor including the inferior races, they're miserable
>Wealth consolidation
Without this there can be no investment, so no progress in art or science or tech
>Destroying the earth
This one is bad, but we're not actually doing it
>Police brutality
Tough on crime is necessary to prevent criminal gangs from forming
>Race discrimination
Races are objectively different, which needs to be taken into account, ie discrimination
>Gender disrimination
see above
>Exploitation of developing world
Once again this is just captialism and better than gulags and starving
>generally fucking people over
This one is bad, but we dont do it
point 4 is a joke right? If that was true they wouldn't have supported muslims so much.
>imperialism is bad
>leftism is against nationalism
It's ironic that every leftist policy leads to exactly those things.
America hasn't eaten your little faggot nation yet we are infinitely more powerful
We'd be much better off if you did annex us, our gov are leftist cucks. Preferably youd annex us after a right-wing military coup in your own country though
opie is a faggot
>imperialism is bad
>Exploiting people for profit is bad
Depends what you mean by expoit.
>slave wages are bad
>people who want to commit genocide are bad
The far left seem rather keen on it though...
>wealth consolidation is bad
After a point
>destroying the earth is bad
Yes, but that doesn't mean we can't exploit the resources we have and have to all return to one acre and a cow.
>police brutality is bad
>race discrimination is bad
It's our country, not theirs.
>gender discrimination is bad
There are places that women should not be if you want that thing to still be effective at what it's supposed to do.
>Sexual discrimination is bad
Was this not the last one? Fuck faggots.
>Exploitation of the developing world is bad
They would still be scratching around in the mud otherwise.
>generally fucking people over is bad
Practice what you preach.
>slave wages are bad
>shut down government to try and get funding for the employers of illegal workers working for slave wages
Gee I wonder what they meant by this.
Why you have high living standards and freedom of movement and a generally happy and wealthy population. If there was a fascist takeover here and we invaded you then we would put your ass to work in the slave labor camps what makes you assume that you'd just get the same citizenship and the same rights being the defeated nation in that scenario?
Let me translate this for you.
>Imperialism is bad (when we are not in charge)
>having people decide where they work is bad
>having people decide on contract terms is bad
>white people wanting to live is bad
>wealth consolidation is bad (when it's not us)
>people not paying us arbitrary taxes is bad
>police keeping peace and order is bad
>not discriminating whites is bad
>not discriminating man is bad
>not discriminating straight man is bad
>making trade deals for raw resources that help undeveloped countries expand economically is bad
>giving people chance to stand for themselves is bad
>slave labor camps
We are talking about a right-wing government here, there would be no slave labor camps.
I'm assuming all the leafs who resist the invasion will be put in some kind of camp or do you think we'd just let potential rebels run around freely?
damn i agree with all of that but i get called a nazi
>resist the invasion
If you do a proper invasion there is none of this resistance nonsense. The few rebels and their families are simply tortured and slaughtered and everybody becomes peaceful very quickly.
See the entire history of British colonialism before they started acting like Leftist faggots
Except when communists do it, then it's not "real communism"
Why are you constantly moving goalposts? No one is going to agree with you
what is good?
btw. communism is based on fucking people over.
All of those stances are not necessary as they are responses to issues that don't exist. Trump and the like are not the manifestations of the opposite of pic related and thus fervent leftism has no basis
>destroying the earth is bad
>commies good
The Aral Sea would say hi, but it's dead now.
>childish, hyper-condensed blurbs about issues without the requisite nuance
yes, this is very typical of libtards. they think like small children. X is bad because Y. Neither X nor Y is expounded on in any meaningful way, rendering the entire argument a futile exercise in internal semantics and etymology.
Great now that we know what's bad let's see what's good based on liberal city and state policies
>Raising taxes on soda and smokes uncreasing price by over 100% is good
>Increasing fines for traffic citations 200% is good
>Charging 1200$ to get a 1400$ car out of impound because your license was suspended for not being able to afford high cost of traffic violations also good
>Making lanes of the highway with tolls so high only rich people can use them is good
>Importing cheap/illegal labor is good >devaluing the value of existing laborers and increasing unemployment in minority communities by importing labor is also good
>raising property, income and sales tax to fund govt assistance of illegals so the rich can have labor but not have to pay living wages or benefits is good
Gee it's almost like these policies and taxes are all very regressive. I wonder why these people consistently vote against their own interests...
Hello fellow communists
I had to go to support my great leader today and the revolution, or else I would be fired from my job and possibly jailed and lost my food supply from the government, people say it’s bad, but I don’t see it that way, in school they explained to me how it all worked you see? The reason why the problems in my country are bad after decades of the revolution is because of the evil capitalist pigs wont let us trade with them!! We must stay strong!! Well yes my friends, there are things in communism that are difficult, like having to be crammed with niggers everyday to get to the architectural oppressive monstrosity that is my work center. We go there to work for the motherland, which was once white, and our ideals and posters still are! But we really aren’t anymore... sometimes I feel like my own people are being turned against ourselves... must be those capitalist pigs. Anyway so I go there to work for the revolution, and it’s really stressful and toxic, and my boss is an abusive asshole... and nobody is really motivated to work and we just steal..., but we must stay strong and on the vanguard!! Those capitalist pigs could strike at any moment!!! Long live the revolution! I know the troubles are caused by the pigs... so my newspaper tells me, I don’t really think much for myself now... and sometimes I feel like my life has become animalistic or worse... anyway the times are tough and sometimes people have to dig outside the lines a little bit to get by you know? There is this man that was stealing medicinal products from the government... (the best in the world!!! And he needed me to sell them... but he got caught!! And now my life is in jeopardy!!! I cannot risk going to jail here for heaven’s sake!! I had to flee the country!! But I got caught and therefore I was publically shamed and sent to jail for counter-revolutionary activities and the few possessions I had taken from me... I do not want to say the rest
Succeeding too much is racist because it makes Africa look bad
>Imperialism is bad
Not if you're the colonizer.
>Exploiting people for profit is bad
If you're stupid enough to get exploited for profit, then that's your own fault.
>Slave-wages are bad
Translation: Durr hurr, cheap labor is bad.
Lol, if you think you get a "slave-wage", just get different job with a better salary. No one is forcing you to work there, idiot.
>People who want to commit genocide are bad
Lol wut? How the fuck is this a leftist idea? Leftists genocide people all the time.
>Wealth consolidation is bad
How? It's natural and fair that the best will get the most, they earned it. Nothing is stopping you from improving yourself.
>Destroying the earth is bad
Most leftists don't give a shit about the environment either.
>Police brutality is bad
>but only if it happens to a minority.
>Race discrimination is bad
Except if you're white though, right?
>Gender discrimination is bad
Except if you're male though, right?
>Sexual discrimination is bad
Except if you're heterosexual though, right?
>Exploitation of the developing world is bad
Bad for them only, not us.
So then why do you always do it?
This is the perfect illustration of how leftists see themselves and why logical argumentation doesn't work on them. On any given issue they simply choose the "nice" side. It doesn't matter how objectively correct the other side is; it's not "nice" so they will never accept it. The positions they hold are just accessories used to gloss over what shitty, nihilistic, miserable people they are. We should gas them all.
Anyway things are getting worse... so the cats are disappearing of the streets because people are eating them... and soon where the dogs as well, my neighbor says the taste is good, but I haven’t been fortunate enough to find any. All I have ever done to find food for myself is what me and an user found the other day on the outskirts of our village... there was this farmers cow, simply there! It was crazy. So we got this other friend who owned a car and decided to strike in the night. We killed the cow very well! Sadly, it was to big to fit the whole cow in the car, so we could only take the rear leg...
There is this girl I like... but she is quite dominant and abusive, (communist women have to be strong to fight the capitalist invader!!) And she also seems to like to have sex with niggers... the government says they keep a high moral standard and are defenders of morality... but I see my country’s morals turning all around...
... the other day I was in the old part of town, where most of the buildings are abhorrent capitalist structures built during the 19th century. Nobody really takes care of them anymore, and half the buildings are have fallen. Our great leader gave them to all the niggers a few decades ago, but they were niggers and the didn’t take care of them... now they look like something out of a horror movie (sadly, I dare not say this out loud... but it seems like in communism all things wear away) but anyway it helped the niggers and everybody was equal, and these buildings are a monument to oppression and capitalism, they deserve to be taken down with their paltry style akin to current tastes. Concrete apartment buildings seem to be the way to go...
Anyway the point is I will beat the living shit out of any American that tells me they are a communist in person
>No longer exists
>Exploitation of foreign labor is allowed by leftists
>See above
>No one does
>It isn't
>Done mostly by third world countries, not the West
>Same as the 'exploiting people for profit'
These are all stances that mean absolutely nothing, because everything they describe is either A. illegal or B. doesn't exist
You conquered 1/3rd of Mexico, mate.
And rightfully so
Pic related
>list things that are bad
>"guess what we don't like these things so people who are against us must like these thingz!!!!!!!!!"
Can't tell if bad b8 or geniune retardation.
Here a pice of writing for you to read... maybe it helps fix your brain
1.: Soviet Russia was imperialist, and Communism itself is an imperialist ideology in practice.
2: Consenting to trade labor for dollars is not exploitation. You negotiate how much your labor is worth to you with the employer. If you consent to it it is not exploitation
3: Why does the left talk positively about regimes that committed more genocide than any others? Quantitatively false.
4: Do you not realize that you are also allowed to consolidate your own wealth?
5: Talk to the Chinese Communist Party about that, they do more damage to it than anyone else on the planet.
6: Police brutality is bad, but when you consider the "victims", it isn't.
7: Unless it's white men, amirite? Could source a million articles that prove leftists hate white men.
8: see 7
9: If they never have the money to purchase factory equipment, how would they ever develop their own factories? Also see #2: The developing world will never advance without trading outside of it's borders to garner wealth. It will always be a 3rd world shithole without outside interests willing to trade labor or goods with them. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for letting 3rd worlders starve, you're pretty much guaranteeing this by eliminating trade/labor exports as an option.
If they aren't exploited, then they will remain a 3rd world suffering country for much much longer.
- IMPERIALISM (Soviet Union annexing moldova, Baltic countries, and Finland... etc)
- Exploiting people for profit is bad (the Communist East exploited the shit out Azeirbajan and Caucasus to get oil out of the region)
- Slave wages are bad ( a doctor in Cuba, today, earns $30 a month. And during communism wages were demonstrably lower in Communism than in Capitalsim, even after adjusting for government “services”)
- People who want to commit genocide are bad (The Bolshevik Jews talked repetidly about comiting genocide against the Russians, and killed millions and millions of their own fucking people, just as they did in China, and all around the world it was just as bad)
Wealth consolidation is bad (a socialist centralized government is literal wealth consolidation much worse than the hardest capitalism)
- Destroying the earth is bad (if you ask people from communist countries what communism did to their agriculture and to their countryside, you will be begging for more chemical plants, because these would have caused less harm. Also the sanitary controls in leftism are terrible because nobody can tell the government shit about it polluting the environment)
- Police brutality is bad ( I suppose you are not retarded and I do not need to tell explain to you that you have no fucking idea what police brutality is . In communism whenever there is a protest, undercover cops posing as civilians, “the revolution’s defense front” go beat the shit about of everybody)
- Race discrimination is bad (like committing genocide against gentiles you mean?)
- Gender discrimination is bad (women and men are objectively not equal, forcing a woman to fight in the army or do man-shit is much harder for the woman than it would be for a man. That is not equality, that is a form of discrimination and a bastardization of femininity)
Lets go over this, for fun
Who's doing it? Prove it and we'll talk.
>Exploiting people
Happens under literally every system, welcome to the human condition
bread lines
>genocide is bad
only when it's inconvenient
>wealth consolidation
that wasn't real communism either
>destroying the earth
so what you plan on doing about those niggers who breed like cockroaches?
>police brutality
black crime rates
>race discrimination
black crime rates and IQ distribution
>gender discrimination is bad
prove it without referencing feelings of any kind
>sexual descrimination
You mean gender? Oh wait, that's right, you idiots think there are like a million genders because you're fucking retarded.
>the developing world
They've been developing for a million years, they are just shitholes full of shitty people, get over it.
>fucking people over is bad
Until it comes time to redistribute that wealth huh comrade? Then it's fine because it's okay when we do it.
The left is so fucking retarded.
- Sexual discrimination is bad (not one fucking fag is allowed to be a fag in communism. Disallowing from the norm is not tolerated. Fags are Killed and brutally oppressed. There are various examples of homosexual writers that, when various communists revolutions happened, were dissented for being a non-revolutionary writer (they previously advocated for it, but when they saw their fluffy retarded ideas come back at them as what they were, a monstrosity, they became disillusioned, like you would if I we were to let you get away with your faggot revolution. Well they later got killed, obviously, lol)
- Exploitation of the devoloping world is bad (oh you mean like the Soviet Union did in every country it gained influence in. Not only that they also destroyed the host culture)
- Generally fucking people over is bad (communism itself is Jews fucking people over in the worst way that has been seen in human history)
Most people agree with those premises on the surface. The problem with the Left is that "gender discrimination is bad" actually means "all men are pigs and sexist, being masculine is evil, i can retract sexual consent the next day if i feel regret, all rape accusations should be believed" etc etc on and on into the maddening, absurd world of Leftist politics.
>We'd be much better off if you did annex us
Over my dead body, you keep your cuck state the hell away from us.
You mapleniggers can keep your BBC parties and your illegal opinions the hell over there, don't you ever bring that shit here you understand me?
i love term slave-wage, really powers the pecans
You are a centrist fag retard
None of those things are bad, those are things that are part of human nature. What isn’t part of human nature is communism
These are all good things....
And they were the reality of the world at the time
Haha epic, fuck the alt right. I hate them. They are such cyber bullies.
Leftist swines kill dozens of millions of working class people in the last century in the name of equality and social justice and still think they can claim moral highground.
The truth is treason in the empire of lies
Well I think that we can agree that the OP got objectively BTFO
Don’t reply anymore to the bait
Because memes describe all parts of an ideology. Interesting they forgot that:
>free speech is bad
>national sovereignty is bad
>meritocratic hiring is bad
>biology is bad
>low taxation is bad
>keeping jobs in this country is bad
>federalism is bad
>deporting alien criminals is bad
>dissent on any of the prior topics is bad
This would be hilarious because I can just see how it would go down in a hard leftie circlejerk community.
>everyone grows crops and trades them for awhile
>one year bob's crop gets hit by some sort of pestilence that wipes out most of his crop
>He can't share or he might starve but he cant not share or he wont get enough food
>community has to establish some sort of debt based system for bob to pay back his share later
>one person is assigned to keep up with all the debt, they act as the village book keeper
>bob gets hit again the next year, as do many others
>people start to resent the fact that some people's crops never had any problems and they have to pay extra for past problems
>they get mad because they don't have as many potatoes on their plate as the jones' and they blame the book keeper
>they eventually demand that a committee be established to manage the distribution of vegetables so everyone gets a fair share
>they then demand that the book keeper be thrown out of the village because they don't like him anymore
>village votes it in and all vegetables are distributed to everyone equally now
>the Jones stop working as hard because they don't see the fruits of their labor anyway
>everyone works as hard as the smiths' who just barely do enough work to live
>eventually everyone has just barely enough food to survive and they usually have to wait a long time to get it
>the committee members always get theirs first however, they are in charge of the food so naturally they need to be healthy and alert for the sake of everyone
>turns out the committee was selling some of the food at the farmers market for cash so they could buy dildos and iphones on the side
>village loses it's collective shit, all growers burn their crops and bail the fuck out right after they kick the committee members' asses
>the few people that remain wonder where they went wrong
>everyone that didn't live in the village says "that wasn't real communism"
>making yourself without depending on a overreaching and overbearing government is bad
>proving yourself based solely on the merits of your skills and effort is bad
>being rewarded for going above and beyond is bad
>small businesses are bad
>having the ability to defend one's self is bad
>having people learn real skills instead of going to a university to have their brains filled with propaganda is bad
>electing not to fill your already crowded country with more foreign unskilled labor when the age of mass automation is at hand is bad
I only agree that destroying the earth is bad.
Individuality is bad because individuals have the ability to rise up and be better
The left is terrified by this
They hate individuality because an individual has the ability to rise up and be strong and the groups that push Marxism and far left is that thy are weak. Not just physically, although this is usually the case, because the total embodiment of weak. Weak mentally, weak in character. You name it, they are weak.
You will never stop human individuality. You can split people along as many lines as you like but as long as genetics continues to mutate and evolution moves along human beings will be different and individuals will continue to rise up and disagree with you
This latest wave of far left idiocy will fail just as it always has done
Also, fuck you you fucking dirty commie rat cunt
>Imperialism is bad.
Manlets say shit like that.
>Exploiting people for profit is bad.
Really fucking ironic coming from someone with the commie flag isn't it?
>Slave-wages are bad.
Stop working then, oh wait, you don't have a job do you.
>People who want to commit Genocide are bad.
Normally I would agree with you, but at the moment a Genocide of all Leftists doesn't seem that bad, so hey, I'm sure it can be justified.
>Wealth Consolidation is bad.
So. Fucking. Ironic.
>Destroying the Earth is bad.
>Police brutality is bad.
>Race Discrimination is bad.
"What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money." - Karl Marx
>Gender Discrimination is bad.
Sure, can you prove that anyone does that? Oh you can't? Google Islam.
>Sexual Discrimination is bad.
Then stop raping children.
>Exploiting the developing world is bad.
>Generally fucking people over is bad