Daily reminder that British posters on this board have ZERO reasons to complain about house prices.
Pic related: this house in Leicester (white population: 45%) should be affordable to any mature, hard-working man in Britain
Daily reminder that British posters on this board have ZERO reasons to complain about house prices.
Pic related: this house in Leicester (white population: 45%) should be affordable to any mature, hard-working man in Britain
Other urls found in this thread:
>In terms of ethnic composition, according to the 2011 census, 50.6% of the population was White (45.1% White British, 0.8% White Irish, 0.1% Gypsy or Irish Traveller, 4.6% Other White), 37.1% Asian (28.3% Indian, 2.4% Pakistani, 1.1% Bangladeshi, 1.3% Chinese, 4.0% Other Asian), 3.5% of mixed race (1.4% White and Black Caribbean, 0.4% White and Black African, 1.0% White and Asian, 0.7% Other Mixed), 6.3% Black (3.8% African, 1.5% Caribbean, 1.0% Other Black), 1.0% Arab and 1.6% of other ethnic heritage.
Nice try faggot
That's considered a house?
Shitty little terrace house without a garden on a street that is either a shithole or a cut through to a shithole
yeah, nah fuck off grandad, I'm not buying your "investment"
My garage is bigger
A home, in fact.
>mfw Euros laugh at America
Every day you post
Are you a BTL landlord worried about the house crash on the way?
>.05F tornado comes by and knock the cardboard house down
Meanwhile record-setting hurricanes hit Mexico and it's as if nothing happened
Guess what they build their houses out of
That is no place to raise a family.
>a third world house that is 8 times overpriced
No thanks, in America I can buy land and privacy at that cost.
No wonder your country is a shithole.
Looking at America's financial stats, I think they're due for a major recession any time now. And America will drag down the rest of the world.
Should drive down house prices. Buy gold now.
>white population: 45%
>pay to get stabbed
oi mate stop in the name of shariar law! and ye better have a license for that butter knife!
>Britcucks willingly pay well over a quarter million dollars to live in a shitty townhouse surrounded by shitskins
>Looking at America's financial stats, I think they're due for a major recession any time now.
t. Has no financial or economic background or education
>buy gold at a high cost so you can sell it at a low cost after the crash
that makes zero fucking sense you dumb kike.
British houses are fucking disgusting so you should continue complaining.
That's probably in a No Go zone exclusive to muzzies. No whites.
who the fuck would pay that much to live in Leicester?
A 800 square foot condo is 550k in my city feels bad man
I know you love America, your nation, Satan but you need to relax.
When a country goes into recession, people seek to buy gold because it is safe. Especially if currencies, like the dollar, depreciate. Which they will.
no we don't
that's the point dum dum
3 separate ones infact. They are literally smaller than my commie block apparment, which is 1/4 the price.