Are there any good arguments against death penalty?
>saves recources
>removes the problem
Are there any good arguments against death penalty?
>saves recources
>removes the problem
No /thread
No /thread
Check the ID
>turns wifi on and off on his phone
Waste of potential slave labor and human resources.
That's the best argument. Also a good argument against prison. We should use these criminals not house and feed them.
It's a waste!
That works?
T didn't work ...
Exactly, imagine prison slaves building the wall then getting dropped as free men on the other side as payment.
there is always a certain amount of wrong convictions. so you would inevitably execute innocent people.
what happend to you Sup Forums
Just be more careful with sentences and make sure that the criminal is guilty. Problem solved.
>a different ID is proof it's someone else
We should have the public torture penalty for serial pedofags
Go to bed Reginald
That could work, just make sure the worst criminals work till they die. And refusal to work = execution.
We could just go back to Crucifixion, it worked for many years, sets a good example.
>Just be more careful with sentences and make sure that the criminal is guilty
then you end up with lots of guilty people that run free because you couldnt prove their guilt without a doubt. thats moreorless the situation we have right now.
Cant appeal a wrongfull conviction if you die. Justice system is severly broken, and many innocent people get convicted.
What they should do is keep the current level of scrutiny for death penalty, but cheapen the actual death and extend it to more crimes.