how can you guys claim to be "redpilled" but be so blue pilled when it comes to drugs?
How can you guys claim to be "redpilled" but be so blue pilled when it comes to drugs?
Woooowww duuuuuuuddeeee weeeeeeedddd XDDDD
Because now having occasional fun as an adult is considered "degenerate" by most nazi weebos
You don't know me newfag
Sage. Slide thread.
Its a movie joke that people have took to far
Why opium?
lol RAWR amirite?
browing any DUDE WEED thread on pol makes you realize that this board is just completely full of underage fags.
I know a lot about drugs, especially psychedelics. I was a teenage Terence Mckenna fanboy - I don't do them though. Vicodin broke up my family so I will never use opiates.
Trumpniggers and assorted racists believe nonwhites and jews are taking advantage of vulnerable whites by hooking them up to drugs, as if whites couldn't make decisions or possess self control by themselves.
It's all about being a victim because stormfags are literal niggers.
is that some unprocessed vote you have there in the picture? Shit looks so pretty before they corrupt it
no its a poppy plant with morphine and other alkaloids coming out of it. they call it "milking" the poppy pod
Poorly cut 1/10 harvesting job there Hajeesh
>he thinks Sup Forums isn't full of experienced drug users
There is a reason we say the opium epidemic is a juden scheme.
have you browsed a DUDE WEED thread lately?
its all little kids spewing bullshit.
>blue pilled when it comes to drugs
using drugs has an overall negative effect on your life user
>Occasional fun
>Being an opium addict
I don't mind if someone drinks some beer on the weekend or after work, or eats some less than healthy food, but when unhealthy habits control your life you have a problem.
Psychedelics and weed are fine in moderation
>t. delusional junkie who thinks he's "enlightened"
Why are you implying it's bait?
This whole board spews trumpnigger half baked memes like '[mexicans] they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime' as if whites didn't have a choice or responsibility in buying those drugs and empowering cartels, lol.
Imagine if cartels started shipping wheels with the shape of squares to the US, they'd go out of business before you blink.
everyone uses drugs
This thread made me pro legalization because I can clearly see that everyone for prohibition has an iq under 50.
If I remember right, one of the doctors that promoted the over-prescription of opiates was a Jew, but even if they weren't, the facts remain that doctors were prescribing drugs similar to heroin to people for pain and they got addicted because of that. People aren't going to generally go against what a doctor says, so I would consider that victimization. Le radical centrists have this idea that because SJWs claim to be victims and they're wrong about that that no one is a victim or that victimization is trivial.
Illegal drugs from Mexico are another matter and the whites who support that are fully responsible and not being pushed into it by any authority figures.
Who said anything about being an addict?
I snorted vicodin a couple times my first year of college while drinking a little and smoking weed and had intense euphoria, did I become an addict after that? No.
I returned to class on monday and was happy that I had that experience with my friends.
It's hard for drug virgins to understand but you can dabble in shit and not become an addict.
>snorting vicodin
all that tylenol in your nose didn't do much for you kek. just eat them next time.
>Dude my government is run by cartels because of whitey LMAO
t. U
Snorted Vicodin??? Hahaha I bet that hurt. It’s mostly acetomenophin, glad you had fun
The hard drug trade is dominated by MI6 and CIA m8. You are funding the deep state. Not to mention the horror of psychological addiction. There has got to be a better solution to your disconnection from your perception of society. Sure shit sucks, but the likes of heroin isn't the answer. If only, what an easy and attainable solution.
the real red pill is that China finances the global drug trade
the Chinese want every able bodied young westerner hooked on drugs and other distractions while they quietly colonize the world
this man (PIC RELATED) financed the creation of the biggest drug cartel currently, the Jalisco cartel.
China has been behind the drug trade since the 1800s.
forgot pic
All drugs and alcohol are degenerate. You need to cut them out of your life ASAP.
t. Teetotaler
Because they are all just Republican boomers keeping as faggots
A true conservative would say legalize it all and let Darwin sort it put. A robbery is a robbery weather the perpetrator is high or not.
Yeah it was a bitch but I was kinda drunk and had never done coke before so I just thought that's how snorting shit felt lelz
Literally no reason to classify one thing that reacts with your receptors differently from another.
You have a point: it's estimated that 1 in 5 Americans take cocaine. That's insane.
>Bro drugs are good!
>Nevermind all the detrimental effects it has on you, IT'S FUN!
Eat dog shit you fucking junkie cunt.
Then you better fucking personally pay for the health insurance for every overdosed faggot that pops into the hospital, because i'm fucking not.
Like in societal terms. In science classification's pretty important.
>14% of american population is black
>20% of americans use cocaine
I'm betting there's some serious overlap in these two populations
the british controlled china for more than 100 years via opium.
Now china controls the US via opium
its true though
I can see how overprescription would be a legitimate issue, however, I don't have enough information to say whether it's being done on purpose or if it's just a side effect of poorly thoght out policy.
Good for you to accept whites have a responsibility in this issue, the vast majority of posters (i.e. trumpfags and assorted stormies) outright deny any involvement and just shift the responsibility to 'le shitskins'. Clearly this is an international issue caused by both countries, but it's appalling how republicans/right wingers in general never admit to their involvement in the issue as a country.
First off, cartels don't run the government, otherwise, they would have legalized drugs and setup some sort of oligopoly/monopoly.
They do wield a tremendous amount of power because whites finance them, and in Mexico, there's a corrupt leadership in addition to a pool of people who are poor and willing to break the law.
>I'm a white strawmanning nigger
>t. U
If drugs were normal and good, they wouldn't kill you.
I know, isn't it something? There isn't really one zeitgeist to this clusterfuck aside from being caucasian, in your 20s, and sexually frustrated. Then you have garden variety racism and conservatism but that comes with the anonymity. The rampant hatred for drugs that has anons foaming at the mouth and proclaiming bona fide capitalist values is pretty goddamn interesting though. Gotta be something to do with FOMO. Hate women, hate parties, hate drugs n booze cause they symbolize decadence? who knows.
>everything is chemistry so heroin is the same as water
sure thing chiam
nobody said that retard
man has been altering his reality since the beginning of time. It's what makes him human. Prohibition never has and never will stop it.
I don't see how accepting these facts is a blue pill.
So, Zinc/Calcium isn't "normal and good" because it can kill you in large doses?
A lot of them don't and you can say that about anything. If insulin were normal and good, too much wouldn't kill you
Retard argument.
I really really wish there were good natural opiates available legally instead of fucking stupid weed
Gee it sure is fun being paranoid about stupid shit while forgetting you have toast in the toaster so it burns
but dude Pink Floyd sounds so much better!
>everyone uses drugs
implying all active chemistry falls under the term >drugs
>nobody said that
what did he mean by this?
Muh degeneracy is a shareblue meme that brainlet conservatives fell for. It's meant to push people away from the right because we supposedly hate everything fun. True Nazis don't give a fuck about prohibition, because we already live freely and take any drug we want.
bruh get you some kratom in your life
>How can you X when you also Y?
kill yourself absolutist scum
>opioid addiction without the high
I want literal Laudanum
Show us the modern man who doesn't take caffeine, alcohol, OTC medications, sugar, it's 'actual drugs' you spergy little virgin piece of sheltered ass shit. Now. Or else I'll fuckin' roll out there and slap you in the face so hard you spit out half your teeth, faggot.
I've done drugs. The most redpilled knowledge is moderation.
Most drugs are overrated.
Their use will always have a cost.
>implying all active chemistry falls under the term >drug
Yeah, I think I may have addressed this in previous posts. you're not black are you? I'm truly sorry the birth lottery fucked you over if you are.
no, it is an unprocessed narcotic substance that is commonly smuggled in by voters, therefore it is a vote. Are you capable or remembering that for future reference?
Drugs = Votes for Democrats
>everyone uses drugs
>therefore its okay and normal to use recreational drugs
>cant tell a difference between recreational against pharmaceutical drugs
Please tell me you didnt mean this.
Caffeine is "okay". Alcohol can be pushing it. Rest are shit.
Drugs are dangerous because they're illegal.
Drugs fund organized crime because they're illegal.
Lab made pharmaceuticals cause more problems than they solve because natural alternatives that have been used successfully for centuries are illegal.
>junkies trying desperately to make themselves feel less like junkies
what else is new?
Saying active chemistry over and over doesn't validate your point, which is total dog shit. If you think caffeine isn't a drug it's because you have an IQ of 90 and live a Talmudic lifestyle that needs to come to a violent and painful end.
I believe in a free market, war on drugs and prohibition just create black markets that benefits corrupt politicians, cartels, niggers and immigrants. fuck that shit. make it all legal and let use tax profits to fund education and rehab to stop to keep the market small and controlled.. instead of pretending it isn't a problem and turning into a prison state where cartels just get richer and richer as they operate like multinational corporations their dirty money in the pockets of every politician. it's a smoke and mirrors. I've seen enough drugs inc to know the war on drugs can't be won and was never meant to be won, that blood money just feeds drug task forces and corrupt law enforcement who get kick backs and funding not to mention search and seizure profits.
>I've seen enough drugs inc to know the war on drugs can't be won and was never meant to be won
It's interesting how the same can be said about war in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
life is inherently painful, everyone finds some way to dull the pain. i'm sure you have a vice
Just smoke stuff with a lot of CBD, it's THC that doesn't seem to be working for you.
Redpilled does not mean Republican newfag.
Steven Crowder thinks the same thing
yea "war on terror" as well creates an eternal enemy and having a foreign policy to create terrorists. war is a big business. (((bankers))), companies like Halliburton and arms manufactures make huge profits, get money from the governments for lending them money to build and operate their militarily, money from buying up resources and infrastructure after tanking an economy, money from rebuilding destroyed countries. hell they had usa military protecting the poppy fields in Afghanistan, everything is connected, 1% gets richer and richer on the suffering of everyone else.
I am currently a Codeine addict.
That is some nice poppy latex in OP's pic but I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. Its not dramatically negative or anything (contrary to the media's exaggeration) it just kinda slowly sucks at you and your ability to make anything of your life and its a hell of a hole to try and climb out of once you look up and realise you are in pretty far.
What do you mean?
I am all for people who choose to try or “experiment”, it’s their life.
But I am not for the drug enabling and tolerant cultural attitude. I want those people who go trying drugs to be given tons of serious precautions and heads up that if they come out as irresponsible addicts, they will have to seek help immediately or fuck right off.
I understand and get that there are some people who have addictive personalities or just happen to be in a dark moment in their lives and introduction of drugs will impact them hard. But with the attitude of so many fuckheads today who push for more tolerance and embrace of doing drugs and then leaving problem addicts and mentally ill people who have NO business taking narcotics in their wake and for the rest of the public to deal with, that culture needs to either take responsibility.
>tfw there are massive fields of these cunts just south of me in taswegia
>tfw some moron foreigners try to pinch a few and brew tea out of them and die horribly every year
How would you even prepare poppy to be consumed, if drinking it kills you?
>life is inherently painful
It's always the degenerates and druggies who say this.
Maybe there's correleation...
Being addicted to opiates is one of the most bluepilled things you can do
It is literally a jewish scam they started in the 1700s
Pure slavery
They overdose because they have no idea of the strength of the raw material.
>tfw no one here knows what a fucking entheogen is
>tfw people don't want caffeine or sugar to be considered 'recreational drugs' because they actually require it to function
>tfw they say 'natty' but mean skinnyfat
maybe i am a degenerate but i'm a successful one -- top 5% household income as single income earner, doesn't stop life from being painful, you can't honestly be arguing it isn't
Prohibitionists rival only gun grabbers and people who want to ban pit bulls in their utter retardation.
Kratom is where its at.
Does Kratom even induce euphoria though?
As if you already arent already doing that
Hey look man, I get it ok.
I experimented a bit when i was 17 till about 22. In all honesty, informed occasional drug experimentation in your youth is probably a good thing for your development.
But then you have to choose to give it up if you want an adult life, a good job a healthy body etc.
Drug usage, it's like a short cut and it can be addictive and habit forming, which gets in the way of real life.
If you can keep it very occasional and you know what your doing its probably fine, ultimately it's your body and your choice and I support the freedom to choose.
Just don't become a junkie zombie that breaks into people's houses for their next fix and is a parasite on society. Then we gotta put you down.
and yet our heroin problem is basically non existent down here. truly activates my alkaloids
Fuck yeah it does, in the right dose.
Low dose for stimulation, high dose for sedation. Unique leaf.
Out of curiosity, how does one consume it?
this lad gets it
Money doesn't buy happiness? No shit.
Shit everyone acts like this already is not happening. Legal or illegal we will still have the same problem. One thing that should be gotten rid of is the stigma that is drug addiction. People are shamed because it usually involves something illegal and therefore you are a piece of shit in the eyes of everyone. Getting help is admitting to the shame and a lot of people would rather not go through with that
Have you ever taken barely greens? It tastes similar to that.
What I do is put 3.5g to 5g into a small Pepsi bottle. Then I add in some sugar til the bottle weighs about 20g. Add in enough warm water until it reaches the top of label then I shake the shit out of it. Then I chug it down. Chase it with CocaCola. The flavor isn't too bad, but it's the texture that will make you gag. Some people mix it up with chocolate milk but I haven't tried that yet.
No one smokes or snorts it. Everyone eats it. Some people put it into gelatin capsules.
Drugs are used by the jew to subvert civilizations, create discontent and sedate people. These drugs also involve legal drugs like alchohol, tabaco and pharmaceuticals.
Really this, but so many people lack the self control required to do the former and become the latter. Drug use us a symptom of an immature mind.
Why doesn't anyone smoke it? Is it just not effective when consumed in that manner? Also, 15g of sugar to 5g of product seems really excessive.
>ue pilled when it comes to drugs
>using drugs has an overall negative effect on your life user
No it doesn't. Some people might have problems, most people manage just fine. Kind of like religion.