Fuck the rightwing

fuck the rightwing


fuck the leftwing


BASED commie jews


Nazism is left-wing, dumb-ass.



The funny thing is, they have a few pictures they keep trotting out. Mostly from the US and the absolute bottom to go "hurr durr the right wing is like this". Meanwhile you'd have a hard time coming up with ANYTHING on the left that isn't a complete catastrophe in terms of looks.

This guy could probably fuck you up.
Being a barbarian mutant is ultimate redpill.


fuck it lets just turn this into a meme thread


There's few commies in my town that aren't complete life fuckups, still hate them tho.
Pic related, it's often americans just running every trend into the ground.


Where was this?

>that gif

The universe knows.





Nex time use superior "U"


Nazis have effectively become a fringe thing, where the only way anyone could claim to be one is when they don't have a social life or job to lose. Which means it's really few people and only certain types who'd do so. Unless you have Soviet style statist commies, who will eventually run things into the ground aswell you basically get fat landwhales, numales, soyboys and other trash. I'm a bit amazed that lefties lack so much self awareness, even when searching for the most inbred hilly billies they're merely finding their equivalent on the other side.

If you must respond simply remember to sage. Don't let threads like this waste anyone's time.




>that pic
Holy shit, I've never realized how many good things they've ruined.
They even got pretty close to civilizing their niggers.



>mfw there's no American internment camp equivalent to this meme.
Makes me pretty sad desu.


wow man thats not a meme thats racism

There's the plantation.


Just filter the flags, fuck em.


i own this


Le helicopter me me

===========>left can't meme

Shut the fuck up you no pussy getting ass little bitch.

Ugly people everywhere. More on the left/crazy side.


My doodle, memes as political tool are not cool anymore. Read a book pls

Meme flaggots never get laid by any decent bitches you little hoe lmao.



t. memeflaggot who everybody is constantly mocking.

>implying the same thing can't be implied to communists as well




>American Pizza
What the fuck even is that


Fuck you too buddy



This. Communists are just more insufferable than Nazis.


Legit cool desu


deep dish pizza


How is this not the same as communists?


ebin meme

So much reddit in here, something must be done.

I mean he's a cunt, but it was the Serb that caused the shitstorm.



dude communism lmao

Meme flagvthread for meme flag fags



ok them webems have got me im gonna have a rest now




im done for today thats fucked so so so so so so fucked them webems man stop please for gods sake


No fucking shit we're meme-ing when we talk about helicopter rides, you fucking sperg. Unlike commies, libertarians are relatively non-violent, and Pinochet is primarily a libertarian meme. We don't want to gulag you. We just want to physically remove you, so to speak.

This is now a Pink Wojak thread.


>That picture number

You really are from cripplechan.







You can fap to this one, you like murdering civilians.






thank you pink wojak man please outshitpost the gore man
