Seriously, how long will it take to convince you all that this man if a fucking snake oil salesman?
Alex Jones is a con man. The people that work for him aren't all that bad, but Alex himself is a fucking shill, and a fucking Jew.
Alex Jones is Controlled Opposition
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The entire FISA court memo is a distraction from the true threat to humanity--enslavement
vids to understand the serious threat:
No one will go to jail from the FISA memo. It will dominate the news so the kikes and the global cucks are in the background as they take over the food supply and bankrupt farmers.
nobody wants prison.
they are going to hang.
one way or another, these people will hang.
Corbet is comfy
This wouldn't have to be shilled if it were true. Alex is based. gtfo
He is a piece of crap.
He has created an entire false online world at, with phony products, phony articles, and mean-spirited commentary by shills, quacks, and ringers.
If you mention the Jew word, you get banned for life.
If you try to crack a joke about Jews, you get banned for life.
If you say something really profound, they call the police/FBI/Secret Service/US Marshals.
So stay away from Alex Jones, he is a piece of inhuman filth.
If Alex Jones was for real he would have mentioned the jews at some point
For a long time, people who visited Infowars warned that Alex Jones is a fraud and shill for Israel, a kind of pied piper, misleading the “sheeple”.
People who formerly worked at Infowars have raised alarm bells recently.
I thought perhaps that their objections might just be sour grapes, or they were seeking revenge of some sort for being released. Apparently not.
Brother Nathanael smelled a skunk in Alex Jones a long time ago. Kudos to him.
Correct, hence my post. I'm afraid Alex just signed his own suicide note, publicity speaking, with this "release". Either he's being treated like a well-intentioned shill by Trump's advisors, or they gave him the memo as a "here, go expose yourself or something".
Wow you shills are losing your shit over this.
brb tuning into infowars now
Sage...this is very poor character assassination. Alex is a humble merchant, speaker of truths, and one of the biggest proponents against (((globalism))) .
Alex Jones is a disinfo agent. He knows what he is doing and as such will hang right next to all the other traitors.
I have to admit, your new tactics are quite compelling; they just aren't working, though.
So many shareblue shills here
Did you even read it? Hillary is going to prison. Just look at pic related. She's finished!
>Alex Jones is a disinfo agent. He knows what he is doing and as such will hang right next to all the other russians
>how long will it take to convince you all that this man if a fucking snake oil salesman?
Why the fuck do you try to convince us of anything? you stupid fucking shill
Yeah Alex the arabs run Hollywood Jones and it's not the Zionists kys idiot
You are retarded.
the memo says lots. my fav is that the NSA was in your computer if you went overseas. and used your laptop to slide in to networks wherever you were traveling
No he will hang next to the kikes and the commies nice try Moshe but your time is running out
You realize before info wars pjw was anti Israel and shed light on the war crimes committed on the Palestinians he starts working for info wars and instantly it's Israel is based all muslims are shit I love the holy land info wars is a Stratfor jew network
keep desperately shilling to hide the memo that just got leaked
anyone that browsed Sup Forums for a while has seen that a long time ago, Alex Jones is the gatekeeper
>The delusion
One of the congressman who saw it mentioned it was four pages long in an interview with Tucker Carlson.
I don't watch much Alex Jones but now I'm convinced he is on to something simply because this is the 8th or 9th anti-Alex Jones post I've seen today.
You fucking people are repulsively stupid.
This COULD be a good thing if they allow them to merge and then break them up after, which it would then be easier to do once they have merged. Doing it before would be difficult.
Doubleplusgood side is that food prices go up, Americans eat a little healthier or a little less, and then break up the giant mergers and let small organic farms compete locally, with the already higher prices it will actually drive prices down more than likely and provide healthier food free of more chemicals.
The more you shill against him, the more i start paying attention to what hes saying. Must be getting close to a sensitive spot to be getting so much flak.