Literally a mentally unstable moron

>literally a mentally unstable moron

[Citation needed]

OP is a fag do it faggot do it.

>almost half of voters are so mentally unstable they project their instability onto the president

Polls mean nothing.
>literally a mentally unstable moron
This has been proven untrue.


Once again liberal, let me be frank with you. We. Don't. Care. As long. As. We get. Immigration. Reform.

It's about preserving White America. No more no less. He could be wearing kiss makeup and shoving cactuses up his ass on live TV as long as he makes the economy better and deports illegals and reforms the immigration system he's a better President than anyone since Nixon


>thinking Drumpf will do anything about immigration
Can't believe republicucks are this naive. Trump got his tax cut bill which is all he cared about. Now he just needs to ride out the rest of his term and then he can retire. He will come out of this a lot richer probably increasing his net worth by $2 billion.
Both parties like immigration - Cheaper labor for their big business buddies and votes for the democrats.

>almost half of voters

The other half voted for him and are very comfy.

He's so mentally unstable he's sober as a jaybird, healthy, well-kempt, in a long term marriage, on good relations with all 5 of his children and is an employed, law-abiding man who has gone from one success to the next for 50 years.


His biggest vices are fast food drive thrus and a wandering schlong.

Its a big jew racket, the Authoritarian Personality smear, long distance sham psychoanalysis to discredit somebody/Goldwater shaming tactics.


>Rebecca Morin
She writes for POLITICO
Funny, I didn't find this article on their site.

Sage and move on.

Are you listening to same people who said Trump would never become a republican candidate or brexit would never win?

>almost half of voters are on SSRI's and want to believe there are people with mental ilnessess worse than leftism.

whatever will these people do in 2024 when Trump no longer is in office, will they keep going this hard against all their enemies, is this the norm now.

kill yourself shill rat

>bad b8 feel ashamed now

His business isn't doing well it has been attacked and politicized and his patrons have been harassed.

>Nearly half

Wow, so about as many as voted for Hillary Clinton.

Real insightful poll.

Whoah this mentally ill retard sure is great at coming up with grand self-enriching evil schemes huh

>(((Goldwater))) shaming tactics
Almost a good post, user. Almost.

>according to this poll

Rebecca Morin might be unstable but to call her a moron is just too insulting, look at her name ffs, you sexist misogynistic rapist