There seems to be a trend of historical movies/plays being redone by neo-Marxists with non-whites...

There seems to be a trend of historical movies/plays being redone by neo-Marxists with non-whites. ITT movie posters based on black historical figures re-done with whites instead.







matthew parrys diary of a mad white woman

We were Kings.


>implying negros know about history
change the hip hop / rap album covers and see them chimping out

talcum warned us but you didnt want to listen.

good one

I see what you did there


MORE this is a fantastic thread and it's a nice balance to the relentless Shareblue diarrhea that is back in full force today.

Ive Got One!



>Her Heroic Stand
This one has legs.

Egyptians were white, Ramesses was a ginger




Do you have a single fact to back that up?


Kek this is bizarro world BBC

I still wanna see that mythical Shaft movie with Michael Cera


Usually some faggot from Sup Forums will say "well the race doesn't matter, as long as the actor does a good job."

Imagine all the autistic Hebraic screeching we could bask in if we started to replace pictures of white 'jews' in concentration camps with black men. It would make a great movie, imho.