Behold the new face of the Democratic party

Behold the new face of the Democratic party


>TFW you realize the party you've supported for 15 years has gone completely and utterly insane

Better than Chuck Schumer.

>off by one

its still real to me , dammit !

la bruja goblina


I hate women

So much

Stop glorifying insanity.

And behold the problem is cured. Democrats are lots though.

You might be gay than

I wish

Me too. It's a lot easier to get laid when you're gay.


because you are gay

It's a lot easier to get super AIDS.



see Just because you are a pussy whipped beta who worships women and kiss their asses, that doesn't mean you are straight.


That is quintessentially gay and it's part of the culprit that brought us trans culture.

That's not a Bernie bro, socialism is the future of the DNC when the boomers drop dead.


White Liberals are a lost cause, but is there any good way to redpill POC?

How can people vote for this crap?

Oh good she's not wearing a whore bodysuit like I thought from the thumbnail, she's just insane.

Trans people love women so much they want to be them, you clueless retard.

In fact, gay culture is entirely built upon worshiping female celebrities, only the most pathetic, low T cucks worship women.

Lead pills

How is that thing alive?


Read again. We are stating the same thing.

Ha, this fag likes dicks.

lol ebic troll xD


This is worse than that kid getting flayed alive and watching his guts boil out.

>still an assured win for 2020

Because they lie, are entitled, never care about anything important, they always talk shit about men, they never leave their phone, they never take care of themselves until they start to become old, they are always whining about "beauty standards" but they have 10 times more standards than we do, I could go on

you have some bad experience with girls my friend
hope it ends well for you

>new face
no user, these people are fucking ill and always have been


these people need to be forcibly sterilized

90% of men have bad experiences with these worthless bitches

This is how a peak boomer from the US looks like

wait what kid?

Olive Oil is that you?

bro just dont. its bad. I have not even watched it but ive seen pics.

The Nineteenth Amendment was a mistake.

>he hasn't watched the video


Maybe you should check out the gay bars since having dick up your alley may be more your speed.

>Spencer btfo by Mandy's slave

Goddamnit I didnt knew who he was lool.

>I have not even watched

>nasty woman
Trump really did say it perfectly.

They have an inexhaustible supply of swamp creatures.......

Is there where I can find beta bitches like you to smash their teeth in?

Spencer is being elevated by Soros groups to be the "thought leader" of the "alt right". no true Sup Forumstard thinks he's anything more than a shill. I hope you realize this.