Well, he's kinda right you know

Well, he's kinda right you know...

Other urls found in this thread:


my ancestor :)

I tend to agree with you, but Christianity worked fine for a couple thousand years didn't it? Only in the last ~100 did things get seriously bad. Hitler himself even was a Christian.

You know there's nothing a jew hates more than Jesus, right?

But Jesus stood up against the jews and was basically the first and/or only /ourjew/ which is why they offed him.


(pres H to hail)


>Christianity worked fine for a couple thousand years didn't it?
In retrospect, Christian Europe seems successful. However, we have to remember that many Europeans continued their Pagan traditions, and the most religious countries in Europe are Catholic. Catholicism is diluted Paganism.

>a type of jews

Albert Pike: to destroy the west we must destroy Christianity, and Islam and Judaism will tear themselves apart. After we will establish the new religion, a global religion...

Buy my tabletop board game so I can feed my kids.

YHWH is infact a sematic deity btw

He is kinda right, but paganism has it's pozzed elements too. I think nationalist integration of Christianity and paganism and valuing the religion and traditions of all of our ancestors is the best possible solution.

Fuck off, my ancestors were Jews in the Holy Roman Empire & they contributed to Europe more than your entire family lineage


wtf type of jew is this

>my ancestors were Jews
opinion discarded

I'm discovering the pagan facebook left and it's pretty awful.

i like this idea

Christianity has cucked subgroups as well.

>not knowing the difference between a Jew and a Zionist
>uses Nazi flag

Lmao you fucking idiot, Hitler's most trusted SS officers were all Jews

No, he’s dead wrong actually.

That's where he went wrong.

nobody is saying otherwise

Even if Christianity is somehow a problem, how the hell is it the biggest problem?
Yet another load of drivel from that LARPing autistic cretin. I don't know why any of you people listen to him. Out of every hundred statements he makes, maybe five aren't retarded.

Ugh god fucking end me


>hurrr durrrr paganism is the oldest thus its the best hurrr durrrr

>Out of every hundred statements he makes, maybe five aren't retarded
i agree. i happen to agree with him on this point.

Nevermind. Everything is fucked and the white race is hopeless.

>Europeans continued their Pagan traditions, and the most religious countries in Europe are Catholic. Catholicism is diluted Paganism.
Could you move those goal posts any further


What's the point of a religion you don't believe in?

jesus christ these are worse than lgbt christians, atleast most of the know they are wrong but chose but just cant accept it

Well, I guess Isaac Newton, Charles Martel, Richard the Lionheart, Shaekspeare, and Bismarck were all Jews.

Who said I don't believe in it?

Thread summed up in one image




>that pic
You realise the idea of Jesus being a weak hippie is a new concept right?

He isn't.

But Christian Europe was much more developed than BLONDE BLUE EYED YUROPEANS FROM THE LAND OF ICE AND SNOW.

Look at this one. The amount of disingenuousness is staggering. The Nordic lore is plainly traditional, and if they can still superimpose their modern garbage onto it, I don't know what they can't pervert.

Pagans are bunch of smelly weirdos who are so asocial they have to propagandize their meme "religions" on Tibetan Knitting version of Reddit

Do christians even read their own bible? I’m only 30 pages in and god has already told abraham to circumcise himself and all of those in his house as well as countless intestinal relationships including one where two daughters get their dad drunk on wine so that he can impregnate them. Shit’s seriously fucked up

Chrstianity is a religion
Judaism is a religion
Europe is a continent

Is he fucking retarded that he has to get tese different dimenions and put them together?

And no, christians can be anyone who converts to it. It's a religion, not a race.

All these deities were born from a warrior/hunter demonant society. These gods bestowed great fortune on those who fought like a champion and without fear.

Jesus came from the land of the semite. I don't know much about that culture though, but I know it involves a lot of talking and hand rubbing.

However, the traditional warrior centered society has been rapidly dying off for ages now, and even quicker since the end of WWII and the rise of political correctness.

Does Sup Forums believe we should again worship the warrior?

>Gods of Arya
Fuck off Persian scum
>Five White Kids
lol, the vast majority of pagans are pic related
Fuck off with your shit memes


Can you name me some successful pegan patriarchies please?

Also, Hitler was a Zionist under the Rothschild hand.

I am ashamed to be white. We are fallen.

If Christianity is so weak, why did the pagans get their asses kicked out of existence?

>atheism on the rise
>people abandoning christian churches

>Imperialist Rome
>Not Pagan

A reminder that Varg is helped out his billionaire brother Lucas and is claiming a ton of government gibs in France while encouraging young whites to live in mudhuts.


Yes, kikes were the problem and we are abandoning the sand nigger cult now.

catholics btfod them pretty hardly , look up northern crusades

but ask who do the rothschilds bow to?

Varg has done nothing more than make shitty music, destroyed a priceless piece of history, and inspire shitty bait threads

I sinceriously believe that almost all pagan larpers are atheists.

t. mad sand nigger

>Muh traditions
>Paganism? Ridiculous

Choose one

well duhh, they don't actually believe in Gods, they just follow the ancient traditions

I've come to this conclusion too. There's a bunch of pagan videos on YouTube who explain what paganism is, half of them admit they don't even know because their pagan nigger ancestors didn't write half of the information down, and the other half of the videos are pagans who admit to being atheists

He's wrong about most things but he's right that Christians are a problem

and you arent a larper you fucking kike?

Holy shit you are dense. The rise in atheism is directly correlated with the decline of our society. Europeans were the most powerful when they were heavily Christian, and now the least Christian countries in Europe are the most fucked

Two French men that have had more plastic surgery than the whole of the KPOP industry put together

>allowed the jews to amass enormous wealth through usury for centuries
>worked fine
No, no it didn't.


Correlation does not equal causation.
>Europeans were the most powerful when they were heavily Christian
That is just false. Read a history book.

>imperial Rome
>anywhere near as powerful as the British, French, Russian, Spanish or Portuguese Empires at their heights

You're right, Rome was a lot stronger.


compare heavily catholic Francoist Spain to todays secularist Spain, no diffrences at all

>implying the conversion of European pagans to Christianity was anything like the current Muslim replacement
>implying the pagans hadn’t converted to that faith from the pre Indo-European religions that were distributed throughout Europe

Christcucks itt

Mentally ill faggot welfare queen ex-con murdering cannibal who fathered an illegitimate bastard child

>Christians are weak and inferior to pagans
>Christians genocided pagans repeatedly
Pick one rock worshipper

Holy fuck you’re woke bro

So Orthodox Christians are not Christians now?

I think the world you all are looking for is Western type of Christianity which is fucked up beyond repair

>Muslims are weak and inferior to Christians
>Muslims are genociding and replacing Christians
Pick one kike worshipper.

Holy shit you are dumb. The British ruled a quarter of the world’s surface. The Roman Empire wasn’t even a quarter of the size


protestantism and the french revolution fucked over europe hard

I never said Muslims were weak faggot

I don't think the Muslims have done anything as weird as forcefeeding an infidel a living snake. Conversion to Christianity was not a peaceful process. People value their culture.

>Read a history book.
That’s rich coming from an idiot who thinks tribesman and the Roman Empire were more powerful than globe spanning empires

Sure thing rabbi, it's not like you kike suckers constantly have threads about how oppressed you are and how those inferior sandniggers are raping and genociding you or anything.

Thanks. I have an IQ of 140, and have written a few books on my general philosophy, and I'm thinking of starting out on a local radio station.

I'm also an established tripfag over on /lit/, /sci/, and /biz/, so you should maybe check in some time for a few redpills.

>christian are weak and jewish
>christians are barbaric and kill pagans

choose one

Are you saying that Jesus was the king of jews or something? I'm not sure I can believe you.


Christianity is litterally the liberalism of classical antiquity.

It's a cucked religion that preaches submission and docility. It tries to make you feel good about being a slave or having less wealth than other people. It seems to play on the minds of stupid useless people and inflates their egos.

Modern liberals wouldn't exist if Christianity hadn't litterally domesticated a huge portion of the European population.

It's fucking cancer.

t. Varg rape baby

>old christians

Christians are partially religiously Jewish and killed pagans. They were not weak or barbaric. White people today are weak and dishonorable compared to either party. I was simply pointing out that pagans did not willingly throw their cultures in the trash when they heard of Jesus.

most of them did and the one who did not were usually forced by their kings who had adopted catholicism, usually by choice

But most atheists are democrats though. Also, Poland is pretty christian and is very based and all red states here in the US are christian.

He can't actually say that in his videos. France and most of continental Europe, everyone.

Ever hear of a pagan called Nero? Inbetwen his boy fucking sessions he liked to do shit like burn Christians alive or tie them to the horns of a bull because they wouldn’t recant their faith. The amount of torture the Christians did is much less severe and frequent than what the pagans did. The pagans weren’t able to handle torture as well I guess. Also, Norway was already majority Christian at that point through missionary and diplomatic efforts Muslims have historically invaded countries in massive numbers and replaced the population (hence why you see Arabs everywhere in the Middle East) or used conversion after establishing military dominance

Christians had a head start by having pagan Roman legacy, most Pagans they massacred were simple tribes. Also pic related how christcucks treated pagan Roman culture