Define what it means to be an adult and not a manchild/autist/buzzword

Define what it means to be an adult and not a manchild/autist/buzzword.

Explain why anyone should strive to be your definition of what an adult is.

Doing what needs to be done. That's it. That is all it takes to be an adult. Have a little sage for not knowing something so fundamentally basic that even ameobas understand.

Mowing the lawn, and getting shit done.

>Define what it means to be an adult
to make the thought choices and take responsibility for them.

This, but with the important caveat that manchildren are usually characterized by deliberately avoiding the assumption of more responsibilities in order to keep their list of "what needs to be done" as small as possible. No kids, no wife means a small fraction of the responsibilities that normal men had throughout history - a sort of indefinite extension of the college dorm lifestyle.

Shitty poorly defined descriptions, capable of being twisted and reshaped to suit you in any given situation.
Just go ahead and say it. You hate people who enjoy their lives and have fun with their friends. If I mowed the lawn and then played Nintendo, if I worked a full time job and then got high on the weekend, I'd be willing to be you wouldn't considerme to be an "adult".

Having a job

Manchild: Person who usually has a degree, a job and a family who engages in light hobbies like video games

Adult: Person who has no education, no family and sits on Sup Forums 12 hours a day talking about manchildren

Conforming to a nice, commercialized and jew funded vision of the 1950's.

Fine, if you want to be a NEET and act like your opinion matters, be my guest.

As long as you own the lawn & the lawnmower.

Accepting responsibility for your actions.

having a wife, kids, a good job and have no fun whatsoever and be as miserable as possible

It was more metaphorical. Do some type of homesteading.

Someone who does what needs doing to accomplish their goals or live their life the way that they want without bitching or whining. I don't care if you believe it.

How could someone have a full time job and be a NEET?

Doing things you enjoy (including vidya, kino, etc) is fine as long as it doesn't consume your life and you don't feel like you "need" to.

nice meme, but why should somebody strive for more responsibility? Being well-adjusted to an extremely sick society is not a sign of health

> if I worked a full time job and then got high on the weekend, I'd be willing to be you wouldn't considerme to be an "adult"
It read as though you didn't

>never be passionate about anything

>Do undefined thing


so basically if you live a stress free life without bullshit you aren't a man cool

I don't, retard. "If I worked a full time job and got high on the weekend". I don't get high on the weekend. Learn basic reading comprehension.

Be someone who is more depended on than demanding.

No, you're only a man if you're miserable.

Here's literally the only thing you need to know about being an adult:
Don't die.

Everything else is subjective.

>being passionate about digital media
I like watching film, but I'm not passionate about it. I'm quite "passionate" about nature and woodworking though.

Wow you let woodworking consume your life what a manchild

Can someone be an adult and responsible without being virtuous?
Is being an adult merely the foundation for such things?

>How could someone have a full time job and be a NEET?
>"If I worked a full time job and got high on the weekend"

My comprehension isn't the problem


Have you never seen the word "and" before?

Nobody knows what it means to be an adult because nobody can fucking define it.

Have you ever seen the word "if"?

It means do the thing you as an indiviudal know you should do. Are you epxecting some random person on the internet to define your life goals for you? You have an idea of what you should be doing, do that. Dont do the things that are self evidently wrong.

Yeah, I have, I used it correctly in my sentence.

Yeah. Basically. Overcoming adversity defines masculinity.

Woodworking is a real hobby because you actually create something, unlike consuming media.
Consuming media is not a hobby.

You sound like a Boomer.