Why is Sup Forums worried about immigrants taking their jobs? If we value hard work in this country why aren't you just pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and farming your own shit?
>Why can't you get a good job Sup Forums I don't see immigrants taking all of the well paying trade jobs and coding shit.
go back to discord/leftypol faggot
Because fuck them I don’t give a shit about them or their children, America was founded for working European immigrants not lazy Juan’s and Pablo’s with 18 welfare receiving kids
But I'm not wrong, get skilled or get fucked in the work force
i just came for the fish
fuck this shit bait
It’s called a pacu
Like, I have a great job and no immigrant is going to take it from me feels good man.
America truly deserves le 47% meme
>what is labour supply
In mainstream economic theories, the labour supply is the total hours (adjusted for intensity of effort) that workers wish to work at a given real wage rate.
just look my flag
because Sup Forums consists of sub 80 iq people who are afraid of losing their job as a cashier at walmart.
I make $110k annualy w/ my Finance degree and and very comfy. I don't really care much for politics but consider my views to be libertarian.
>farming your own shit
More of a fisherman than a farmer.
Are you retarded user? If your job involves road work for example, the immigrant will take half pay and still do the same amount of work as you. But I'm sure your retard counter will be to work twice as hard (still only the same amount will get done since that's how these kind of jobs work) or try to survive on 10 bucks an hour off the books and hot the welfare line since on the books you make nothing
The Asians already did that kike. Tech is a Jew industry and they sold it to the Asians because the whites gave a fuck about independence. They already planned on turning their high knowledge workers into underpaid Circuit City employees run by kike tykes with daddies money
You just can ever admit to being corporate parasitic blood suckers can you? Hitler should have gassed you
boomers don't want to train anybody to do skilled work
Not worried about them taking my job. I'm worried about being shot when I try to cross the street with my kid.
>Why can't you get a good job Sup Forums I don't see immigrants taking all of the well paying trade jobs and coding shit.
Poos take coding jobs, they work for less and longer hours.
So you're ok being upper middle class even though your community is full of criminals? Also why don't white people have the right to work lower income jobs?
>hurr durr what is the labour market
>hurr durr what is supply and demand.
How did you land a great job without any education? You lucked out.
>lmao why would massively inflating the job market be a bad thing?
If you want to live as a psudo slave busting your ass 10 hours a day just to survive because there's a million somalis and pajeets who can take your place then feel free to move to China or India or something, Just don't stay here and drag us all into the shit pit with you.
> He can’t compete in a free market
Because for underage, effeminate trump-worshiping cucks, it's much easier to complain about brown people than actually take responsibility for yourself.
Case in point: look at any blue state and notice how they are massive economic engines that drive the american economy & tax base, with huge productivity and high demand for housing/jobs/etc. Then look at any red state and notice that they are degenerate cesspools that revolve around church & wal-mart, and would look like subsaharan africa if it wasnt for the liberal tax dollar subsidies keeping their shithole, parasitic communities afloat. They should be happy those blue states are mostly full of "bleeding hearts", since there are other blue staters that think these trumpcucks should be locked into concentration camps so that we can at least squeeze SOME productivity out of them.
>competing with slave labor.
Such delusion.
aawwww the jew has to pay a real wage and not a clucked wage.
fuck off jew your time is over.
There's nothing more pathetic than leftists ironically LARPing as anarcho-capitalists in a vain attempt to gotcha Sup Forums.
Numbers don't lie. Look at virtually metric--HDI (health care, education, STD prevalence, literally any quality of life measurement), GDP, average/median salaries, housing costs, you name it--and the contrast is more than just "correlation". Sup Forums's favorite delusion is to immediately cry about "muh niggers", but unfortunately for them, cities tend to be full of them while states like KY, WV and TN are among the worst offenders in what i am describing and are overwhelmingly white. the reality is a learned helplessness on the part of conservacucks which puts them in a cycle of perpetual poverty and degeneracy.
>be immigrant
>actually do it legally (unlikely)
>cant get job because dumb
>shit out 12 kids
>suck up welfare
>whitey pays cant afford kids
>outbreed whitey
>kids vote for affirmitve action so they get hired
>whitey still pays but now the ones left in the work force are leaned on even harder
>be immigrant
>illegal (most likely)
>cant get job
>hired by farmers who pay you nothing
>whitey "dey took ur jerbs"
>farmer " white people dont WANT these jobs (for what i pay illegal mexicans)"
>CA makes majority of Income off of cheap slave labor so become protected class
>given driver license by state
>dont get insurance because shitskin
>hit and run all the time
>dont pay medical for treatment of chronic problems from being obese and doing physical labor
>cost passed on to paying customers (whitey)
>CA automatically registers all drivers license recipients to vote
>dont worry our "highly trained govt dmv employees will probably not register any licenses marked 'migrant worker"
>illegals brag about voting
>CA "illegals cant vote so it didnt happen, no we wont nor have we ever investigated these claims"
Really just a shitty situation all around
John mcbrain?
Because, nigger;
>The legal immigrants live off our tax dollars through entitlements
>The tech workers are slave labor NOT allowed to even quit
>The illegals, are just, fucking, where to start? They have anchor babies to get tax dollars and citizenship off of, commit a huge proportion of crime, get a huge advantage not paying taxes, live 10 deep in a one bedroom apartment inflating rents WHILE turning neighborhoods to a shithole, depress wages for OUR young and stoned, etc.
>Plus, all three are fucking stupid, untrustworthy, vote Democrat, and are fucking ugly.
kys nigger
I'm not worried about immigrants taking my job. I'm certainly not worried about OP taking my job, either.
Also OP is a faggot. OP is always a faggot.
seven counts "attempted"....
right. dumb asses.
Means he can't aim.
They bring crime, disease, and a lack to assimilate. You cant expect to have the same country with other peoples babies
I work low paying labor jobs in Florida with all kinds of PoC.
My main beef is that they just refuse to learn english. The younger ones who get raised in America speak it ok, but the older ones just never try and just associated with other spanish speakers. This creates a divide. I actually get befriended by black people since we can actually talk to each other.