I am and remain an extreme leftist. I came to Sup Forums because I enjoy debate. I have spent multiple years here...

I am and remain an extreme leftist. I came to Sup Forums because I enjoy debate. I have spent multiple years here. I have budged on literally nothing -- except for one issue, the last one I would have guessed. The Jews. More and more the ideas about judaism and jews, held up.

A few weeks, I decided to face up. I would treat the matter as a serious research problem, and solve it once and for all. I was astonished at my findings. The jew is the main chrisis for life on earth, to put it simply. I was looking for words to describe my awe at what I was seeing. I would describe jewish evil as 'boundless'. I doubt I will ever understand the full extent of their crimes, and the true depth of evil in the jewish identity.

Now I have returned, and to my utter disbelief, I am seeing all anti semitic threads getting closed, while people happily denigrate every other type of person imaginable, even white men and women on this supposed right wing anti semitic board. I actually feel a little insane here, but I know I am not.

4 threads now, closed. Even in other threads, no one will talk about the jews, and I have been trying. This thread will be deleted too. I still can't believe how wrong I was about this, how outrageous and obvious it is.

Other urls found in this thread:



go back to discord/leftypol shaun faggot

the alt right white identitarians are rising and there is nothing you can do about



Kierkegaard was a giant faggot. His whole life he didn't have a single independent thought, nothing of what he shat into his books didn't have the slightest sense.

What the fuck are you talking about, idiot?

The JQ is actually frequently one of the easiest pills for extreme leftists to swallow

Go away, kike.

I don't give a fuck about kierkegaard's jewish bullshit, I wanted the picture of the sacrifice and the title "Fear and Trembling", faggot. Did you see my post about the jews? Why did you ignore it?


Welcome to the Chad Quoit theory by the way, OP.

>I am and remain an extreme leftist
>I discovered jews are evil
Just no point.

I doubt a jew would bother asking me to go away, after what I have written, so I suspect you are just a stupid, faggot.

Of course you hate Jews, you’re a leftist.

You need to adopt White Socialism, it's like National Socialism without the multiculturalism and diversity.

Our uniform is of course White Socks.

He btfo'd the Hegelians, which was necessary. I like him.

OP you need to drop the collectivism, it will be the death of humanity, it is more dangerous than the wicked system of capitalism we are currently in.

The leftists have rejected God and are trying to make gods of themselves, trying to make heaven on Earth while denying human nature. They reject the whole spiritual dimension and as a result treat people as abstract concepts, like robots.

Yes because they already believe capitalism has "corrupted" everything. It's just that they go with no gods no masters happy hippie democracy till the end of days. Or a state built on materialism still.

You're on Team Jew.

Yes I figured this would cause a great deal of anger among the minds of Sup Forums, completely ignoring the matter of jews entirely.

I am not a liberal faggot or a communist -- I hate those people. What I mean by leftist is that, I disagree with the right wing about a great deal of things.

Yeah, think about it. Everything that you are taught is bad, Jews are the biggest performer of those acts. It usually starts with left wi gets hating Israel but once they realize all the other Jews are in the same boat, different sides of the same coin, its a natural progression.

Jews sterilized Ethiopian Jews (possibly the real tribe of Judah)
Own all the money and banks
Israeli wars with US help. Think about it, how much were you told to hate Iraq? Did you ever go look how many Jews Bush had helping him do that shit? Every liberal old enough to be pissed at Iraq should at LEAST be strongly anti-Israel and again the jump to the JQ at that point is a small step.
Harvey Weinstein, James To
back, Mark Halperin, majority of accusations are at Jews

Many other examples can be thought of.

I absolutely support white unity and collective white action, and white government. Can you believe, that I STILL do not believe in race? But I do think all of that is true. I think white people need to defend themselves from the jewish onslaught -- thats all that matters. Whether or not race is "real" is an academic matter. Probably sounds weird or maybe even stupid to you guys, but there it is.

Honestly two bunches of faggots fighting each other with repetetive arguments equal to wisdom of preschoolers.

What deal of things?
We can fixy you.

>I am and remain an extreme leftist.
>I am not a liberal faggot or a communist -- I hate those people. What I mean by leftist is that, I disagree with the right wing about a great deal of things.

I am not sure you actually have a stable crystallized ideology, friend.
That's okay. Live and learn.
In the meantime, try to avoid drawing light on yourself.

>I disagree with the right wing about a great deal of things
such as? let us discuss.

No, please read my other post. I don't actually support other leftists or identify as a leftist. Leftists even think I am retarded, but I destroy them with ease when we debate.

Anyway I dont wanna be a faggot so Ill just say it, im anarcho primitivist. I dont want to talk about that right now, Im interested in the jews.

If I may ask, which "right wing" issues to disagree with? Keep in mind, the true right wing demands far less ideological rigidity then the left wing.

See my other post, about anarcho primitivism. I dont want to discuss that now though, I want to focus on jews.

I'm so happy to see a hardcore leftist coming to reality. You'll be in a valuable position of power. We thank you for your time. Please don't waste it now.

I do its just very distracting to people. People tend to be easily distracted when the subject of jewish evil is on the table, thats already obvious.

Nah that makes perfect sense, I too wonder if whiteness is ultimately as much about culture than blood but consider it still 100% worth defending to the T just the same

Race is real my friend. You have to come to terms with that. Jews are evil shits because of their race, imagine that! Your disbelief in racial science is the result of Jewish brainwashing, Pavlovian conditioning.

No. I want to talk about the jews. Honestly what is with the fucking assholes. Seriously, there are jews in here now. Trying to avoid the subject at hand.

Debate on the internet is not for arguments or trying to convince anyone, its just for jerking yourself off before the killing starts. Fuck debate, we need a civil war white on white.

You seem to be Ted Kaczyński's fan.
Race is not something you believe in,race is a distinction between clusters of people.
You can't just say you don't believe in raddish,can you ?

>Im interested in the jews.

Because you're on Team Jew.

Alright mate.
What in particular about the jews do you want to discuss? Or just a general chat?
So, do you think they should have an ethnostate they are not allowed to leave or completely purged? I think white people have too much empathy for the second option, but the first is too dangerous. Could the blacks / chinks be manipulated to do it for us?

Oh yeah, talk about any group of people being evil (whites, muslims) and everyone is fine, the minute you start ACADEMICALLY addressing the impact of jewishness it's as if normies have been programmed to think...
>IM hearing criticism of Jews?
>B But there's NO WAY t they could d do all that, t that's im impossible!

Kikes have taken over Sup Forums.
We only get jew thread when the mods are asleep

what? go scrub that toilet you stupid slavshit

Countless, especially this literally 1-dimensional view of politics which destroys your minds. I only said I was leftist to try and communicate that I disagreed with the board at large on nearly every subject, and then I was surviving unmoved in debate, which is why I was astonished to find that the jewish issue was changing me mind. It was a mistake to say leftist, because everyone in america has had their minds taken by the jew. They think the world of ideas is literally left vs right. You're a walking corpse with that mindset, in the labyrinth the jews have built.

But see Jews aren't really a race, because they cant trace their actual heritage back, they've been mutted too much.

No, maybe for you, but I'm an honest person and I take ideas seriously, and other people too.

>I am and remain an extreme leftist.

So, you're a homo? Ok.

Everyone on here already knows about the JQ and the fact that right wing nationalism is increasing in popularity is a testament that more people are becoming aware of it. Conservative nationalism has proven to be the best way to combat (((those behind the scenes))). There is not much for many to discuss here because the problem is clear already, there is now a need to discuss the solution which is conservative nationalism and an increased focus on family values and pride/self improvement.

True, hence why I like Quoit theory (also called donut theory by Gavin mccinnes) over horseshoe. There's overlap between FAR left and right but they ARENT the same, but they SHOULD be working together

I'm usually using Quran pages to scrub my toilet. It's purely book of slaves, if you consider yourself a muslim, you belive in a book that's 100% sucking on allah's dick.

Ted's work, while valuable, was based on outdated work in anthropology. I dont like the part of primivitism that speculates on the great aspects of pre-civ life, because the history is just too hard to reason about and know. I used to wonder why that was the case, and now I know. The jews, and their ancient evil. The original evil.

Look up the facts about Jewish genetic diseases and inbreeding. They're a tribe, all related, and their character shows it. Just like pitbulls, they're born to be the way they are. No, they aren't a race or a breed, they're a SPECIES.

>It is entirely possible, therefore, that a species could have been formed by biological selection that automatically preys on our species as instinctively as wolves prey on caribou, although, of course, with much greater cunning and versatility.

Mahatma Gandhi — 'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

Whatever faggot, quiting wasting my time. You think its a valuable use of our time for you to come in here and just say "Because you're on Team Jew" like a child on the playground. Get the fuck out of here.

Yet you're a leftist, go die faggot

As much as I respect the sentiment, scientifically that isn't the case. They certainly act like a different species though, that is without a doubt

What's your ideology?
Who the fuck are you man, my dad is always saying that shit.

I think you're going over the edge. Heavily.
What you need to understand that every person has a choice, it can choose good or evil. Evil choice is an easy choice, usually giving fast satisfying reward. Jews are nothing more than master's of using people's lowest desires.
Jews themselves though are not source of all evil. Look at precolumbian civilizations, no jews,yet quite a lot of evil.

he said he's an anarcho-primitivist

Thanks for the comment

Science will prove me right, make your own observations.

Haha, actually, I posted it because I couldnt believe what I was seeing. Jewish threads being closed while everything else remained open.

Im releived this one stayed open.

Why are anti jew threads getting closed? Does it happen often?

The last one was literally someone asking, "is pol comrpomised by the jews? and it was closed after like 5 posts, not even. In light of what I had just learned, it made jewish deception way too real.

more evil today faggot than precolumbian civs

The most reactionary form of anarchism there is

Absolutely, absolutely. The jews control academia, holly, every aspect of culture. When I say its an academic matter, I mean just that it DOESNT matter compared to the urgent matter of organizing against the jews.

yes we're infiltrated by jews, next

“Yes I am, I am also a Muslim, a Christian, a Buddhist, and a Jew.” ― Mahatma Gandhi.

What exactly does it mean to be "leftist" to you?

>looks = race

yes, actually

Says the mongrel Wolpertinger.

Im glad you are actively thinking about things, but do you really think its important to 'categorize' people and thoughts like this? I have no such 'geometric organization' of ideas, and I just deal with the directly instead of concerning myself with where they fall on this continuum with others.

Read the thread

btw am I just lucky or what?

Physical appearance is one of treats signalising different DNA, significant appearance differences suggest two humans heavily differ ,which might be considdered enough to separate them as races.
My point was that jews are not necessary for evil to appear.

debating whether race is real on a biological sense is immaterial. That's not what people care about. Of course there's no strict biological mechanism on which to pinpoint race. When we talk about races of people we're talking about intuitive human behavior. People who look sufficiently similar to you also tend to behave like you, and you trust each other more. There's a reason people have always cohabited along these very basic lines, and it's abundantly clear that racially heterogeneity doesn't work, and we should't be subject to it against our will and against our best interests.

Stop talking about race as a specific biological construct. It's a fucking IDEA you brainlet cocksucker.

Nope you cant always base it on looks fir example its perfect you gotta look at what makes us human which is genes. CONTRARY TO APPEARANCE: The genetic distance between some groups in Africa, such as the Fulani of West Africa (above) and the Hazda of Tanzania, is greater than supposedly racially divergent groups such as East Asians and Europeans.Raquel Maria Carbonell Pagola / Contributor / Getty Images
Simply stated: Overall genetic variation tells us less than specific differences that matter. Imagine a group of humans that had a mutation in the FOXP2 gene—often called the language gene—such that this transcription factor (a gene that helps stimulate the expression of select other genes) was nonfunctional. These humans would lack the ability to communicate through language. In fact, this gene’s significance was first discovered through the study of an English family in which half the members across three generations suffered from severe developmental verbal dyspraxia—they could not communicate orally. This family could be 99.9999 percent genetically identical to their neighbors, but what a huge difference that 0.00001 percent makes. This criticality of particular genetic differences, as opposed to global similarity, is not unique to humans. Through genetic manipulation of just four genes, scientists in the lab have been able to turn a mustard weed into a woody tree. It sounds like a genetic version of the 1970s game show, Name That Tune: In how few notes (or genes) can one radically alter the phenotype of an organism?

Highlighting the fact that all humans share the same genes ignores the fact that much of evolutionary change and biological difference is less about the development of novel proteins (i.e. genes)

>My point was that jews are not necessary for evil to appear.
we know, but with just it accelerates it tenfold

Sup Forums was becoming the #1 woke place for the JQ world wide so the Jew did what they always do, coopt the movement and water it down.

First they made it seem like Trump was Hitler so we shilled for him. That brought in the normie faggots who liked our memes and so the_donald was created. The_donald was presented as a Sup Forums colony and a way to "redpill the normies." But the normies outnumbered us and they flooded Sup Forums en masse. Slowly but surely they subverted the_donald turned this place into a civnat shithole, and generals that revere a kike puppet are the most popular on the board.

shut up

Find the nigger.

You are the one who self identified as a leftist, which is seemingly contrary to your posts in this thread. You should not have specified that, just that you disagree with a lot of what Sup Forums says, then people would be focusing on what you want.

Not all the time. Not all the time, Ethiopians have Caucasian facial features that they adpted through environment and climate adaptation from these creates genetic differences

Jews are a plague that needs to be exterminated. They know the biggest enemies they have are the truth, the family and freedom. Sup Forums is all three, so they are desperately trying to shut it down.

Who can they bribe? Who can they subvert? This board is worthless to most advertisers, there is no formal structure, we adhere to no defined ideology. We are basically afghanistan on the internet. You can't topple a government of individuals, there is just no point. Even if you manage to trick someone, others will question your data and the system self-corrects. Take out the containment board and we simply go everywhere. There is no way to fight Sup Forums without taking out the entirety of humanity. We are everywhere and we are no one in particular.

OP will be a identitarian with the year. Primitivism always equals green identitarianism. Unless your really educated like Zerzan.

Take note--thats leftist shilling. Kiok at the word choice meant to sway you away.

These things are adaptations through climate and environmental cases as well. Including behaviors. Most genetic differences are individual differences not so much population. The population differences are beacuse of environmental adaptation and climate adaptation

>I am and remain an extreme leftist
Please kill yourself.

I disagree, I view a lot of the ideas I have confronted on this board as sort of hopeless, and dead-ended. Sometimes they have a flawed premise (the libertarians and hyper capitalist people).

My own political views are not that everything was a utupia before civilization. History cannot tell us that at this point. So my thinking begins by criticizing everything about society. In my view, there is nothing worthwhile about modern technological society. Completely dismantling the prison we have built is such a massive project, that the only real way to confront it is with unified action on a massive scale.

My own current view of urgent action that needs to be done, is simply to rebuild communities and human relationships. People can't even talk to each other anymore.

In light of my new understanding of the jews. I beleive this is true. But particularly white communities and relationships, since the jews dont try to hide how urgently they are working to exterminate us.

Anarcho by definition means extreme right, because you want a voluntarist society.

You bend over for priests

All of this.

many jews are alright
>extreme leftist
a borderless world leads to centralized corruption and fascism, we need borders and nationalism. islamic migrant crime rates are through the roof, so many rapes! and there are only 2 genders come on, don't make it complicated.

shut up nigger

you're clearly not suitable for religious matters. if kierkegaard's christian esoterism is way over your head you shouldn't touch quran at all

The only thing that is going to allow for that change is economic collapse or WW3. desu I don't know why we aren't directing all our energies into memeing another world war.

>Highlighting the fact that all humans share the same genes ignores the fact that much of evolutionary change and biological difference is less about the development of novel proteins (i.e. genes)

We share most of our DNA with monkeys but we are different species. Now the distinction between races means that certain parts of our DNA differ, we might share DNA with niggers,but we are significantly different, look at face features,skull capacity or other widely discussed traits which make us distinct.
Now you can argue what it means to be white, but arguing that whites and asians have same DNA is not valid.

True,not all the time. Yet usually it is a factor.

Kierkegaard was a grown up with a child's mind, prove me wrong,show me one quote of his that enlightened you.

I agree that that civilization was evil, and they were fortunate to have not met the jews. Many aspects of civilized life have their own flaws and problems.

Actually Im not sure if jews as a race, I really think are evil. I could imagine respect and working with and admiring a jew who truly abandons and conemnds the evil of judaism. Someone pointed out bobby fischer as an example of this. This is another reason why I still don't think race is real, or worth considering.


why arent you a Traditionalist?

Not an argument. Many have claimed that population differences are "proof" of race but Those aren't races. Polynesian is not a race. Again, what that paper is talking about is population genetics. That is not the same thing as race. Also, just take a look at figure C.

If you think this is proving races I'd suggest sitting in on a genetics course. It might help you understand the paper and other peer reviewed studies if you want to read up on the subject. Race is not the same thing as heritage or ethnicity or population genetics. Genetics show pretty clearly that there are no clearly bound human types that neatly line up into categories such as white, black, Asian, etc. Population genetics is looking at particular alleles and tracing them back to which regions they came from. So if you're a carrier for X allele and we know that allele is frequently found in Northern Ireland then we can make a soft claim about where some of your ancestors likely came from. Knowing that Irish people are categorized as white in America today, we could go further and say some of your ancestry is white. Of course, the Irish weren't always white in America. So if we're trying to understand historical race categories for your family white might be misleading. Racial categories change over time and across cultures so that forensic anthropologists have to take local ideas about labels into account for any categorization to be meaningful.

protip: the top jews want you to blame all jews
and yes, i realize many jews are subversive by nature and social engineering. doesn't mean we shouldn't get as many of them on our side as we can. they've been brainwashed into being the brainwashers, but the top jews are what needs to be focused on, and some of them aren't even jews.

and when you blame all jews it just confuses people and gets them to assume you're wrong and reject your red pills.

posts that don't get responses are automatically deleted after page 5.
maybe that happened?

Jews have infiltrated Sup Forums for a long time already, how can you claim to be red pilled on the JQ but not know this?

Feel free to make this into a full report and I will read your findings. Perhaps even pay for it.

Make it into a book OP.