Why dont we just kill ourselves, pol? I dont see how we ever can win, all the world will soon be just a big brown country.
Why dont we just kill ourselves, pol? I dont see how we ever can win...
If i'm dead I can't gas kikes
go back to discord/leftypol faggot
But we are. Suicide rates are the leading cause of death among young men in most western nations. No one cares.
In just a few thousand years whites being the minority race have colonized and bleached the entire planet.
Whites are accelerating globally actually
You already died. We're already dead. This is hell.
You go first, OP. Livestream it.
You cant do it if you are alive either, but if you are dead they won't collect the tax from you to fund another somalian family.
each of you kill yourselves
Not enough. If every white male age 15-45 kills himself this rotten society will finally collapse.
lets do it. you go first OP.
Sage, report, and hide.
Nah they'll just replace us with even more immigration
YOU Kill yourself too
At least we wont see this miserable world anymore.
I already hate life anyways, I just feel like a useless drone just saving money, the same shit everyday, nothing changes.
For some reason normies don't feel this way, they enjoy life alot, so I've kind of been feeling content with the mass immigration wave because I know it will eventually collapse the west and their lives will become as miserable as my own, they can have their cake and eat it too.
Sounds like you need a pint m8
I just want to see how the world changes I think the future is exciting despite it looking very grim
>Despair/Demoralization shill thread #3218 primed and ready.
> everyone is shill
solution thread and noone's in there just in stupid fucking slide threads
>Sup Forums is dead
>we're already dead
Kill yourself and your entire family
Because shitposting, jerkin it, and smoking crack are really fun.
great now its closed u stupid fucking cucks
Why kill yourself when you could be killing (((them))) instead?
good idea, you go first faggot
>in all fields
Like it worked.
Not a fun of alcohol.
> inb4 mahmud
Is Brazil brown? Well, a lot, yes, but not completely.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Brit Kill yourself. Everyone else will fight while you pussy out and kill yourself
Not soon enough. You can still manage a full long life in denial at this point. Go and do something degenerate.
>we're already dead
No shit
suicide is not easy. go and try it. you will propably give up and try another day and maybe tommorow. and if you succed. well. you do not have to care about orwel kingdom anymore.
The only thing that is lacking is a powerful leadership to arise and let loose the pent up rage of the civilized man who because of law and government is forced to stand idly by while civilization is being destroyed. Agreeing to abide by law and custom is a choice and only the White people seem stupid enough to make that decision. Fear is the problem but fear can be overcome. You are correct that if there is not an uprising things will deteriorate to the point of hopelessness. There will need to be simultaneous uprisings world wide to regain control from treasonous governments. All that is needed is the right spark. The question is will western civilization allow government to destroy the history and future of the white race in the name of Humanity? Or eventually out of fear and desperation take back control from the evil leftists.