I'm interested in seeing the correlation of your job, wage, and political ideology.
I'll start w/ template:
Age: 23
Job: Investment Banking S&T (Prop trading)
Salary: 120-140k (depending on bonuses)
Ideology: Libertarian
I'm interested in seeing the correlation of your job, wage, and political ideology.
I'll start w/ template:
Age: 23
Job: Investment Banking S&T (Prop trading)
Salary: 120-140k (depending on bonuses)
Ideology: Libertarian
oh look another larp slide thread
>investment banking
I doubt it. You're a cashier at bank of America most likely.
28, unemployed, make like 20k selling drugs
Success breed envy
Age: 25
Job: Software Engineer
Salary: 100k
Ideology: ex-libertarian-turned-neocon
Age: 31
Job: Unemployed
Salary: Government gibs
Ideology: Rastafarianism
Age: 26
Job: Software developer
Salary: 25k Eur
Ideology: Libertarian
Inb4 Wendy’s but seriously I work at Wendy’s
wait i mean-
Are you me???
Be sure to use colons as the delimiter, it makes it much easier to convert to excel when you're all consistent.
What do you need this for? Why?
Most of Sup Forums is unemployable and a large portion is still underage.
420 blaze it man! fug nazis n shit!
age: 28
job: son
salary: depends on the amount of goodboy points i have acummulated
ideology: librarian
Anonymous conversation on the internet breeds bullshit. Post a picture of your cock to prove your claims (no homo)
boasting in a datamining phread
Age 25 job architectural company owner
Salary 40k
Ideakogy.. Unsure. Would appreciate if someone told me how to kind of pinpoint this
we're actually gonna store it as JSON in an unsecured MongoDB
>30 years old
>registered nurse
>$31 USD / hour
data mining thread sage
Amerimutt dont can grammar
Gov Liason to alphabet
$72k entry
Ideology: Radical Traditionalist
27, £56k £61k with bonuses. Software engineer in the uk. Nazi.
Fuck it, what do I have to lose
age: don't remember, 20something
job(s): manual work
income: miniscule, not enough to survive on my own
ideology: none
>100% Lies
Age: 34
Job: Machinist
Salary: 80 - 90 K
law school
sell drugs to survive
im drunk
Age : 21
Job: electrical technician
Salary: 1.7 k a fortnight
Ideology: neutral
>previous - jewbay back office
Age: 24
Job: software developer
Salary: 105k y/r
Ideology: conservative
I didn't think anyone was still a libertarian
>R1 university professor
>$150k-$200k depending on grant funding
>independent; I support what benefits me and reject what doesn't, regardless of what ideological background came up with it
Sales/Marketing for a global company
$70K + Car
Conservative/Libertarian (end cannabis prohibition)
Age: 27
Job: entrepreneur
Salary: 5k euro
Ideology: Communist
Age: 18
Job: Soy trader
Salary: 200k per annum
Ideology: anarcho-communism
Age: 20
Job: Lead Pharmacy Tech, inpatient
Salary: 24 an hour plus differentials, 1 Year until Pharmacy School
Ideology: Conservative/Constituonalist
Why don’t you get into positions of power?
It’s extremely easy to become a part of the so called “deep state,” especially if you’re coming from a small country.
I decided to get an IR degree, studied hard, got a good internship, etc.
Now I’m 28, but I already have 4 years experience working in Brussels with EU and NATO.
>access to inside info
>have met and shook hands with world leaders (including Rex Tillerson)
It’s just a question of hiding your powerlevel while you’re gaining experience.
Eventually you will be able to join mainstream political parties and get into appointed, high ranking government positions.
Why aren’t more of you doing this?
It’s a lot smoother than shilling for or being a member of “far-right” parties and being rightfully perceived as uneducated and inexperienced radicals, playing in the hands of Russia.
The civil service professionals won’t respect you even if you get elected and your ability to act will be limited.
Age: 18
Job: Investment Banking
Salary: 300k
Ideology: Radical Centrist
Job:Quit my job
Occupation: Crypto Investing/guvment gibs me dat
Ideology: Social democracy
Lol nice fake job
Age: 19
Job: Investment Banking
Salary: 220-330k €
Ideology: Libertarian
Age: 24
Job: underwater welder
Salary: 200k-300k
Ideology: paleoconservative
Age: 51
Job: Tech contractor, specialize in network stuff for large corps
Salary: $240k US
Ideology: Libertarian
They're just going to get you drunk and slip you an underaged kid youll fuck in a drunken rage then hold that over your head yor whole career
I'm a genius so I skipped college and make 450k a year in bit coin.
This. At least know something about the typical aspects of the fake job you post. Sage slide threads
Is this 1996? Are people really internet bragging about their wages though there is no way to verify and no one fucking cares?
Age 93
Job Fucking your mother
Salary Sandwiches
Ideology Fucking your mother
>success breed envy
illiterate nigger detected
Also, spice up this larp/data mine thread.
Finish this sentence: Hitler did
Work does not equal manhood nor does it equal anything. Do like I did, get your self a good looking stepmother that needs young cock. Fuck her constantly raw no condom cum in her so she thinks you love her. She pays my way and I have more than you wagecucks will ever have no matter how much you work for the jew.
Graduated in film and audiovisual studies, trying my luck as a screenwriter.
>inb4 meme carreer
yeah no wonder movies are (((bluepilled))) af if us decent folk somehow think ourselves above the cinematic crafts.
Age: 75,342,106
Job: Hunter
Salary: Work for my own food.
Ideology: Regressivism
Say that to my face.
the holocaust
age: sage
Age: 38
Job: Tech Executive
Salary: 200k (net worth in double digit millions)
Ideology: Monarchist
Is that you Mencius Moldbug?
Trans-gender here. Working for Open Society Foundations for 15 USD per hour holding signs in different demonstrations around the world. If abroad I live in hostels with other workers. I got about 35k per year. A big chunk of my money goes to buying covering expenses for my AIDS-medicine.
Coke dealer
No, but he is an inspiration.
20, just out of college
hedge fund manager
$700k a year
anarcho capitalist
Occupation: Mechanic, cryptocurrency
Ideology: 1930-1945 Nazism
Married, having daughter in 2 weeks.
how much money do you make?
Earn 100 Euro/month
I switch between libertarian and fascist
The good Finland stereotypes are true.
Age: 20
Job: Apprentice Painter&Decorator
Salary: £8000
Ideology: Nationalist
Age: 34
Salary: 25-75 k (depending on productivity)
Job: CAD
Specialism: Dragon Dildos
Age: 26
Job : Web Developer
Political : Ideology Centrist
Salary : 2k USD per month
Age: 18
Job: astronaut
Salary: 100 billion usd
Ideology: pastafarian
Age: 38
Job: YouTuber
Salary: 10k-15k a year plus whatever state benefits I can get
Ideology: Liberalist (classical liberal)
>salary 70-110k
>job- stock broker
>idealogology- liberal democrat
All checks out.
>Age: 26
>Job: unemployed
>Salary: 0
>Ideology: Communism
>implying there's reason to brag
S&T isn't IB you fag
>Salary: 120-140k (depending on bonuses)
a "salary" doesn't depend on bonuses, retard
Age: 26
Job: Med School
Salary: lol no, will be ~$55k when residency starts and probably around $150k after that
Ideology: Libertarian
What's your YouTube channel
sauce on that pic?
Nah that's pretty normal. If you're in an ivy you can become an analyst at a bulge bracket as soon as you get out. OP is a larp because he mixed up IB and S&T.
Not finish the job
Hospital administrator
Hide your power level irl and no social media to survive
Not bad
Sr. Policy Advisor at the WH
$6 million
The final solution
Chef at Wendy's
6 gorillion shekels/yr
Work as a union autoworkers for ford since I was 19. I'm 32 and make 75-85k a year depending how much overtime I want to pick up.
Age: 34
Job: FBI
Salary: 150k
Ideology: Zionism
>managerial accounting
>anywhere from 0 to 200K if i want. first month of my job i made 10K by serving multiple clients
Slide post. But here goes...
Age: 52
Job: Sales Engineer with tech company
Salary: $150,000.00
Net Worth: Around $400,000 w/ home equity. Not good.
Ideology: Republican / Libertarian.
>crypto trader in moms basement
>~400 bitconnect tokens yearly
>moderate centrist
Age: 53
Job: transport
Salary: 55k + bonuses
Ideology: Libertarian
I'm fucknig wasted right now and meant to say S&T @ an IB
This is an info gathering post you stupid newfags
Job. Officer Candidate
Salary: enough, comparing US and EU salaries is complicated
Ideology: moderate conservative