Be jew

>be jew
>get gassed six times
>survive all six times

>be jew
>get crucified
>spawn a religion that lasts two millenea

>be jew
>sue for abortion
>ruin canada

>be jew
>ride on roller coaster straight to the ovens

>be German guard
>order all jews in chamber to play dead when he rings the bell
>brings little boy into room
>rings bell
>everyone apparently dies
>take boy out of room
>boy starts screaming bloody murder
>everyone starts laughing
>"HAHAH GO..Go get Frans, HE HAS TO SEE THIS!"
>repeat with new batch of jews
>Boy grows up to blog about the "Try not to die" challenge he went through 6 times

>be jew
>get masturbated to death by Hitler's masturbation machines

His spine was so flexible he could just bend over, put his lips on his anus and breathe his farts while everyone else choked on zyklon.

>be jew
>avoid gas chamber because you collapse from hunger and get sent to the hospital because by the people who want to kill you

>be jew
>blood catches on fire after you die


>be jew
>get raped by specially trained nazi rape dogs

>be jew
>get turned into Bratwurst by the nazis

>be jew
>get spanked by Nazi robot

>sausages made of jews flesh

Yum, taste like chicken

>be jew
>get castrated by Nazi castration dogs
>avoid getting gassed by hiding in a pile of clothes

jews invented fake new way earlier than most people realize

>be jew
>die in knife chamber
>die in acid pond
>scream so loud you scare the peasants that lived nearby

Forgot image

>be jew
>even after you die you don't shut the fuck up

>be a jew
>get thrown into eagle and bear cage and get killed by a bear and get your bones picked at by the eagle

>be jew
>plan to kill six million Germans in revenge for the Holocaust

What is it with jews and the number 6?

It's legitimately printed in my schools US history textbook that Nazis' made lampshades and bars of soap from the bodies of dead Jews.

What are you doubting there yank?
True story
