/mbmc/ Open Letter to Fake News - Feedback Editon

>open letter, feedback appreciated
>will post this on the official website
>will get anons to mass email the authors, and document the emails on the website as well to prove the authors are no longer ignorant of the false information they published
>will publish this letter on plebbit, voat and other places
>will send this open letter to right wing media outlets as well

January 23, 2018
The MyBordersMyChoice Campaign

This open letter is addressed to the authors of the following articles:

Jackie Bensen: nbcwashington.com/news/local/Anti-Immigration-Flyers-Found-at-American-University-Campus-470606463.html
Archived: archive.fo/rkHoN
Lauren Lumpkin: theblackprintau.com/blog/2018/1/22/anti-immigration-stickers-found-on-campus-hj9jd
Archived: archive.fo/QX1N9
The Eagle staff: theeagleonline.com/article/2018/01/eight-anti-immigration-flyers-posted-at-american-university
Archived: archive.fo/xAFsX

As of January 23, 2018, your article still contains a description of a fake poster which contains links to websites. The official version of the poster has no links and is not associated with any other group, organization, or movement, as you can see from the official #MyBordersMyChoice website:


Tens of thousands of official posters went up around the world in many different languages and nations. It is strange that multiple media outlets focused on one fake poster and did not mention the overwhelming majority of real ones or that the poster they are focusing on is fake and not associated with the campaign.

Please correct your article and stop misrepresenting the poster campaign and damaging its reputation.

Thank you,
The MyBordersMyChoice Campaign

Other urls found in this thread:


have a bump user


shit post central the Netherlands reporting for duty


nevah forget

i admire your counter-fake-news efforts, but i think you're naive to think they are going to change a story that makes the op look bad based on the open letter.


hey user should i make a my borders my rules sticker design and ask martin sellner if he wants to put them up on his site phalanx-europa?

>i think you're naive to think they are going to change a story that makes the op look bad based on the open letter

then they have fallen right into the trap: now there is proof that they are deliberately, consciously spreading false information to slander a campaign

this is prime ammo to hand off to right wing media outlets

I almost hope they don't change it

admiration is exposure. thanks for your support. please think about it. remember you have nothing to fear so if you want to help print em and hang em

god speed

whatcha doin there comrade

Yes! Just make sure to keep the hashtag the same, #MyBordersMyChoice. There is already an Austria version (and Belgian in all three languages) on the official website:


I emailed Martin Sellner about it but got no response yet. Support appreciated! He is a great guy and I'm sure he would like to participate if we can just reach him.

heres some activist literature for anons that maybe would like to get active.

great user, il see what i can do.

sry i have to remind you. no weaponry and or swastikas. keep it neutral. other than that awesome idea

no problem user, we are on the same page.

this campaign is far from over
Jan 21 is just the beginning

republicstandard.com/mybordersmychoice-Sup Forums-explores-the-meaning-of-consent-trigger-racist-feminists

Pic related how to create your own mbmc stickers

what do you think about AllWallsAreBeautiful? we can use the Hungarian border fence/wall that stopped 100% of illegal mass migration in hungary as an example. something similar to what you have now can be made but in favor of setting up border walls/fences to curb down illegal migration? just providing ideas.

could be good for another campaign
I fully support expanding our arsenal of memes / rhetoric / slogans / counter arguments and deploying it constantly, randomly and unpredictably on the leftist mind

it would be a different op than MBMC, just as MBMC is separate from IOTBW, but it would be a new one that expands our arsenal

we should never stop expanding our arsenal and deploying it

i agree user. its great to finally see the step from internet activism to real life activism.

Keep it up!

Stickers seen as racist go up on signs across Turlock

How about a "why cant we look after our own"

I have some normie clients who were just complaining about their pozzed church who collected money and used church funds to buy a new vehicle for soem family over in the dominican. These were just average people and they were saying, wasn't there anyone here they could have helped instead of announcing it in front of the whole church to virtue signal. They even said it was all done for recognition, and i informed them this is called virtue signalling.

do I say "Open letter to media outlets WHO are misrepresenting..." or "Open letter to media outlets THAT are misrepresenting..." ???

there is a time and place for everything. your idea is certainly something to work with. but for now let the operation run it's course as it is

God speed

i love that people start coming up with ideas!

I am a catholic and have stopped giving to the collection basket becasue of this. All catholic charities are based on helping immigrants or foreign countries now. There used to be huge presence of Sharelife and St vincent de paul charities here now they are unheard of. We should definitely consider this for the future


In the meantime i have just printed 4 posters and will put them up in tim hortons later on my date lol

>final version?

(Title:) An open letter to media outlets that are misrepresenting the #MyBordersMyChoice poster campaign

January 23, 2018
The MyBordersMyChoice Campaign
Published on the official #MyBordersMyChoice website:
voat.co/v/mybordersmychoice/(post ID will go here once published)

This open letter is addressed to the authors of the following articles who covered the #MyBordersMyChoice poster campaign:

Jackie Bensen: nbcwashington.com/news/local/Anti-Immigration-Flyers-Found-at-American-University-Campus-470606463.html
Archived: archive.fo/rkHoN
Lauren Lumpkin: theblackprintau.com/blog/2018/1/22/anti-immigration-stickers-found-on-campus-hj9jd
Archived: archive.fo/QX1N9
The Eagle staff: theeagleonline.com/article/2018/01/eight-anti-immigration-flyers-posted-at-american-university
Archived: archive.fo/xAFsX

As of January 23, 2018, your article still contains a description of a fake poster which has links to websites. The official version of the poster has no links and is not associated with any other group, organization, or movement, as you can see from the official #MyBordersMyChoice website:


Tens of thousands of official posters went up around the world in many different languages and nations. It is strange that multiple media outlets are focusing on a single fake poster and did not mention the overwhelming majority of real ones or that the poster they are focusing on is fake and not associated with the campaign.

Please correct your article and stop misrepresenting the poster campaign and damaging its reputation.

Thank you,
The MyBordersMyChoice Campaign

I agree. We should help our own first. Once we get the homeless housed and the hungry fed in our own countries we can then look to others who need help but not untill.

>I am a catholic and have stopped giving to the collection basket becasue of this. All catholic charities are based on helping immigrants or foreign countries now. There used to be huge presence of Sharelife and St vincent de paul charities here now they are unheard of. We should definitely consider this for the future
i feel you. it sucks, it is the same over here. once we have the narrative somewhat more implanted in the normies we can get to the more serious stuff. i do not know about you but the redpill was a tough one to swallow. i always recommend small doses.

>In the meantime i have just printed 4 posters and will put them up in tim hortons later on my date lol
glad to have you aboard. have fun!

>put them up in tim hortons later on my date lol
>on my date lol
godspeed user

Its a second date. What an impression ill leave if i end up charged with hate crimes

I'm going to put them in the metal advert holder frames above the urinals. They look sturdy but the trim just snaps back easilty, great place to put them.

that's when you'll see that fire in her eyes that will test both of your commitments to remaining chaste


>charged with hate crimes
Very possible in Leafland.

Bump. I support it OP.

For the record, I was one of the people who wasn't sure about the other thing you proposed putting on the website yesterday, but I think what you typed up here is much different. I like it.

i am in no means an expert on canadian law. but even i can tell you that, that is just a roundabout of words. lord have mercy.

She already told me she is a race realist.

give us more input. what did you not like and why? help us improve

ah poo no make up sex then

Our judges, SC and all, area bunch of appointed crypto commies who can basically decide whatever they want and no one will say otherwise.

that is crazy dude. not that it would stop me. i will no longer be bullied down by ((them))

The message proposed yesterday was essentially a paragraph describing why we're against mass immigration, why we want control over our borders, how immigration has hurt us, etc. I (along with some other people) said it would probably be better if we just stayed silent and anonymous and let the posters speak for themselves.

On the other hand, I support the proposed message in this thread because the media is trying to prevent the message from speaking for itself by selectively reporting on the flyers in question. This message is good because it simply states that those flyers do not represent the MBMC movement (and calls the media out on their bullshit), and then it otherwise lets the flyers continue to speak for themselves.

officially published:


time to spread this far and wide

this can only end well:

1. the media outlets change their articles, now they become good exposure (or at the very least they delete them and remove the bad exposure)

2. they refuse to change the articles - this might be the better option as now they are deliberately, consciously spreading fake news: we now have ammo to use against them that we can hand off to right wing media so they can open fire

godspeed anons

Absolutely cucked!

Good on yah man. I still tread lightly, but each day I grow bolder.

please email this letter to the authors in its entirety, unchanged

if you do, I would really appreciate a screenshot of the email (use a throw away with a normie-friendly name), post the screenshot here, or you can reply to the post on voat with a link to your screencap

publicly showing that the authors have been emailed is even better because it makes it impossible for them to claim ignorance about their articles containing false information

let's do this lads, they fell into the trap, now we hit them hard

I don't have very many suggestions on how to improve it because it looks pretty good.

One idea though. The text discusses how the media only focused on the flyer in question, when in reality thousands of posters went up across the West that went unreported on. If possible, it may be helpful to insert something (like a picture) that backs up the claim that there were many flyers with only the official messaging posted. Maybe a couple pictures of flyers that anons have uploaded, or a small compilation of those pictures. I think it would really bolster our argument that many other flyers have gone up, but the media chooses to focus only on a select few.

>The message proposed yesterday was essentially a paragraph describing why we're against mass immigration, why we want control over our borders, how immigration has hurt us, etc. I (along with some other people) said it would probably be better if we just stayed silent and anonymous and let the posters speak for themselves.
you might have been in the wrong thread. it has been made clear from day one that we only advocate hanging poster provided on the official site. i will double my effort finding said threads. thanks for the heads up

>On the other hand, I support the proposed message in this thread because the media is trying to prevent the message from speaking for itself by selectively reporting on the flyers in question. This message is good because it simply states that those flyers do not represent the MBMC movement (and calls the media out on their bullshit), and then it otherwise lets the flyers continue to speak for themselves.
this is exactly what we are trying to do. it may be the case now but they can not ignore us forever. and before that storm hits we can practice sort of speak. on the smaller cases.

glad to have you aboard user, spread the word.

god speed


what about this tweet?

Guys we can't do this anymore. I was arrested and charged with hate crime assault, this is illegal and I don't want anyone else arrested. Putting up these posters is a violation of human rights and you will be arrested. Let's just come up with something else

I think they are starting to understand that the reaction to the message is almost greater than the message itself. I was shocked when IOTBW even worked because I assumed the best way to counter the message would be to ignore it. If they are wising up they would stop taking the bait, they serve our needs when they report on it.

i am building a vault for both our posters that have been placed and any subversive posters not created by us. oh and a little soon to be big vault with salty lefties sperging out

Yeah, I think that tweet, or at least the picture from the tweet, demonstrates the point well.

Remember the war you are fighting!




1-If you are a shill, open this link. If they dont allow you there is something shady going on.
1.1-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus or something like that, search at your prefered web search site and read it at another site.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.

If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.


very, very poor attempt


You will look back on this one day and smile. Even if we lose, you will know that you fought.

updated user

let's spread this far and wide, and especially email it to the authors and screencap the emails, ideally share the screencaps on the voat post and I will edit it and include them as proof that the authors have been notified

you can even make multiple emails and email them more than once, just make sure the email names are normie-friendly i.e. bostonfan1987 or something like that

are there any people participating in putting up posters in countries besides the us?

A cuck hiding behind a NatSoc flag. KYS faggot

tons user:

lots of other countries did it





thats good user, i cant promise anything though for the stickers but i will try.

seems that not everyone is posting according to plan

>censored thumb
Really makes you think.


>bots are tricking people
Well at least it didn't jump straight to blaming the Russians.

i cant wait to see more news reactions

not in this thread no lol.

bumpity bump

I saw this on the local news too.

>Archived link

Need to upscale an image?
Use waifu2x.booru.pics/ for normal images
Use waifu2x.udp.jp/ for images with a transparent background

yes good thinking user but if this goes bad well spread that ammo against them like HELL!

Have a bump Based Leaf

Also glad to see.my poster tweeted by pol news network


it will set the record straight, get it. NICE!!!

Aye, have an enemy poster that was in the local university commie center

>Translation: The Meme War

>How memes are being utilized by the alt right, trump supportes, nerds and other social misfits to reshape our worldview

I put a MBMC beside it, tomorrow i'm going to check if some of my posters have survived this 3 days

Giving the ole bump a Rooney

attend to it. see what the enemy knows. GJ user

despite some disagreement from Eire/pol/, an official Irish version was added to the website

others had no problem with it and I didn't want to leave Ireland out

here you go user

It was 15 december 2017
Sadly i could not attend for conflicting schedules

>see what the enemy knows
Judging by the shitty memes they used not so much, the are at least 6 years behind us if they still use the FFFFUUUUUU meme

The left really can't meme

ah yes could have found the date but ##&*&@%@! language to me lol


lame. at this point it isn't even a battle anymore

>pro-borders messaging is "racist"
Not even hiding it anymore

This leaf GETs it...


I think something more ambiguous like "you can't save the world" would be a more palatable meme.

Ladies and Gentlemen, i give you!

MR. Pepe Jones!


i like this. but that would have to wait. till, some of em start to realize and start denouncing their movement


Game plan for stopping the misrepresentation of the poster campaign
Hi guys, thanks for your help. I would really appreciate it if you could provide backup with this operation:
Email this open letter to the authors of those articles
Post it in the comment sections under the articles
Please be polite and use a polite email address / username, it can be a throw away if you'd like
Just copy the letter in its entirety without changing it and send it in
It would be especially helpful if you could screencap the email to prove that you sent it, and share the screencap here
I will edit the post to include proof of emails sent to the authors.
Once there is proof that the authors have been sent this letter, and once some time has passed, one of two things will happen:
The authors will do the right thing and correct their articles (or at the very least delete them).
The authors will no longer be able to claim ignorance of the misrepresentation in their articles. Now there is proof that they are deliberately, consciously slandering the campaign. This proof might be of interest to other media outlets.
Do not immediately accuse these outlets of deliberately misrepresenting the campaign, and of course do not spam them or send threats or anything of that nature. Inform them politely, screencap it, share it here, and wait. We will see how they respond and act accordingly.
Thank you for any support you can provide, it is greatly appreciated. You are doing God's work.
-The MyBordersMyChoice Campaign


It would probably turn her on. Women dig hate criminals. Do it user

OP are you the coordinator on voat?