Why you’re a white nationalist in a nutshell:
> I cling to edgy beliefs because it provides me with a shell of an identity I can use to justify why I failed to get friends and alienated people.
Tl;dr the psychiatic community has proven that a great deal of white nationalists are white nationalists because serious mental problems.
> I cling to edgy beliefs because it provides me with a shell of an identity I can use to justify why I failed to get friends and alienated people.
Tl;dr the psychiatic community has proven that a great deal of white nationalists are white nationalists because serious mental problems.
Why you’re a white nationalist in a nutshell:
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commie mem thread ill start
In other words, you are BTFO and resorting to ad hominem attacks (yet again). You people are just sad.
Oh you got me OP! We must be flooded with Arabs and Niggers now and become a third world shitheap ruled over by kikes! How did I ever not see the way!
free hello rides
It's not like the modern world emerged out of white countries.
speaks for itself
>muh mental health
>freud jew science says that if you dislike spiders you must want to fuck spiders
>were well over 99% of all people to ever live on this earth mentally ill compared to a decadent minority in circumstances of life as far removed from our natural habitat as ever
I dunno OP
I think you're right OP. When I see you're post I hear some jewish music in the background, I must have mental illness.
Sorry, but what are they supposed to say? I’m not a white nationalist and even I can see that there is no way researchers are going to come out with anything other than research that falls in line with what the current political climate has dictated as being acceptable on such controversial issues.
This is obviously coming from someone who doesn’t understand that science and research have their fair share of faults (p-hacking, irreproducibility in some fields, incentives to come up with new hypotheses and not test old ones, incentives to confirm old theories and not disprove anything seen as already established) and that politics have in the past and continue today to influence what is acceptable to research.
I didn't become a white nationalist because I wanted to. I'm not "full of hate". I'm a Christian man. I've had countless friends who were Black, Jewish, or Hispanic. I'm not drifting through life - I have a stable job in a professional field. I have good friends, family, and disposable income.
I'm a white nationalist because at this point it is undeniable that there is a concerted effort going on not just in this country but throughout the West to replace whites. To be made a minority in our own countries in so short a time is hitherto unthinkable yet that is exactly where we find ourselves today. And of those who would seek to enact this change, there is an undeniable, overwhelming majority of them who are Jews.
I do not like these facts, but I cannot deny their validity. And having resolved that the continuation of the white race is preferable to its extinction, I am forced to commit to the cause of those who would stop this change. I do not like this, but I can come to no other conclusion. Perhaps this conflict inside me is due to my own weakness from indoctrination. Perhaps it is because I am wrong. I choose to believe that it is a sign that I still have a functional moral compass and the fact that I yet pursue this course of action in spite of it is a sign of the grave nature of the situation we find ourselves in.
what if i told you i have friends?
what if i told you some of these friends share my beliefs?
>trusting marxist psychiatrists
Sma old tired routine calling your enemy what you really are . fuck off loser faggy liberals
Why I'm a white nationalist?
Because I'm a hispanic and the left can't seem to leave people the fuck alone. I pay my taxes on a GOOD income. I live my life.
Evidently that's not good enough for the communist left. Now I fantasize about returning to my roots and throwing communists out of helicopters.
And thanks to me hating communism, I'd rather roll the dice with actual motherfucking Nazis and hope I become honorary then join the far left.
What the fuck should I do? Nazi's, should I reconsider?
I just want the government out of my life and to be left alone. I'm terminally hispanic.
You're basically where I'm at. I just wanted to join america (being the best country on fucking earth), keep my head down, pay my taxes, and CONTRIBUTE.
Now I'm pricing aircraft on the side to throw communists out of. Now I'm trying to become sunterkommandos to rat out the commies to the non commies.
I just wanted to be that quaint neighbor with the QT wife that invites you over for tacos every couple weeks. Now I'm reverting to my spic roots and pricing out DC3 controls to assmble a DC3 with my neighborhood militia.
Jews have astounding rates of mental illness. Think of this study similarly to how the jew left thinks every man is a rapist. Jews assume because they are all rapists/mentally ill at heart the whole world must be.
>psychiatry: not wanting to have your country overrun by dysgenic third-world shitskins who will subsist on your tax dollars and rape the women in your community (before setting their vaginas on fire with lighter fluid, praise Allah) is a mental illness
>also psychiatry: wanting to chop your dick off, pump yourself full of veterinary-grade estrogen, and change your name to Fallopia is not a mental illness
How is it that Freud's kooky ass was the most sensible psychiatrist? We started with "Everything is a penis and everyone wants to use it to fuck their mother", and went downhill from there.