How the fuck did he and invisible girl get into UA

How the fuck did he and invisible girl get into UA

They both sucked dick

because he's canonically the 3rd or 4th most intelligent student there

they're traitors

By passing the entrance exams.

immobilizing the robots from the test counts for getting points

This, also, I doubt that the robots had thermographic sensors, so Invisible Girl could easily sneak past them and rescue people / disable them by hitting their weak spots.

>rescue people / disable them by hitting their weak spots.
We know that rescue points were very rare. And the robots aren't stated to have had any weak points. Stop pushing this nonsense. She could have farmed any of the easy type robots or used unseen attributes of her quirk.

Mineta's quirk is actually really fucking good for hero work.

>We know that rescue points were very rare

No, they weren't, just look at how much rescue points Kirishima, Uraraka and Ibari got. It's you who should stop pushing nonsense.


I want to kill all animeonlys

108 Cm kek

>Mineta's quirk is actually really fucking good for hero work.

Unless Mineta becomes a fucking ninja like Eraserhead and Toga, he's going to be stuck as a sidekick.

he'd be the best sidekick ever tho

I think they are in for comic relief purposes.

I don't read the manga, will we get Toga in this second season?

How and who?

Mineta is the best character in My Hero Academia

He can set up traps, immobilise opponents and be a strategy guy in general.
She is generally frustrating to fight and can be a wildcard when bad guys expect to fight one guy but get a brick to the back of their head.

>set up traps
very bad ones, unless he can suddenly do anything other than grow grapes out of his head. I stopped reading sometime around Fallout Boy appeared.

I can't realistically see him setting up an effective trap, because that relies on the enemy being retarded enough to touch a giant mysterious grape, or mineta somehow managing to camoflauge his grape against the background (he can't)

We'll likey see her introduction alongside Dabi but nothing more

I suspect his real ability lies in the actual material and not really anything else. The manga shows that he has a production limit, but never shows what happens to the grapes after a period of time has passed.

Supposing I were to LARP as Lockmart, I'd build a guided gravity bomb filled with grapes and just drop it on someone. This would accomplish both being able to immobilize someone essentially whenever you want, and is effective against anyone outdoors, who isn't super fast or can warp.