or are there any other drawfags on Sup Forums. Pic related, just finished.
Am I the only one
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I don't know, user....Some user tried to so a draw general some time ago but it never took off, sadly...This board has gone to utter shit. Just shitposting and ZOG emperor in chief stuff from redditors.
I never knew the way this board used to be because I’m a newfag. If it makes you feel better, I went from an egalitarian to reading Rockwell and listening to WLPierce in a year because of Sup Forums in its current form.
Do you have a deviant art? I might be looking for comissions soon.
I've been spending more time over on /ci/ to boost my skills. I've not had much inspiration to do anything for Sup Forums though.
Not yet but I think I’ll start one just to see how fast I get banned
Post more of your stuff.
This is one thing I made a while back.
Here is a Saintly Pepe I finished last week.
>draw general some time ago but it never took off, sadly
I miss it. saw it only once but twas a good thread. it was more of a "fasch art general" though, with some people posting edits and clips.
I'm not a draw fag, but some Sup Forumsack with time on his hands should try to bring it back.
I made the dA account:
Great. I'll check it out.
Shadman here. Hi, Sup Forums.
My Raven tablet died, I haven't drawn anything since last summer. After I move I might get back into it, but I'm thinking about focusing on a podcast so I dunno.
The board was way different, newfriend. Sure, there were shitposting, but not to this extent. It almost feels trashy and dirty now. There was a community. You would have Libertarians and National Socialist mostly, with NatSoc being the majority. It was fun. Lost of discussion about the jewish question and literature of fascism/NatSoc generals. With the occasional group operations/raids.
The boomer flood of redditors changed everything, they were just given the idea that 4chinz is some kind of rad shitposting site for memes and trump. The only silver lining is for more opportunity to redpill the new lurkers like yourself. I try to make good, thoughtful discussions, but they're now getting almost zero attention.
>I went from an egalitarian to reading Rockwell and listening to WLPierce in a year because of Sup Forums in its current form.
If you're into literature and reading, check out Mein Kampf(Stalag edition) and these mega.nz
Everyone always talks about past Sup Forums in a million different ways. It was never really anything these people remember. Always in a state of change. It once supported Obama back in the day.
noice where did you learn?
I think you need to check the catologue from time to time. There are always threads like what you are talking about. The shills kind of make it funner in a way, honestly. I don't think they have any real impact on the board at all. Only if you feed them do they.
I miss old Sup Forums
m8 that is fucking quality
Prove it.
I know what you're saying. It just now feels kinda...over bloated, in a way. Way too fast, and way too little valuable threads with all the trash heap from either shills/shitposters. I visit from otherchan from time to time.
can you do a Right Wing Poster Squads artwork?
Thanks for the stories. MK is on my list and then Protocols of the Elders.
Speaking from a newfag lurker’s perspective, I spent some time unconciously avoiding the JQ. Perhaps the process must be gradual for some. Then some user started making daily redpill threads specifically targeted at post election newfags. That led me to watching Europa: The Last Battle which broke the dam for me. Things haven’t been the same since. Now I will either go mad or emerge a different person.
Sorry for blogging, just wanted to show that barrage of redpills is effective, so don’t stop.
This. Some Fashwave in between.
>blames boombers
>doesn't mention shill invaders
okay shill
Here and there... Online tutorials and books mostly, no art school.
I will try!
>That led me to watching Europa: The Last Battle which broke the dam for me. Things haven’t been the same since. Now I will either go mad or emerge a different person.
I know how you feel. I first got redpilled by watching The Greatest Story Never Told and it forever changed the way I look at Hitler, WW2, and life in general The feeling you have now, you must use the energy to better yourself, both physically and mentally. Reach out to friends/family who might not know what you know. Redpill as much people as you can. Find a man/women(whoever you are) and redpill them, if they aren't already. Make a family, and have lots of children, but teach them how to be a good and traditional and value their ethnicity, maybe later tell them about the JQ when they're older. Britain isn't looking good in it's current form, and something might give way in the future. Be prepared, britbro and stay safe.
Also a tip for a newfriend. Do not bump shill/slide threads. Just report, or make another thread to counter it. Call out the (((shill))) everytime.
>Sorry for blogging, just wanted to show that barrage of redpills is effective, so don’t stop.
Glad to see some seeds are being planted. Have a good day, user.
Oh, I sure there are orchestrated shill raids(we get them everytime something evenfull happens), but the majority that are into the whole Trump stuff comes from reddit, which most of their users are boomers or kids who found Sup Forums and think it's some fun shitposting place(which they're not exactly wrong, but too much and it becomes a problem).
I mean..There are some visitors(from t_d no doubt) that genuinely believe this...
I just bought my first drawing tablet some days ago, I'm enjoying it a lot but I still have to get used to it, I've only do art by physical means, pencil, pastel, oil, sculpture etc.
Right now I'm just doing Gone with the blastwave fan art.
This is all trash. Work and rework on your foundations.
Jesus Christ.
Cheers leaf. I feel like a caterpillar gorging on information right now. Can’t work, can’t sleep, forgot all my hobbies. constantly devouring content, reading, watching videos. Sometime soon i will stop, get into a coccoon and try to digest it all. We’ll see what comes out of that coccoon.
Thanks for the feedback. Is pic related any better?
Fucking kek, is that a baby? It’s not any better, as far as foundations go, but at least you have a sense of humor.
>merc wip
It’s not a baby, it’s a kangaroo. The picture is called Merc.WIP 2.0. Post your work.
Quite the opposite, if I was acting like a like I would ask for op to produce what brings in the money. I made op aware that he needs to work on his trade. Figure drawing is fine as I only have 2-3 pieces of his to sample from but apart from that color combination, creativeness and execution isn’t perfect. Op should work on all mediums, including the fine arts sector, to humanize his work. I am not crazy about white nationalism but if that’s what you guys are going for with your “fash wave” then I suggest you look up what artists during hitlers rule looked up to. (Specially their sculptors. Even their propaganda pieces were outstanding)
A kangaroo? From which angle? Did you even use references photos to try to get close to it? Did you even practiced drawing kangaroos from before hand to try to be accurate? That is one lazy attempt to depict that creature.
Here’s your (you).
At least you can try to get better
Hey, i m doing thinks in photoshop with fanshywave, would you like to join in my spanish NS party?
We are searching people to the propaganda, it your time to help Spain
Who said I wasn’t? Never claimed I was perfect, but in you posts you sound like a parody of a Jew art critic, not as someone who wants to help.
Ok, what I should have said is, at least the only way now is upwards since you’re art isn’t all that at all. Better?
I do sometimes
I used to draw. Should start again.
I can't post my work here because I'd dox myself by doing so, but I know there are more of us here than let on. Been painting for 30 years and this is the first time in my life that I feel like I'm not allowed to express my true beliefs. We live in dark times.
Do it, Germanbro.
>I can't post my work here because I'd dox myself by doing so
Why not paint something under a pseudonym or even just to post here? There is something really refreshing about making art and knowing nobody will ever know it was done by you. You release it on the chan and then it takes on a life of its own. Try it, you might like it.
Without drawthreads we are nothing. OC is our board's culture.
It's sad, really. Last drawthreads I've seen was from last year, it it barely got any traction, if any at all. The guy making them probably quite, rightfully so. Such a shame the state of this board.
''Sup Forums is satire'' is a really humorous thing. Indoctrinated idiots are unable to figure out how smart people can hold views that the media that the idiots hate has indoctrinated them into hating. So they rationalize it by assuring themselves it's satire, trolling or shills. Whatever to protect their precious indoctrinated worldview from hard facts. These idiots will never ask themselves ''if media is lying about X, what if they have been lying about Y too?''.
Nothing blackpills me as hard as seeing normalfags being normalfag.
People are always claiming that the board is or has changed for the worst, but Sup Forums really is trash these days, even in comparison to other high traffic boards.
It's like a completely different website where 70% of threads are just rehashes of the last one or blatant click/flamebait.
Then again, that's just kind of the state of politics generally these days.
Nothing fills me with greater disgust than the modern level of political discourse.
I think the satire meme is useful. When I came here first, I actually did keep coming back for lulz. I kept seeing „pol is satire” and it acted as an anaesthetic. For a newfag satire is more palatable then what would normally be interpreted as kooky conspiracy theories. For a normie, the Jews control everything is on par with lizard people and flat earth. I know that because I still remember how I thought before. When I realised the memes were based on truth, it was already too late. I was no longer able to leave here.
Absolutely beautiful user, a magnificent and powerful work of art, I'll have you know that, such is my admiration for your skill, I've saved it and will be printing and mounting a copy of it onto my shrine to the white race. It almost brings a tear to my eye.
Thanks user. Glad you like it, it makes me wanna do more and better.
Yeah, I don't think it's bad either. I think it's just really funny. I guess once you try to tell if something is satire or not, your mind opens up intrepreting the content freshly as it is, empty of previous false ideas.
I'm slowly learning to draw, I brought myself a graphics tablet for christmas and I'm putting practice in pretty much every day.
Maybe in 6 months I'll be able to make something decent, but yeah we've always suffered a lack of drawfags.
I unironically want that jew figure.
I think it could be literal bots making those threads. Even a very small group of paid shills doing it 24/7 minimum wage can lower the board quality massively. Then there's the newfaggots who think they are adapting to board culture by creating epic shitbait threads.
There is no refuge from the societal rot.
Hi dad
Nice work, keep it up.
damn thats some really nice art brah. There are a couple of draw fags on pol/. Not enough considering how art is easy and fun.I am one of them. lol
I dont do cool art though, I am more of a traditional artfag, have been doing paintings on canvas. It feel better than digital.
Nice one. Saved
>I think the Nazi larpers on the chans are fucking shills
God fucking damn it. I hate reddit
I don't get it.
i draw stuff but im pretty shit rn