How many times have you rewatched this masterpiece?

How many times have you rewatched this masterpiece?

terribly paced, 3 hrs (way too long to begin with) but feels like 5. overrated.

Eight Times.

Every year with you fags.

Like 10 times and counting. Still my favorite.

I've never watched it.

None because it's overlong, tedious, nonsensical and redundant overrated garbage

But user, only losers do that.

We can be losers together.

fucking phoneposters

What masterpiece?

sounds like eva

Neon Cowboy Note

Let's go with that.



Haven't rewatched after originally watching the camrip.

Still my favorite movie. It's rather beautiful. I'm just disappointed that the rest of the series was never adapted, since I consider both Intrigues and Surprise to be better than Disappearance.

Why is it a masterpiece again? It didn't leave a big impression on me.

I think I don't really like the Haruhi series in general, so it doesn't really work for me. Only watched it the once.

it's the Eva of SoL anime imo

Around 5 times. The last time was in 2015.

pretty much this tbqh

Eva is 10x better at what it does though

I don't know. It looks really pretty and had great music. But I'm with you, the story isn't all that good.

Around three or four times. It's my favorite movie. I've seen others more though, like I saw Rebellion nine times, Redline like eight times, Castle of Cagliostro six times, and the Truman Show five times.

I think I've watched it 3 or 4 times.

First season thrice, second season once. Movie also once. Never watched that Haruhi-chan shit.

Dude, I have that same set. Nice.

At least 5 times. I will fight anyone who talks shit about the movie.


Why does she look at her brother like that?

About six, plus a lot of partial viewing

exactly 0 times

These millennials... you kids don't even know what masterpiece actually means.