What's the one thing Americans can have that other countries can't?

What's the one thing Americans can have that other countries can't?

That's right, FIREARM!

So tell me why are you sitting on your ass with several anime tabs open? Why don't you own a rooty rooty point and shooty? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LUCKY YOU ARE?!?! A crazy mad mad can break into a Euro anons home stab, rape, and murder him (not necessarily in that order) all because they're PROHIBITED from owning the one thing YOU CAN!

A MOTHERFUCKING GUN. So go out to your nearest gunshop and BUY ONE DUMBASS

I don't want to and I won't ever do it.

Muh liberal ideals say guns are bad, and we should ignore the Bill of Fucking Rights.

God damn I hate wannabe Rambo hick cousin fuckers

I did buy a gun, but the only thing my broke ass could afford was a Hi Point. And then you pricks all told me I had a nigger gone if I tried to join you in the race war, you'd shoot me yourselves, for being a nigger.

>kix cereal
It's not the gun that makes you a faggot.

Hi points are good for what they're worth. You'll have a seat in my Tacoma during the race war friend

>chick lean
Kill it with fire.

Ancestry from 53 different races

Oh and for the record, some of us are quite well armed

Shouldn't you be bordering up your windows svante?

>you're so lucky
888 people dead in 2018
yeah really lucky

>washington post

>What's the one thing Americans can have that other countries can't?
Free speech.

And actually firearms are available in most of Europe, the rules are just a bit tighter.

I'm in the market for an AK with foldable stock.

>31 per 100
kek step it up

Use a meme flag when posting, can't take yours seriously

What are you talking about?

You mean in case there comes some Mutt mulatto coming here? If an Amerimutt knocks on my window I don't fucking open it, no matter how many times he shows me his "23 and me"-test
Hunting rifles and shit. Most people I know got rifles here

You just need to kill someone with a better gun before you meet up with your fellow whites who have standards. I'm poorfag, so I know your feels. But, when the SHTF I'll be showing up with a camper full of guns and white women. You must contribute.

There *are* a lot of niggers that with hipoints.

Hey Soviet army in WW2 only had gun for every 4th guy and beat an army where all had guns. I just take the gun from my neighbour after the orcs kill him. It's called recycling. We are the best in the world at it.
Is that why you use a memeflag?

What the fuck is that?

Anyone who uses a cantilever mount on a rds needs to kill themselves. That includes the girl in your photo

There is no race war. Now I understand that we will have to kill people of all races, but our war is with the Jew first and foremost. Any time and resources not killing Jews is wasted unless absolutely necessary.

Oh I forgot, knocking the door in the US is akin to suicide so best shoot before knocking. My bad. Carry on last survivor of your appartment block

Don't ever compare yourself to soviets

I bought my first CZ-75 because of Gunsmith Cats.


And you thought there would be no leafs in this thread... tsk tsk

mostly niggers chimping out on each other

>Apartment block

I found the Europoor.

Why not? They were the best of friends after '45. They even aided the Soviets in rounding up war refugees for execution.

It's what comes with my cheap Vortex sight, what's wrong with it?

I have a straw, some ball bearings and a pretty good set of lungs

Reminder that Canadians don't have castle doctrine laws and can face prison if using guns to defend themselves

Guns are useless. You Americans even agree with that statement. When we point out the Vietnam War, you say that you had a great kdr, and that an armed militia/insurgency cannot defeat the mighty US military. Why own guns if you can't win?

>being this mad
Oh, Mohammad. I'm so sorry.

It's actually a perfectly fitting comparison
Lulz I live in a castle like all Euros. YOu may call me a Duke you faggot peasant
That's correct. Sweden totally stabbed all those Balts in the back.

I am actually part Baltic though, so I am against that

>tfw euros try to trigger you and instead put your sides in orbit and give you a freerection

Freedom of speech.

Lulz shut up Leaf the day of the rake is coming and your PM is a faggot. Our PM may be retarded, but at least he is not a faggot

>I just take the gun from my neighbour after the orcs kill him
HAHAHA...you pacifist cuck nigger. You think orcs will kill your muslim neighbor? It won't because hell use your daughter, that he's raping, as a human shield.

You eurofags couldn't beat an army of ants.

We won pretty much every battle, and shooting a nigger in my garage is a battle, not a war.

Right to self defense.

Trigger you? No I think you can pull the trigger on your own. Hey although I hate Mutts to the bottom of my heart (if I had one), I hate Leafs even more. Can you please exterminate their pitiful kind in case I don't make it in the comming race war? Canadians = Jews
And here is more for you Leaf

WW1 called and wants its firearms back...and is willing to give you more glass bottom boats so you can continue to see your old Navy.

Reminder sock swapping is a way of saying you hooked up with the other guy. Literally aids tier faggotry

Most cases involving a gunned down home invader are thrown out of court. The prosecution has to proof beyond a reasonable doubt that you murdered a person, and that it was not self defense. It's the same in the USA, don't pretend that it's not. If it was any other way, what is stopping someone from inviting an "old buddy" in for coffee and gunning him down as soon as he steps into your doorway?

I object. I beaten armies of ants on numerous occasions. My neighbour isn't muslim. Muslims live somewhere else. So I can take his rifle.

Anyway you are a mulatto. Maybe you should have told your ancestors to not race mix?

90% are black males. WIN/WIN

Muslims marry their first cousins.

we can have firearms here but we can't carry concealed weapons or use our weapons for any kind of self defense (even in our own home) or else we'll go to jail

I know. Like I said. Disregarding all my hatred for Mutts I hate Leafs even more and the enemy of my enemy is my comrade or something our PM would say

Maybe people enjoy shooting guns because shooting guns is enjoyable. Maybe no one wants to be or even thinks about Rambo.

a lot of cases do get thrown out of court but not all of them. canada is so retarded sometimes. defending yourself in your own home isn't a crime

I'm not living in the country with a grenade attack every week, and police no go zones. You're not fooling anyone.
I thought Americans could identify guns. What the hell is your deal?
Also... what navy?

>We won every battle
That's exactly my point. The Vietnamese were a guerrilla group of rural retards with guns, and they stood no chance against the US military. Like you said, they lost every battle. So why do you have guns if you can't win any battles against a tyrannical government?

No you live in a country full of faggots. At least I get action. What the fuck do you get? Fucked in the ass?

>That's exactly my point. The Vietnamese were a guerrilla group of rural retards with guns, and they stood no chance against the US military. Like you said, they lost every battle. So why do you have guns if you can't win any battles against a tyrannical government?

>sees meme flag
>disregards immediately

I think he means that Mutts are Vietnamese

>My neighbour isn't muslim
>So I can take his rifle.
Well... that is what your Koran teaches isn't it? That you can take the property of the Kaffir without it being a sin?

Did you not read the rest of my post? My gun is there to win battles, not wars.

Ain't no sin if he's dead lol. Anyway don't you have dicks to suck faggot?

>Made this OC
>The amerimutt meme died down
Feels bad mane. I'm gonna post it anyway.

You're trying way too hard here, Captain Sweden. It only sheds light on your insecurities.

enjoy paying 200% tax on a new car swedistanian

It’s adorable
Have a (You) for your effort twat

Why would your neighbor be dead?

europoors BTFO

the amerimutt thing was probably a psyop to begin with, anything to make europeans globalists feel better about living in the their b rate countries

I can't accept beign insulted by a fucking Leaf. It is like a retard coming up to mock you
200% tax? That's productivity levels you faggots will never match

It's americans. Nothing of value is lost. Now, if that would be Swiss of Czechs, or even Magyar...

You tell me you fucking murdering faggot. Prolly died from your HIV
Yeah keep telling that faggot

>Not one illegal shooting by a law abiding gun owner.

Is this a power of Jewmerican intellect?


I understand that it must make you feel really bad to know that my insults are better and more creative, when all you can do is call me a faggot. Feels bad to lose to a leaf, eh? I'm so sorry for you. haha

i dont care if our military is a bunch of faggots, at least we're not totally cucked by the government like you guys. i can actually afford a house here, you can enjoy living in a telephone booth though

This is disinfo, about 3% of gun crime is from legal gun owners.

right, let's see those foreign fags walk on the moon

You're still losing.

>Hey although I hate Mutts to the bottom of my heart (if I had one), I hate Leafs even more.

After murrishits will stop begging russians to sell old-ass soviet rocket engines to them.

>on the moon

fags here still believe that, also some fags thinks earth is flag, Sup Forums at finnest

id hate them too if i was living in a miserable shithole like swedistan

>when your gun is bigger than your leg.

>meme flag
fuck you, we played GOLF on the moon!

>Americans are the only ones with guns


Why do girls lean back when they shoot instead of forward?

Easy there Bruce Lee. As much as we hate each other there's surely some common ground in our undying hate for the mutt?

because they're bottom heavy

This is fucked for us.
Our goverment needs to sort this out ASAP.

>That's right, FIREARM!

everybody can have that dude, legally also.

I see through your guise, Mohammad.
USA is greatest ally, even if they act with a sense of delusional superiority at times.
It's Islam niggers like you, who must die.

>Why own guns if you can't win?

With that attitude, you won't win. And if victory was indeed impossible, why not make it a costly victory for your enemy?

... yea, you're looking pretty screwed there.

>I see through your guise, Mohammad.
>USA is greatest ally, even if they act with a sense of delusional superiority at times.
>It's Islam niggers like you, who must die.

Who caused the shit skin invasion?
Who fight with the jews to defeat Hitler?
Who perpetuate the ideal of multi-culturalism through violent and political means?

I'm not your enemy, Bruce Ree.

I think they're talking about mass shootings

>Who caused the shit skin invasion?
You certainly didn't prevent it.
>Who fight with the jews to defeat Hitler?
No one fought with the Jews to defeat Hitler. Hitler was on crazy pills and attacked Russia in the dead of winter. The US only got involved after they realized that Russia was going to steamroll all of Europe, and they didn't want that. So they set up the whole Pearl Harbour thing as an excuse.
If anything is was the fucking Brits that screwed you, they declared war on Germany first. USA only showed up at the very last to cut Russia off.
>Who perpetuate the ideal of multi-culturalism through violent and political means?
Certainly not Trump.
Look kid, you need to educate yourself. Look towards the elite hogs that control Britain, and stop chimping out. You have nothing to gain by hating America.

there's nothing more cringy than a slut who thinks she can be an Internet sensation by modeling with something men love.

>hurrrrrrr let me hold your gun
>wait let me take muh clothes off and put on my stripper shoos
>oh wait can't have a bra on like duh how could I forget
>ok ready to take the picture now
you didn't even hit the target

Good lad.