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nigger cunt, fuck her opinion, fucking monkey

Yeah you tell em Jared! White people are cool and well liked all around the world!

Asians would be the obvious answer. I think Latinos are indifferent, though a lot of them are closeted racist towards blacks.

>Trawl through her Twitter
>Get details
>Hope people do the same
>Watch her get banned

Welp, I've got my plan for the night.

The ones that aren't closet racist are openly racist

Who likes niggers? Whites pay great and niggers cause most of the crime.

Every race hates that is not black hates blacks on some level.

Notice how it's always the insecure fat niggers who have handles like "melanatedearthkween777" and say retarded shit like this. Seriously we should just kill fat niggers on sight

>another episode of narcissistic nigger speaks for >6 billion people
The only fact is that nobody likes niggers, even other niggers.

Remember guys, traitors get the rope first.

Who like niggers ?

NO ONE. Not even the niggers.

Black people likes white people. They constantly push themselves into white countries, into white neighborhoods and white spaces. The fact that they still live in America after being used as slaves and persecuted by white people is a testament to how much black people like white people.


kek, just look at this virgin w___e boi reeeeee

What a massive faggot.

Asian women for one. Especially Korean women. Especially Korean women in Busan. Fucking retard.


>i've thought of myself as superior many times but i'm too cowardly to vocalise it
>how do i handle the cognitive dissonance?

You say that, but blacks keeps sucking up to the liberal whites all for money, no difference than be “free” slaves to them.

>B-b-but that's racist! You're totally being a racist right now!

There's nothing more pathetic when white people try this bullshit. It doesn't fucking work, you honorary niggers.

Yanks can't banter for shit.

I'm unironically with her. Of course she doesn't like white people. She shouldn't. Everyone should prefer their own race, or in her case, their own blend of races.

I feel sorry for black people in a way, they are so naive they don't see the impending train coming down the track.

The Chinese are going to blow them out so hard their ancestors will wish they never took off the chains.

Doesn't matter what she says, she will always be a nigger.

Ok, but who LIKES niggers. That's the real question. Besides other niggers who actually genuinely likes niggers? No one. Like, why would you even play?

Blacks don't even like blacks they are hated by everyone

We wuz kangs blah blah blah ypipo evil blah blah blah

I've seen way to many of these to care. shit skins are digging their graves with this shit anyway so whatever

Yeah (((white)))

But she's trying to instigate other races to hate whites just as much as she hates them. Also I wouldn't give a shit as much if she were the type of nigger who hates whites but doesn't care if whites hate her, but she'd most likely chimp out and call racism when a white person says he hates her for being black.

Report her for what? Twitter won't do shit

Why do you faggots spend all day surfing twitter to cherry pick tweets from shea butter feminist? Those people do not represent the general opinion of black people, stop using that garbage to reaffirm your prosecution complex.

>The twitter replies

Good fucking lord you Americans are embarrassing pieces of shit. You couldn't retort this bullshit if your lives depended on it; you just let niggers waltz all over you.

Faggots, the lot of you. No surprise your nation gave the world cuck porn

kek a fucking princess again

The funny thing is that niggers are hated way more than whites. Asians, arabs, whites, etc.. all hates niggers.

Report her to her employers for inciting hatred and bigotry. If she's as much of a nigger as she is (hint yes), then she probably works for some libshit thing and you can be vague enough to get them fired for just that.


Still a good thing, might wake up some normies.


>defending niggers
>implying whites aren’t persecuted
>doesn’t know difference between “prosecution” and “persecution”

Howdy nigger

Because your country would react differently than every other western country flooded with shit skins

calm down dork The tide will turn eventually

Ok, but who LIKES niggers. That's the real question. Besides other niggers who actually likes niggers? No one. Like, why would you even play??

On a side note, anyone notice most of the replies have KPOP guy profile pictures and are sharing KPOP gifs but in reality they're niggers? What's their obsession with this shit?

I'm a white woman and live white people.
I do wish white men would take care and put their woman In their place.
I was, I wasn't allowed to be a degenerate, even though I wanted to. In hindsight, I'm sure glad I had a man keep me in check.
My LITTLE brother was really strict with me.

>Besides other niggers who actually likes niggers?
Blacks don't even like other blacks, look at the crime rate and the amount of dead beat dads.

This sounds like the start of a wincest story.

not even niggers like niggers no one likes niggers

She's right most non whites hate us but they all wanna live in our country. In their retarded low IQ brains they would see us enslaved so they could carry on enjoying the luxuries of the West

It is true, these people hate us. They want us dead, never forget that. The more white people wake up to that reality the better.

Do you have more pics of niggers killing good samaritans? I need to fill my nigger hate folder.

waiting for the time when we can stop giving a fuck supporting all emigrants and niggers.

that was a fun night watching all those vigilante streamers hunting this 1 nigger

The dudes's real name is George Mir. In that part of Europe, guess what ethnicity commonly has that surname?


Yeah, but she'll use gibs and trappings from white people, so it's hypocritical.

I'm fine with hate if they don't come here.

I don't like say, Arabs, and I'm not going to move there, same with Africans.

Those d!g!ts

Ok, but who LIKES black people. That's the real question. Besides other black people who actually genuinely likes black people? No one. Like, why would you even play??

Taking twitter bots seriously.

>Latino here.
> I like white people.
> So did my brother and my cousins, so much so they are married to whites.
>If blacks think whites are racist they should hear the word nigger get thrown around when I get together with my latino friends.

>Asians would be the obvious answer. I think Latinos are indifferent, though a lot of them are closeted racist towards blacks.

Latino, can confirm.

>I never thought myself superior.

As he speaks from the superior moral high ground.

I hate nigs but that old man wasnt a threat to anyone. What an absolute fucking piece of shit.

>Be Britbong
>Feel bad for African Americans being mistreated
>Go on Pol for 6 months

Malia Obama likes 'em

Yeah but you’re a poltard so not representive of your group at all.

>Brother and cousins married to whites


I hear niggers talk shit about white people out in the open.

this is the only one I have that's even close

I'm sure there are more stories like that out there though

look if you don't know it this tweet is another example that all these angry bitter leftist trolls on social media are outcasts faggots, trannies, etc.

that dumb nigger gook in OP's post is probably a dyke or feels bad being a minority mix breed. it's all bases on insecurity with oneself

What's funny is that in reality, blacks are the least liked group of people, but saying that would get you suspended on twitter, while saying this gets you massive adoration by insecure twitter niggers. Isn't life strange?

Who likes black women?
Right, nobody, not even black men.

jeez i hope they caught him and he gets the electric chair

this twitter account
is a zip LARPing as a nigger who hates white people but loves zips LARPing as wypeepo
anyone else seeing this?

...and yet they want to come and live in our countries.

niggers are THE GO TO hated race around the world
the only people who like them are self-loathing (insert race here)
that's how pathetic nogs are

Hot Redpilled Latinas
>Love it!

She's kinda right, maybe asians and a few spics like whitey.

However its common knowledge that niggers are universally despised, not even niggers can stand other niggers.

Honest question.
Do any of these people who very clearly hate whites support the idea of whites leaving and having their own territory all to themselves?
Then they can live in their own society free from whites.

If she is so adamant that no one besides white people like white people, then surely she wouldn't mind if a white person doesn't like black people, right?

lol fuck me sideways what a massive soggy faggot

Gas the kikes race war now

I think we've found the king of bugmen.