How do we stop weed?

The legalization cancer started in and has consumed North America. Greece is about to start the legalization process and now even politicians in nations I thought were supposed to be based like Russia are talking about it. How can this be stopped? Can Trump impose sanctions countries that allow this satanism?


Nigga you trippin. Weed is good for you and cures cancer.

Ever heard of sloth? It's fucking satanism.

Most importantly it wakes up the normie to new ideas that challenge existing beliefs. He is more prone to ask questions like
>why do jews own everything
>why am I such good goyim

>I should pour a bowl of cereal and watch children's cartoons

>Cures Cancer

I unironically hope weedfags believe this

>believing this
They own the legal distribution networks dipshit. You're playing yourself.

Fuck off kike nigger

haaaa... yes, it is sin, but... if you consider THIS a representation of luciferianism, then you've got a big storm coming... you poor, poor fuck. i'll be praying 4 you, user



Age of madness is around...

Cannabis use dates back to at least -3500BCE, it grows wild everywhere but Antarctica including the lower reaches of the arctic circle.

It's never going away. There are more landrace and polyhybrid genetics cryogenically tucked away that if you burnt the earth down, someone would till the potash into the soil, add a little water and drop in a marijuana seed.

It'll be here long after we're gone.

This. People have been smoking weed for centuries and no legal restrictions have ever stopped them.

The US government holds patent #6630507 on CBD as a neuroprotectant, potential anticarcinogen and other medical benefits.

The Rick Simpson and related stories are pretty compelling.

>weed is satanism

by nuking israel

how about you just dont smoke it, fucking idiot.

There are bigger problems in the country faggot.

You won't stop something man has been using for thousands of years. You try and take my pot, or my guns, I'm going to kill you.

Something I can agree with a commie on.

It cures cancer

Nuking Israel is the solution to much

Eat shit, faggot. Weed is going to be federally legalized in your lifetime.