No more. Too many years have gibs been streaming into Poland and Poland has done nothing but shitting on us and dumping their unemployed and liberal retards and criminals on us.
This will change. Poland must obey... or else.
No more. Too many years have gibs been streaming into Poland and Poland has done nothing but shitting on us and dumping their unemployed and liberal retards and criminals on us.
This will change. Poland must obey... or else.
gib reparations
When will you pay Poland that trillion or so you owe them in reperations?
>No more. Too many years have gibs been streaming into Poland
now it's time for reparations
Germany, pls end.
I'm ok with this. I would rather be poor than be killed on the streets by some sandniggers.
Poland is a nation of fertile land and virtues of strength, respect and self-determination.
I'm sure they will be fine without you, Germany.
Implying Polish people don’t know what it’s like to be poor, I support the Polish standing in solidarity on this, and I’m glad they are taking a stand against the sand-nigger horde.
I want to move to Poland. (I'm 100% white. I would have killed myself by now otherwise.) Which region would a pole suggest?
Let Poland declare war against France, Germany, and UK, and let the US fight alongside Poland.
You'll pay those war debnts if you know what's good for you, Hans.
>okay fine
I'm kinda worried how far the Jews will go here.
Or else what, Hans? Fuhrer Merkel planning on invading?
Why would anyone sympathize with you self-hating Judensklaven? You've enabled millions of Mohammedan vermin to pour into Europe.
>that white
Don't make me open my 56% folder....
Stay in USA
Or stick with anglo-sphere
No ... more ... gibs. That is the worst scenario for Polish people.
They threaten Poland all the time, though.
However, even if this becomes true, it will be good on the longer term as Poland won't be dependent on these gibs (less probability of being blackmailed).
We're full, sorry.
I've been seeing "EU to cutoff funding to Poland over sandniggers/discrimination/niggers, etc." for a while now. Has funding to Poland been reduced/cutoff at any point?
Ahhh yes good please force more countries out of the EU so that it can finally collapse along with the farce that Germany's success is owed to anything other than controlling it.
.. Why would we want to declare a war on Germany?
Or France?
Or Uk, for that matter.
Both France and UK are nuclear powers
UK has navy, Poland only has defensive naval equipment, not offensive.
And Germany is a member of NATO
Take your gibs and fuck off. You will be begging us to join the Visegrad Union in a couple of years.
Oh no literally Venezuela incoming. Time to start stockpiling food.
Damn my Uber driver is having a fit again.
It would be ironic if you called their bluff and invaded them as payback for WW2.
>not declaring war against germany
>not getting rid krautcucks once and for all
Looking forward to Poland teaming up with Russia against the Jew ruled EU. You aren't enemies brothers, don't fall for the lies.
>I've been seeing "EU to cutoff funding to Poland over sandniggers/discrimination/niggers, etc." for a while now. Has funding to Poland been reduced/cutoff at any point?
First option to cut off Polish funding is end of 2020. The EU budgets are agreed every 7yrs instead of every year. It is the most retarded thing ever.
just leave the (((EU))) already you retards
USA loves Poland
(Oh, and the OP is a faggot)
Funny seeing this posted by an amerimutt.
You guys are born to be jewish slaves.
It's your essence.
They have not reduced it.
And they will never do so
Because EU's funding is more complex than you think
Germany is basically using Eastern Europe -- especially Poland -- as a Proxy.
EU collects money from its member and transfers it to Poland
In reality, Poland only receives like 70% or 80% of the said money
The rest goes to German investors.
And this supports German economy more than it supports polish economy
>Why would we want to declare a war on Germany?
Because their fucking Chancellor is literally trying to take over Europe and somehow she has that kind of power.
>France and UK
Because they are defending those migrants and London's mayor is causing acts of terrorism.
Says the increasingly nervous kraut
I was living in Wrocław, Warsaw and Gdańsk. I prefer the last one actually - I like to makes fires on the beach, next to the sea, woods are nice touch too.
Breslau - great, nice looking city, close to Czech if you want to get some drugs and don't want to use darknet for whatever reason. Also it is not so far away from mountains.
Warsaw - capitol of Poland. Great public transportation, a lot of places where you can just chill. It is flat as pancake - some people like that some hates it.
Danzing - lol sea.
Don't fall in the Cracow trap, it is shit - especially the air. Poznań looks nice but its infrastructure is shit.
we will regret this when whites look for refuge from the shitskins that has infested our countries
I see, thank you
every shithole country should get their gibs instantly removed anyway. The EU already donated enough for them.
Let's become as fucking autistic as Germans were in 1939
Let's start slaughtering each other for no fucking reason and let's see how it works out for Europe
cool idea 10/10 would become autistic again
U mad kraut?
Give more gibs and shut the fuck up, i am 100% sure that you are one of those faggots who talk a lot of shit but will be first ones to buy ticket from Berlin to Riga,tallin,vilnus,Warsaw, ETC, after shitskins will ruin western Europe.So its in your best intereses that you keep sending them gibs.
So the EU dies and the German economy gets shocked from losing all those one-sided deals. Sounds good.
This. Enough wars. No more fighting against brothers.
Said a guy whos country rebuilt itself on american money.
This. Poland better say fuck you to the EU no matter what. Let Germany, France and the UK drown from all their nigger scum.
EU puts unneeded standarts for products so that it would be harder for EXcommie block sontries to catch up.
Does that mean that we won't have to do anything too? It's not like we're getting that money for free. Some sources say that we're paying more than we're getting but regardless no one is stupid enough to believe that anyone in the EU does anything because that's a Christian thing to do.
>Don't make me open my 56% folder....
>so buttblasted he actually has a 56% folder
holy shit my sides
>Said a guy whos country rebuilt itself on american money.
50% true
Keep in mind that Germany had a huge industrial base
Germany would rebuild itself, even without American money
>american money
you best be joking you retard. its our gold thats being "kept save" in america and not the other way around. they only gave money for a small number of cities and villages and we gave them everything up to tenfold the money we ever got from them
>its our gold thats being "kept save" in america
If its being kept in america it's american. You got BTFO lol
You mean the same thing you are doing to Eastern and excomunost block Eu members?
Even worse you are traiding gibs for destruction of our infrastructural base, can't remember the last time i actualy ate Latvian pork.
Poland is a white ethno state.
If you search for R1A haplotype, you will see there is a high concentration in Poland. Highest in EU.
White skin
Red blood
True but then again krauts cry about muh Eastern euros taking gibs but at the same time they forget how americans helped them rebuild themselves, and also they have no problem with giving money to 3rd worlders.
Krauts are eitherr
Leftist,antifa,commie type
Or sour because of state of country
There are also good german brothers...
White power
well duh there´s nothing left from it you genius even if it were still ours,and its the same for a lot of countries not just germoney.We´re paying for everything but our economy is still better than 95% from the rest of the world
while we are paying for literally everything,sadly the EU is not ours to guide. everyone has to suck dick of what the EU decides. Merkels only really responsible for the rape train thats going through europe
Doesnt matter if your women are getting raped.
I support this, make the Jew german government give more land and money to Poland
So what? Poland is better off without the EU ruining it through forced 3rd World immigration...
Of all the bullshit that you could criticize the (((EU))) for, you chose the one thing that's actually useful. Would you prefer being exposed to cancerous materials every day just because some company thought that "using this highly hazardous component is so much cheaper than the others!"? Yeah, sure, fuck safety standards.
Don't act like EU is not Germany biased (economicaly)
those hoes are not "our" woman so there´s really nothing more i can say. and we´re still very much below the rape standards in like say britian,france or every other thrid world country
The air in Warsaw is the shittest in Europe..
Poland is part of NATO, and is a big partner of U.S, if anything they would be fighting against Russia, alongside EU.
>we´re still very much below the rape standards in like say britian,france or every other thrid world country
Hell nah, US + Russia + Poland & any other right winged country that wants to join us VS the world
Look at me. I am the Sup Forums now.
Any decent burger joints owned by the 56%?
Thank you friend.
I will take this to heart.
That's Kraków. Supposedly one of the most beautiful European cities that can't get its shit together for like 3 years now.
There is a diferance between actual safety standarts and fucking fucking the standart so much that no company in Eastern block can actualy afford to make those standarts a reality while westerners have enough money to make any stupid request for products reality.And you aren't talking to a guy whos country has allways been poor, we had our infrastructural base even after ivan fucked us over for 50 years, now its all gone.
Ok but the difference is minimal how come poland has such bad air pollution anyway?
my statement still true,wherever that pic is from i ask myself if by chance there´s a rape graph of every country in europe
Ancient chimneys and burning garbage instead of wood
Cologne is in germany btw.
oh and? even if 2000 woman were to get raped it wouldn´t change anything,just look around the world
If Germany is getting itself cucked, Poland should step in and do the cucking.
And, there might be a side benefit of the Germans finding getting cucked by Poles is absolutely beneath them, and that Teutonic rage will be ignited and they will finally turn on the enemy/leaders who only want them dead.
Are you stupid? U.S is the Jew stronghold of the world, Europe will only get as bad as here in 50 years.
Trannies running in the streets, sanctuary cities, faggotry promoted in schools and you think we're right wing? And the conservacuck president hasn't done anything.
Russia is going non white too, Putin loves Jews and Muslims same as Merkel, he just dosen't like faggots.
Are you fucking retarded? Amerigoys destroyed it for their kike overlords. And it wasn't free gibs, you dumb baltshit.
Should i move back to poland? If so then why? (Polish here, moved to finland 10 years back)
Keep your euros. And keep your niggers too.
Stupid idiots burning plastic during winter. But I have no idea why it's only became a problem recently.
It's always somebody keeping the baltnigger down.
If you manage to learn westfuckingslavic good luck.
>retards and criminals
You're gonna need a source kraut
Still though it's crazy high even compared to neighboring counties It's almost like other countries exported their air pollution here
>americans helped them rebuild themselves
Americans helped no one but kikes, you filthy potatonigger.
It's not.
The eu wants to forcibly change a member states judiciary
HuUUURRRRHHH we have lost no independence.
Fuck off German scum.
The loss of gibs is less than the cost of scraping your citizens off the road.
>we had our infrastructural base even after ivan fucked us over for 50 years
You didn't have shit other than backwards soviet crap. Of course it's gone, because it's useless. Literally the same thing in every post-soviet country. It has nothing to do with EU. You really are dumb.
Plus interest and tip
Germany will be getting more than the tip
Don't you have a civil war to fight?Go back yo your rotting hause hahol and stop sending your workers here and poland im sick of you people.
Why are you retardsall going >MUH REPARATIONS on germany?
Last time you did that it didn't go so well.
fuck it
Me on the right
>Lecturing on gibs
>Literally knowing nothing of history pre 1989