I feel bad for white people

When they serve me food and drinks, and scan my groceries, and I drive by them doing shitty dangerous jobs. I feel almost guilty that they work hard so I don't have to work at all, and many of them are old. People like to call black people slaves, but if I'm being honest, I feel like the opposite of a slave.

A question for white people, how do you deal with the feds taking money right out of your check on our behalf?

JIDF pls

By voting conservative

By voting for the nationalistic parties. We don't have niggers here, but we do have gypsies and one day we'll be rid of them.

Didn't read. Kill yourself, nigger.



>but if I'm being honest, I feel like the opposite of a slave

You'e stumbled upon the biggest black pill of all user. Blacks aren't the slaves, whites are.

JIDF pls


>I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years
We already had that thread, your ideas are fucking retarded. You're a welfare slave to the government, they control welfare distribution and so they control your communities economically and politically. Your attempts at trying to justify blacks being slaves to the govermnet are meaningless

How am I a slave, when I don't have to work for anything. I just don't understand v that line of thinking?

slide thread. Sage
But to answer your question, we build planned parenthood clinics to kill your babies, we contain you in the ghettos as not to ruin our neighborhoods, we keep your schools sub-standard so you monkeys don't get too smart, we put illegal drugs in your neighborhoods so we can put you in prison, we deny you jobs and opportunity so we don't have to be coworkers with you, we put lots of police in your ghettos so that we can lock up more of you, and we remove the grocery stores from your ghettos so you all eat unhealthy and die sooner. And lots of other stuff.
You think we are paying you? HAHAHAHA we are keeping the monkey population in check by 10000 shanks in the back. But yeah, enjoy the welfare from the money we create out of thin air... Chase it your whole stupid life for all we care. We'll just make more and devalue yours.

>These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference

Because "to not work for anything" means loosing your economic and political independance. Black community is poor as hell and complety devastated by crime and violence, yet all blacks are still voting for democrats, because it's so fucking bad that without welfare you guys would fucking starve to death. Blacks aren't having it good, american blacks are one of the poorest demographic grops in America, and black community is in a fucking agony because of that.

If they cut off our checks we would just take shit by force, and they are aware of this

You're just mad we kicked you out of the cities.

Gentrification. Coming to an city center near you! Enjoy your new section 8 accommodations in a cheap, ugly, run-down 1970's commie style apartment building out in the shitty part of the suburbs. We're going to price you out, restore all the Brownstones and Victorians, open a few gastro-pubs, have some folk-music festivals and get HGTV to feature our restoration efforts. It will be beautiful again!



Since whites pay more taxes, the tax cuts benefit whites more.

>take shit by force

That's where you're wrong. Black males make up what, 6% of the population? Probably half of you dumb shits are in jail, so that leaves 3%?

How do you propose to win a campaign against white America to take things by force? How many guns do you have? The answer is "not nearly enough". How good is the aim of your average black male? The answer is "not nearly good enough while I'm finna hol my gun sideways".

But most importantly, when was the last time you ever fought a unified white race? The answer is never, and you better fucking hope it stays that way.

Tell me Sup Forums why is she so perfect?

>A question for white people, how do you deal with the feds taking money right out of your check on our behalf?
By working under the table and not having taxes taken out.

>Blacks can't shoot meme
Ask the Dallas police department.

High School kid larping as a nigger/10

Here's your /you/...

By not working and collecting the same money you get.

One nigger who abandoned his post in the army kills 5 cops.

One white untrained redneck kills, what, 10 boons in a church by himself?

Lel. If it's a numbers game, you looe. If it's a game of skill, intellect, or strategy you lose. If it's a game of fighting for the same goal, nigga you lose.

But I'm done replying to some bored white shit poster.

>Fighting cops vs shooting civilians at church.

It's not even close to the same thing. Whites are generally cowardly and attack innocent unarmed civilians.


This is the same (((wage cuck))) faggot concern trolling. At its best this belongs on bant. I suspect OP is a kike and most likely a flaming faggot.

