Why do we care so much about politics? We will all die

Seriously now, everyone of us is going to die. Most people never give this fact deep thought or even dare to think about it because the deep hatred and fear of death is deep embedded within them.

But we all will die, this is an undeniable fact. And remember how fast the last years have gone by? It is not going to feel slower the next few years.

So why do we fight each other over stupid ideologies, when the true ideology was always here? Death. Children should know that they are going to die, we should know it. It should always be shown to us. If we would really KNOW that we are going to die, we would not behave like we do today. The whole world would be united if we would only knew that we will die. Most people always live in a mix of past and near future, never seeing the big picture of human existence. We hate it with all our being to think about death. And shouldn't the thing we hate the mist unite us all?

Think about it, we all just hate each other and strive for more and more, because of this deep inner hidden feeling of upcoming death and nothingness. Wanting more and more, wanting to be better and have power over others is in the end just an sad try to overcome life, but in the end, when you lie there at the last day of your life, you finally see it, you finally become aware that everything is ending now, all you have ever done, every memory, every feeling saved in your brain is going to rot away and you turn back into the eternal void.

And the last thought you will ever think is "why".
Humans should unite to fight against death, to find a solution against death, so that we become an species that will never die, never have children. To always live and explore the cosmos, because one lifetime isn't enough to do this. When we die a bit of information for the next generation is loss, once and for all and will never be received. Your children try to do better, but will die too, and so one and one.


>muh defeatist
>muh mannnn it doesn't matter anyway mannn Hipster

There's a difference between dying a comfy death, knowing your descendants will be prosperous and dying at the hands of the horde, knowing your daughters will be raped.

t. the eternal kike

sometimes i do, sometimes i dont

sue me nigger

Im not a defeatist, im the exact opposite

There isn't, and you know it. The last thought doesn't matter at all, you die. You do not think anything there, you are nothing anymore so you can't give a fuck. You are intepreting something into something that just doesn't exist, (you)

Because humanity, aka white people, could achieve great things, like space colonization and cures for cancer, if POLITICS wasn't being weaponized against them to drag them down and sap their energies, forcing an entire generation of their race to pointlessly waste their time on this Earth debating in favor of civilization against endless frothy tides of low-IQ subhuman orc brown people.

There's only two possible futures: Either white people get their shit together and prevail over the Jew, or the Jew wins and humanity is forever enslaved and turned into mixed-race identity-less slave labor for fat pitiless kikes who will have no qualms about genocide or using weapons of mass destruction to enforce their rule.

If you're a nihilist, you're a defeatist lazy faggot. Salvation or stagnation, those are your ONLY choices.

t. denier of death

because you should not leave your children a legacy of shit. Unless you're a pussy German.

Didn't hitler try you enourmous faggot? Fellow white people stopped him. Why do you think we are in this situation? Because us white people wanted more money. You think the immigration crisis is a jewish conspiracy? The only thing behind is is money, and will always be MONEY.

>babby's first nihilism
inb4 I read Nietzsche so I'm enlightened now.
Re-read him and re-think your life purpose

"You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think."

-Marcus Aurelius

A legacy? What is a legacy? People should not inherit anything from their parrents, people should make their own thing. A legacy is just an excuse to leave the wealth in the family, denying change. This is the most lazy thing. Just sit on your fathers "Legacy"

I never read anything of him, ever heard of thinking on your own?

If you truly believe that then you should transfer me all of your money and kys

You retard you have firewood because your god damn forefathers didn't cut down all the trees. Go live in Hati if you wanna Minecraft Survival mode.

>Not working on your microbiology doctorate to pioneer engineered negligible senescence

Maybe YOU won't live forever, casual.

I have firewood because the foresters of my land were intelligent people. Has nothing to do with a legacy only logical thinking.

Your pineal gland seems to have already calcified friend, you can't think properly.

>that pic
I know EXACTLY where this is

I think on my own, hence why I realize nihilism is moronic.
If nothing matters to you, then you might as well kill yourself now, but don't ask others who have their own ambitions to do the same.

>implying this isn't just fake news as everything else

The human body is more complex than a black hole, it will take centuries with our current political systems to create immortality. The future will show, but if it is there, great, now people have to figure out how not to only use it on the superrich, so they won't controll us for thousands of years while we die normal deaths.

Because vidya is boring, movies are too jewy and sports are dumb.

Where did i say nothing matters to me? Everything matters to me. I love life and humans, just to see them rotting away in meaningless lives makes me sad. We could achieve so much greate if most of us could only see and understand that what we are doing is wasting our time, not realising we are going to die. Nobody realises that. If you would die 5 days from now, and i wanted to be your friend wouldn't you? Yes, because nothing matters anymore but enjoing life for the last 5 days. Imagine the whole of humanity would feel that way. We would be awakaned

Either I'll succeed and my intellect shall live on to inhabit the vast cosmos of space and time until it is ultimately destroyed, and being involved in it's creation I will not be at the whims of the super rich -

Or I will fail, and be no worse off than every human who has ever lived.

Everyone dies, the important part is to die well knowing your legacy and way of life will be continued. In a small sense it's kind of like achieving immortality.

>“Then out spake brave Horatius, The Captain of the Gate: "To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his gods"

>I have firewood because the foresters of my land were intelligent people. Has nothing to do with a legacy only logical thinking.

This is why you're retarded. You can admit that using resources intelligently is important, yet you say leave nothing to your children. Fuck off space liberal, the good gene pool's closed.

That's individualist cuck thinking. You realise that you won't have the slightest chance to become one of the immortals, right?

Probably where the sign pointing to the World's largest tepee is.. Just going out on a leaf there guy. Maybe just maybe.

>Fellow white people stopped him.
A nice play on words.

And who do you think implanted the idea that money is the sole reason for existence in the minds of Western man? Even the poorest men have achieved greatness. Wealth, and the pursuit of it, is poison for the soul and always has been. No wonder that it is the PRIMARY motivation popularized in all media, and propagandized as the sole rational objective of any living thing. "Money doesn't buy happiness" is a fucking fact.

Probably where the sign pointing to the world's largest tepee is. I mean, I'm just going out on a leaf here but it IS a good guess.

Yes we all die, there is no escaping that.
What matters is what you leave behind to your descendants and the future you build for them.
Hence why conflict exists and always will, even if we based our life around the idea of us dying like everyone else

That's defeatist cuck thinking.

Immortality is, by and large, an ongoing process that would require technical skill well beyond the scope and imaging of someone with a hard background in finance, or technology, where all of the trillionaires lie.

Look at it like this: The chefs of the super-wealthy elite still eat pretty good food.

I don't say leave nothing, i just say that this whole concept of even having something to give to your children is retarded, because this requires a system in which you pile up worth, only to die and give it to your children that will then die too, and give even more to their children. There are limited ressources, and this cycle will end terribly. This is the point of my thread. Death controlls our society, but nobody want's to see it. If we would see it the way it should be seen, we would discard capitalism all of it. Because nothing of it matters but building a society that is based on life, not death.

You can say something and mean everything at once. I'm just gonna say you're black/brownie and you have zero ability to forward think or plan ahead.

defeatist you would of been shot by your countrymen at pretty much anytime in history

Immortality is the ultimate form of selfishness.

every time you take the blackpill this kike laughs at you

Sort yourself out mate... or don't.

this guy gets it

Nihilist faggot, no wonder your country is dying. There is no point in living life , but living by this standard means you probanly will off yourself someday. Society doesn't stand on universal truths , but on relative concepts we have created to make sense of this world. You do yourself and others a disservice by acting like such a faggot. Get your act together a nd do something. How about fighting the good fight with us here on Sup Forums ? Distract yourself from your own impending doom and try ro repeal some of the malevolence in this god forsaken world , because in a few years, you won't be able to even care. If you are dead, that is akin to nonexistence , so while you do exist, do things , if not because you want to do things or find any meaning in them , then atleast for the reason you won't be able to when you are gone. Jesus christ , the absolute state of Hans.

how DARE you remain alive while others suffer. kill yourself IMMEDIATELY to relieve the sufferiings of innocent african children.

1. If reincarnation is real, I might come back. I want to improve the world for my future incarnations.
2. If there is no afterlife/reincarnation, I want to improve the world for those individuals who are born in the future, because they are similar to myself and thus I have empathy with them
3. If heaven is real improving the world is probably a smart thing to do, because works are a reflection of faith.
4. If hell is real not doing selfish acts is probably a good idea
>Think about it, we all just hate each other and strive for more and more
>humans should unite to fight against death
I have accepted death, and I do not wish to persist for an eternity in this form.
>never have children
An interesting idea. You might be interested in the sites aryanism.net and mundusmillennialis.com the former of which has that as their goal.

Hey if you succeed upload my consciousness too bro

digitial consciousness is a sci-fi trope on par with the "theory of everthing" and traveling back in time.
best you will get is your brain placed in an analogous and indestructible body. we have the tech, i promise. we are approaching having artificial organs that are truly trustworthy. brain-nerve digitization will allow you to feel as normal, so it isnt like ghost in the shell. of course, we stil lhave to keep the brain from aging and drying out, etc. but still, this iss the general future of longeivity. immortality is impossible. a couple thousand years is not crazy.

I'm just here to stir the pot of Nations until we all hate each other and become nationalists, is it so wrong to want to implement a new nationalism globally to counteract globalism?

That would be okay too.

Civilization thrives when men plant trees they will never sit under. Look to the Greeks. It takes like 30 years for an olive tree to produce good fruit. If anyone but faggot commies and transhumanist sycophants believed as you, we'd all be living in caves chasing animals. No one will leave me anything, but I am driven to leave a legacy (however small) for children not yet conceived. Grow up, loser.

can you imagine how mature everyone would become? when all their worldly ambition has been sated? everyone would be a talented artist. everyone would be a student of hundreds of years. with an indestructible body, you could sleep under the stars every night, or in any weather. your only expenses would probably be a fuel cell, brainfood and water.