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I don't know, but I'd like to


the flu isn’t that bad. don’t let the jews trick you

Which one was autistic? Sorry, Im autistic.

what a pale weakling faggot

dude wtf is his problem? It's a little girl man wtf?

The vaxeems

Nothing definitive. I've known a few autists in my day and I suspect it's due to their mother not knowing they were pregnant yet and drinking - or following some dumb fucking doctors advice that it's OK to have a glass of wine per day.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently redefined the amount of alcohol a mother should have while pregnant was NONE. This is in light of recent research definitively showing that even the smallest amount of alcohol can cause harm to organs and the DNA of a developing fetus.

Slut vs Autist

Who wins?

Is that a tapeworm?

I love autistic girls why the fuck would he do that

wow, that escalated quickly.

pretty alpha desu

Gluten and casein are some potential factors. Reduction if not outright elimination of both along with increased sulphorophane consumption (like broccoli) has been linked to reduced symptoms of autism

nice, she deserved it

They used to tell women to have a few drinks a week here. Plus all the anti morning sickness drugs they tried at the time.


> anti sickness drugs

Another possibility. The difficulty of doing studies on the effects of any substance on pregnant women is who is going to volunteer their developing child to be a guinea pig? And is that even moral to ask of the mother?

i hope joshua got kicked around too


this is how the white man needs to start treating his women

Same, Would beat his ass for this. Faggot has no honor. Also love short girls.

>South America.

This pleases me very much. Bitch got what she deserved.

This is very triggering desu

Yeah i hate this shit because you just watch a fucking video/webm whilst your instinct wants to act out but cant.

Looks fake as fuck. First of all, he definitely wasn't running as fast he could as if he were in a blind rage, he's obviously not kicking her with any force, and that last kick to her head didn't even physically touch her.

And also, what does that video have to do with autism?

the bitch deserved it

Pretty sure they are brother and sister. They appear to be in an airport area for first class travelers.

That was just a brother/sister fight. He didn't hit her that hard. You guys are faggots.

Some brothers and sisters fight. They look like they should've grown out of it but you know today's young people... they act young and immature up to like age 40.

>getting a drink tossed on equals kicking the shit out of a little girl.

Amerimutt virgin spotted.

Dude he's kicking her whilst shes already knocked down on the ground and pinned to a wall. He's an autistic weakling.

Autistics don't have souls. They only have a brain, so there's no accumulated wisdom.

Whiteknight betacuck spotted

Those kicks were barely even hard.

I'm sure she got up and was fine.


Haha the real question is who uploaded this?

>saying something so retarded with such impunity

God i hate this website

a family friend who has a brother sister fetish

Holy fuck I hope you're baiting

>implying he's wrong

>They appear to be in an airport area for first class travelers.
Pretty sure it's a cruise ship or ferry of some kind

They went from goofing around to this faggot losing it.
You'll never get laid by booting girls in the head over ice, Joshua

>I'd beat up a mentally ill child because he has no honor

Fantastic post.

>You'll never get laid by booting girls in the head

Yeah, tell it to this guy

>What causes autism?
Sup Forums
>How will it change our world?
for the better

that man did god's work

>all the cucks whining that some retarded cunt experienced equality
>especially that triggered cuck from netherlands
Delicious salty cuck tears.

I have a gf you disgusting gopher lookin fuck.

But those don't look like underaged girls

the guy kicking the girl, you can see it from his clothes

cant find the whole clip

Might aswell just put him down if we're gonna go on this track. But i guess the American way is pumping 10 grams of Xanax pills into his ass and expecting him to act normal.

Roastie starts shit she can't finish.

Wow! What a autistic bitch. She truly had it coming.

I hope seriously none of you guys dresses like this, it is like a girl walking around naked in some muslim shithole

>flirtatious goofing around

I fucking hate you faggot Canadians so much, you honestly are the worst colony.

Researcher here

Pretty sure it is due to plastics. BPA and other chemicals leech off plastics and into the mother's food.

The food is then taken up by the baby in utero and causes autism.

Use glass or ceramics, like our ancestors did.



It's possible.

That carpeting reminds me of a casino hahah.

At 8 seconds in you can see a pillar with some kind of symbol on it. Maybe we can use that to figure out where they are?

if some bitch does this there getting not three kicks but ONE kick to the vagina (and it hurts just as bad as a kick to the balls go back to science class)

Go back to your noguns cuckshed in the middle of Britanistan fag. Better make sure you don't have any plastic knives anywhere near you, you might get arrested.

Lovely, was worried she managed to get away from him.

Equality has been achieved.

>Beats up a literal mentally ill autistic kid because he has no "honor"
Retards like this are why I love Sup Forums



I thought the guy was the autistic one, lol

Shut the fuck up toothpaste your country abandoned honor long ago so don't speak of what you don't have

wow he could have tackled her and given her a raspberry or something cute and probably gotten laid. what a dummy.

Bitches acting like they can't be punched are the most insufferable. Someone has to put them in line.


Hahaha fucking rekt.

This, fake and gay


One of the best videos I've seen in a long time. Civic nationalists and sargon fanboys BTFO

Fake and gay

That's like how brothers and sisters kid around, this is no big deal.

Women are children. You don't kick children when they're on the ground.

At first I thought "kek, What a little brat. That's not autism that's just being silly."
Then he kicked the shit out of her and I realized we don't think the same way.

top tier comment


You get like 20 i-frames when you get knocked down. She should have just rolled or spot-dodged

All I see is peak feminism. The guy did nothing wrong treating her like an equal, even the kicks into her head.

My mother drank heabily when she was pregnant with me and I have autism

why are they alone in that are of the cruise ship?

>spill drink over someone
>le flirtie xDD


>american men

no this is

Pethidine during labour.


bitch deserved it

she deserved it you retard
maybe one day you'll experience when a girl hurts you with cuteness, you'll understand the rejection it represents and the rage that ensues

holy shit this kid is a massive troll or he is getting paid and those aren't his real parents

little boy if you are reading this, kill yourself immediately

There was a time I would have a problem with this but after getting raped in a divorce after wasting the best years on a worthless cunt...I am good with this.


No she didn't faggot.

Found the guy that doesn't get laid


Should just kill these retards off

>autists in thread asking what's autistic in video
Holy fucking shit just look at him, what he's wearing and his body language reactions