And I'm asking seriously, is he mentally disabled or something? How is it possible for a person whos only appeal is to minorities to win?
Why is Justin Trudeau so retarded?
He takes soros money also illegitimate child of fidel castro
His mother got punched for getting pregnant with castros kid by daddy turdeau and it retarded justine
How are his approval ratings?
pizzagated in his youth
if an election were to be held today, he would win a majority government according to the last (((poll))) a few days ago.
Well when you add together the dude weed lmao’s with the bleeding heart cultural marxists and import a couple million shitskins, you turned your minorities into majorities
Like those polls that show Hillary's odds of winning by 97%.
yeah, but our election system is so corrupt that they would be able to fake the votes and win.
>which way leaf?
what do you mean? the (((poll))) showed Liberals winning a majority, Conservatives being the opposition and NDP being the left overs. Either way im voting for my MP and thats all i can do.
He's annoying to watch too.
That's really sad, mostly because the lefttards never talk about it when sucking Canada's cock as the "diversity paradise".
oh and I can also push for separation, which I do every chance I get.
Because he's a fucking leaf
I have no proof and most likely nobody else does either.
>why is Justin Trudeau so retarded?
Because he was an amateur boxer.
Boxers get hit in the head. It's the aim of the game.
He literally has brain damage.
Leafs are completely degenerate, Yanks should be building a wall around them.
I think you might be on to something. He's definitely not all there if you watch video of him, but not like he's been hitting the bong too much.
Really good
Such a fucking faggot
how exactly is that picture degenerate? I have no context on why they are in women's shoes but I suspect it isn't because they are cross dressers.
It's not, he was placed in to power. Your welcome. Go do your thing.
>Proofs canada elections are rigged. From illegal voting and high treason.
Virtue signalling is like heroin to him.
He's hardcore
>one charity boxing match
>he’s clearly inept
Impeach senile blumph
At least in the UK they were wearing high heels to "fight against slavery".
What I find degenerate is that they are police forces doing the ridicule like some feminist teenagers.
i googled it, they were taking part in "he International Men's March to Stop Rape, Sexual Assault & Gender Violence"
It's not necessarily degenerate, however also not really important for our military to take part, even though it was voluntary.
Trump approves
He’ll eventually lose, maybe in 2024 at this rate.
Honestly, he's the best leader in the world at the moment.
No one spreads world peace and harmony better than he does.
Historically spreading world peace and harmony has always been a countries leaders job.
>this is what the left actually believes
>Trump approves
The only thing Trump approves is what Trudeau has regularly been doing to his favorite sextoy daughter.
check this out, it goives some insight in his mind and way of thinking
i love the woman that does these videos
>Historically spreading world peace and harmony has always been a countries leaders job.
Trudeau also does this better than any other world leader today. You have to admire that, right? After all, who doesn't like living in peace and harmony?
>that irrelevant ad hoc appeal to muh wymins emotion at the end
lol what a disgusting weasel
Liberal. That explains everything you need to know. It is a mental disorder.
>>one charity boxing match
More than that.
Winning matches Homer Simpson style (wear down opponents punchpower with your face) is a costly way to win.
He will be gone soon.
Nah, never...
>Fidel Castro nailed Margaret Trudeau
>Justin Trudeau was born from that union
>the son of Fidel Castro became Canadian PM
>Justin Trudeau nails Ivanka Trump
>Shlomo Kushner is born from that union
>the grandson of Fidel Castro will become Israeli PM
>Castro's blood is going on a world tour
Because its a Canadian election.
you know it's true, ch*ck em
Canadians are gonna be Cuba 2
Let's check Cuba IQ score together.
This can't be true, isn't below 70 actually retarded?
Canadian from the east coast here. Want my province to separate from the rest of canada and build a huge wall to keep out the spics and Niggers. Our Pm is Literally a walking joke and more then likely the child of Fidel, His Mother was a huge slut and his father deserved the death penalty. fuck Bilingualism.
Nice digits.
Unfortunately, you seem to be very jealous of a sexually superior man.
white liberals + minorities is a majority in North America, in a few years the left will win all federal elections
Haha, says the cucked Swede. Your country is a meme for open border mayhem & rapefugee haven. Good luck with that failed state in a decade.
Swedes aren't fucking allowed to call anyone a leaf
What the hell caused an uptick in his ratings, last time I checked Scheer was a point ahead, and Trudeau has done nothing to change that since then...
He didn't elect himself. That was the doing of their mentally disabled voters.
not good actually. ONLY the press likes him now
scheer will not turn out conservative voters and all the liberals have to do is continue dogpiling foreigners into montreal/toronto and every election is over ten minutes after polls close in the east
Ha, Albertan here. I do that with Nova Scotia all the time in SR:U and HoI:IV, invade New Brunswick and P.E.I., build forts on new border.
Laugh as my concentrated defences keep everyone out.
Don't separate though bud, help overthrow the parasites together.
>How is it possible for a person whos only appeal is to minorities to win?
Virtue-signalling liberals
obama leaf show us the way
>once great nation
Mate I would love to but I can't deal with Ontario or quebec anymore I'm sold on Independence unless a maritime union takes place and we have a say in the house. Love playing Hoi as my glorious homeland.
he's a pedo
I blame the frog ancestry. Canada was a mistake. Hopefully the monarchy will send in the rake.
>get soft headed women/leftists to vote for you because you're pretty and dudeweed.
>as soon as you're in office start running the same game plan as democrats, except with muzzies and niggers instead of beaners
>never lose an election again because your newly imported shitskin pets are dependent on you for more gibs/the right wing party wants to stop them from nigging.
>probably be PM for life because leaf land has no term limits.
It's not that he's stupid, it's that he doesn't actually care about Canadians and if he has his way it won't matter what Canadians think either way. The only reason this scam fell apart in the US is because they had somebody who wasn't an establishment peon run away with an election just before it was too late. Here in the leaf zone our political system is set up so that we have no hope of a Trump style insurgent PM, therefore we have no hope of derailing this plan by electing sombody who isn't an establishment puppet, therefore we have no hope.
At least when it all goes to shit I'll be able to take comfort in the fact that the dumb leftists who supported him will have suffered the most
It only happened one time. Probably talking about the creation of Epic Meal Time
At least we used to be a white country, more then you goblinos can say.
Winter doesn't count, dumb ass
He's a useful idiot for the Liberal Party. The Party's entire leadership is up to their necks in this Panama Papers/Aga Kahn bullshit but they have a faggot as their leader and a national population that is retarded enough to base their vote on things like pride parade attendance so they can shelter themselves.
Okay that was pretty good. I'll let you off the hook this time burger
His approval ratings have slid a lot over the past year actually. The problem is that our election system interprets less than 40% of the vote as a 'crushing majority victory'.
The good news is that there's likely going to be a widened Lib/NDP split next election that will allow the Conservatives to ride up the middle, unfortunately (((Scheer))) is barely an improvement.
Shit nigga all Trump's trying to do on immigration is our PM Harper's policy, nearly word for word. Plus a wall.