How can anyone with a heart support this?
This is pure evil
Other urls found in this thread:
Aiding and abetting criminals is illegal
they deserve it for having brown skin.
If you have a brain to go with that heart than easily
Not if they're on the Mexican side.
Homosexuality is a sin and Hell is for ever!
Also this
Every Border Patrol and ICE officer is a hero.
They should strip him of his citizen ship then throw him into mexico with no clothes or id, then he will come to see how much his amigos like him across the border.
execute him for treason
when you go to the zoo you can't give food to the animals. its no different.
>saving lives is illegal
What a sad world we live in
This is like an old lady feeding coyotes in the suburbs thinking they are just stray dogs.
He should move to their country and help them.
if its so sad maybe you should kys
They would give him clothes and food like any normal person would do when they see someone in need.
Not everyone is heartless like Cult45
I give zero fucks
Why the fuck are you even here?
Nobody likes a fag
So are you a pitcher or a catcher? Whiners are usually catchers.
Oh user, you sweet naive faggot, have you ever been to Mexico? Ciudad Juarez is very nice place.
>actually believing this
Thank you for bringing this wonderful news to our attention. Saged.
aiding and abetting an invasion is treason and the traitor deserves the death penalty
He was arrested for feeding the animals.
>Aiding trespassers
Thank god ICE stopped him.
He's not helping the homeless on the streets, he's SOLELY helping people breaking into the country with no intent to follow our laws.
thanks faggot OP this post literally made me happy!
Based af.
You can't strip an American citizen of citizenship, especially a natural born citizen.
Are you retarded?
united states of wal mart
I think the trump presidency highlights just how inhumane and cold white people truly are. It also reaffirms what I've been saying about white folks since I was in my early 20's. "they can smile at your face and talk about the endless good they do for minority peoples but behind close doors they sing a different tune"
Many times, Colombia too, very warm and friendly people. All countries have their problem areas
He's helping human beings from not dying
I'm unironically glad my tax dollars went towards this.
Need mens rea - not criminal if he didn't know the thirsty people were illegal. Also, helping someone survive is not aiding and abetting a person to become an illegal alien. Try doing some thinking before making dumbass posts.
Why does Americas problem areas coincide with the numbers of blacks and foreigners?
This. Fucking niggerlovers.
Don't eat the animals, OP. They just keep coming back. Also, who Trek's without packing some survival food? Only a retard. We don't need retards in our country, thanks.
Laws don't mean much to you do they? All the problems in the world would just go away if we didn't have things like laws, borders, and white people oppressing you right? Fuck off.
Wow - fucking leaps of logic. That's the problem with you Sup Forumsacks - you go into illogical histrionics if something doesn't match your dogma.
He should hang he is a traitor
move to mexico then if they're such warm friendly people, faggot
I have a heart, but there's also no shame in saying we're fucking full, stop fucking coming over here; we have enough shit to deal with, and so do you.
>How can anyone with a heart support this?
I can show you one guy without a heart who would support this.
Leaf you should go take the maple syrup challenge.
Pour a shot glass of syrup down the barrel of a twelve gauge wrap your lips around the barrel as if it were a juicy brown cock and squeeze the trigger. Taste the euphoria as you unlock the cheat code for Canadian paradise.
What are you yapping on about? user is 100% in the right about this. This is like going in and feeding crocodiles when the posted signs say not to, there's laws in place for a fucking reason. I highly doubt this taco lover was just giving out food and water. If they were and the Mexicans were on our side of the border, then he was aiding criminals. Fuck off.
When your fag husband gets raped and murdered by someone and they ask me for water, food, and a place to lay low im sure you'll understand I was just helping someone in need.
Border Patrol just wanted to keep the guy safe from the serial rapists that are pouring over the border.
As is feeding the wildlife.
Those Beaners made the choice to set out into the desert ill prepared to survive. It's nobodies fault but their own if they die.
You're a dumb faggot. Mexicans don't just walk to the fucking border to get free food and water from Americans. Clearly they were getting more help to get over than just sustinents. Regardless, they had criminal intent to cross the border illegally. Quit with the failure attempts at mental gymnastics.
if you saw hitler drowning, would you save him?
checkmate nazis
Life is hard maybe those beaners shouldn't cross the border
>Aiding and abetting criminals is illegal
its like a "dont feed the birds" policy. theyll just keep coming back
>so what you're saying is
Not an argument.
Oh shit, I was worried it was the fucking horrific cartel video that got released over the weekend.
>Doing crimes that help other criminals should not be met with punishment.
Aiding and abetting criminals is illegal, Arizona man didn't cross the border nor did he go into a town to distribute it to people on the corner. They were migrating through his property and he set out food and water with the direct intent of aiding and abetting these ILLEGAL Aliens.
He should be thanking the officer for being so merciful to him , traitors deserve to be shot.
He can't feed and give water to who he wants on his own property?
kys, just kys
Based faggot over here .
If he is also detaining them for deportation, then It's ok.
You can in a lot of zoos in the states.
repeal the 8th amendment, skin these traitors alive
If it's a felon, no. He's aiding a criminal. Illegal immigrants = criminals = illegal to help.
but you know, fuck the law because of muh feels right
>implying that all of us kiss your ass like liberal rich kids
>implying that we don't already know that your a bunch of opportunistic parasites.
I'd be a little more tolerant of feeding mud people if they had to live in cages.
>coming to a country illegally
>not a criminal
Love has its place, as does hate. Peace has its place, as does war. Mercy has its place, as do cruelty and revenge. Meir Kahane
If you aren't a leftist by 20 you don't have a heart.
if you aren't republican by 30 you don't have a brain.
Clearly OP has a lot of lurking to do.
What did user just said is illogical?
when built i will drive up to it some day and jerk off on it. it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.
I'm not happy about this situation. I wish the border agents could just shoot these enabling fucks.
Because fuck them, that's why.
Don't break laws, don't get in trouble.
Fuck those border-jumping pieces of shit.
No. Frankly, he should be executed for treason for aiding an invading force.
Dunno my pops is buying land in West Texas near the border so he can mad Max his way around killing Mexicans who trespass.
Sounds like a dope ass retirement desu.
Nothing can make injustice just but mercy. Robert Frost
Total lies. You haven't been outside the country, hell probably not even outside your home state.
Otherwise you'd know the entirety of Colombia is a problem area, and wouldn't just lie on the internet for virtue points.
He used it correctly you absolute retard. It's than not then in that situation. You are literally a fucking mutt who can't into English as well as foreigners. Kys
Good call, commie.
I spent 6 months there
Giving them a water bottle and a sandwich for the ride back after border patrol picks them up is one thing. Pretending like you're running some self-righteous underground railroad is aiding and abetting criminal activity.
I've been to Colombia and stayed in Medellin for about a month and I had no such issue.
You were staying in MedellĂn, what more of an issue you want?
Yes it is, if you give or receive goods across the border that don't go through customs, you are technically smuggling.
>>giving support to the soldiers in the wooden horse
>than easily
>it's than not then in that situation
but user you're wrong. "than" is used when comparing things "bigger than" "less than" "more than" while "then" is used to denote conditions or past events "back then" "if X, then Y"
He also missed a comma before "then" but that's just nitpicking.
>rescuing your daughter from muslim rape gangs is illegal
What a world we live in
all those dubloons so close together and nobody else is checking them. RIP Sup Forums