ILLEGALs swarm outside Chuck Schumer's den of sin, in NY

ILLEGALs swarm outside Chuck Schumer's den of sin, in NY.

Breitbart news is live, go check (((Facebook))) or their website.

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It's ok, the wall around his house will protect him.

Bumping for interest.

Are they pissed at that Jew yet?



I really miss the live stream happenings from last year.

honestly OP, a link would have been that hard. fuck off and die faggot.

can som2 lonk meh

No, OP is faggen

>you will never watch blm burn down another city
Feels bad

(((Sup Forums))) thinks link is spam you brainless niggers.

Just go to jewbook and search breitbart, or go to daddy Google and search breitbart. Holy shit yall should have been whopped more as children.

It really is absolutely maddening that this can even happen, and half the country won't bat an eye. Invaders demand that their treasonous benefactors provide them blanket immunity from the laws of the country they literally invaded.

The Barbarians in the Roman Empire weren't this bold.

If DACA passes real patriots should begin ignoring whatever laws they please. There is no cogent argument against it. Amnesty creates an entire class of people not subject to the law. The Amercian people should not be slaves to a government that appeases literal invaders.

webm related

>illegal's turn to hoot and holler
call me back when they're trying to gas him

tagged and bagged bby



lol, their golems always end up turning on them




Where is ICE, this is a deport rich environment. Get on it boys, bring the busses.

link something you fat piece of shit.

Call ICE

Wait wtf is going on

A democrat dared to actually be reasonable with a republican.

We should call ICE and spread rumors that Schumer was the one that did it.

Are they protesting cause of caving or what?

Lmao. That's hilarious. Their golem is out of control now.

Here you go you shitty brainletts.

My ID changed because I'm on different wifi now.

Democrats virtue signalled and shut down the US government for illegal immigrants.

They saw their polls go down.

They blinked and reopened the government. Now their base of commies and illegals are upset.

Why isn't he letting them in? It's like he believes people who shouldn't be there aren't allowed or something.

Walls for me but not for thee.

Are they /ourhispanics/?

I am unironically one of the smartest posters on this board


Send in the tanks!

Can someone check if there is a stream on YouTube for me?

Dems need to stop protecting and aiding illegals because its treason. They are called illegals for a reason.



You are an absolute retard. Yes you can post links.

Can you help me with my math hmw???

If you're so smart, who are you?

>Dems need to stop protecting and aiding illegals because its treason. They are called illegals for a reason.

this desu

at this point I'm almost certain half our government along with the deep state is purposely trying to exhaust and eventually collapse our government so they can execute a communist takeover


I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as undocumented immigrants, are in fact, illegal aliens, or as I've recently taken to calling them, illegal occupants. Undocumented immigration is not an immigration system unto itself, but rather another illegal component of a fully functioning occupation system made powerful by the drug cartels, corrupt employers and black market components comprising a full threat to the lawful population.

Many Americans are affected by a modified version of the illegal immigration system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of illegal occupation which is widely used today is often called undocumented immigration, and many of its proponents are not aware that it is basically the illegal occupation system, developed by criminals.

There really are documents, and these people aren't using them, but it is just a part of the system they abuse. Documents are the law: the program in the country that allocates the country's resources to the other programs that the country runs. The documents are an essential part of an lawful country, but useless by themselves; they can only function in the context of a complete system of law. Documents are normally used in combination with the legal immigration system: the whole system is basically immigration with laws added, or legal immigration. All the so-called undocumented immigrants are really illegal occupants!

Gas the kike

This. We gotta fight back ASAP. Show them no mercy.

Can you repeat that in a coherent, cogent, defined manner please?

It'll be worse than Communism baby. It's a whole new monster we're facing. Less "egalitarian" at least.


This is too comfy guys.

wtf the sign is in Spanish?


>It'll be worse than Communism baby. It's a whole new monster we're facing. Less "egalitarian" at least.

Without question. It will most likely still have a lot of communist-like qualities though, as we can see with modern feminism, ableism, ageism, etc.

While cap does the job just fine, communism is a much better way to control the masses



link you cunts to a live feed no vod

Great, Ice knows exactly where they are.

>Criminals angry they can't live legally
How retarded do you have to be to believe you actually have a right to live in another country? Especially when breaking the law


I had this insight - /browns are too stupid/ to succeed in getting their own interests! A white pill. You're welcome.

I mean really, they pushed the Dems into falling flat on their faces with this govt. shutdown. Sure, they'll probably win eventually, but their stupidity pushes back the day.



I hope he gets lynched

>*ring ring ring ring* Hello Donald? Yeah it's chuck. How fast can you get these people out of here?


Get these fucking foreign invaders out of here.


not live fuck off shill

If Chuck won’t let us Dream, we won’t let him sleep! Powerful chorus at @SenSchumer’s house demanding a clean #DreamActNow! @UNITEDWEDREAM @MaketheRoadNY

5:10 PM - Jan 23, 2018
I love this beautiful country :))))))))))

Better hop to it, Chucky.

i fucking hate youtube, you have to verify your phone for 10+ min uploads


YO, what if illegal immigrants protested like this in Mexico? Wtf would happen? Asking for a friend


“Let us in to colonise your country!!!!”

Guatemalans would end up beheaded before they got around to protesting kek

live feed stream or nothing you insufferable cunts

lmfao can demoshits be any more pathetic? Do they even have a stable base of support anymore after this? Blue wave my ass.

Have a (you), fellow burger

If we can get the Mexicans to turn against the dems and form their own unlawful party, it will become painfully obvious the brainless white sympathizers that this is an invading horde of shit skins

is this the appropriate thread theme?

Schumer's a democrat, what did you expect.

I like how they chant in Spanish as if anyone is going to understand their point lmfao

Beaners are so dumb. They're also very proud of speaking a language that was imposed on them by Spaniard imperialists.

Chuck Schummer BTFO


The fucking spics are going after their pottery

> you will never again see live shipping on Shia or cucks twisted ride again

Why even live lads?

saving that, don't care what you say

Trump will only deport people who have done crikme.besides entering the cou try illegally till mid terms. Look at the Latinos ready to eat the dems. Why stop this? If he starts real deportations you'll see that do mom are everything and the dems will be protected.

He plays nice now and let's the dems bake till they ar e ready to cave on the lottery and chain migration.

no. Let them be. Let the slaves eat the master

keep telling urself that pablo
y'all spics will be gone soon

This. He has no one to blame but himself. And if that sounds cold consider the Americans who died thanks to Schumer's terrorism-enabling exoticism lottery immigration scheme.

Digits confirm yes.

Agree. Most people don't realize a law becomes unenforceable when as little as 5% to 10% of the public in an area says fuck it. Suppose every person did this for which ever laws they disliked. The country would fall into total chaos.

A better solution is to go after those who have been tormenting us. These illegals are victims themselves and have been used as tools to divide the population. They can be dealt with later. Don't lose focus on who our real tormentors are.


Quick. call ICE

